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Організація модульного курсового професійно-технічного навчання і підвищення кваліфікації робітників будівельного профілю: Автореф. дис... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04 / Марія Іванівна Михнюк ; Інститут педагогіки і психології професійної освіти АПН України. — К., 2006. — 21 с.: рис. — укp.

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Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч461.203
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Михнюк О. В. 
Методика розвитку рухових якостей курсантів засобами спортивного орієнтування у процесі фізичного виховання: автореферат дис. ... к. пед. н. : 13.00.02 / О. В. Михнюк. — Б.м., 2023 — укp.

Дисертацію присвячено проблемі формування психофізичної готовності курсантів ВВНЗ до майбутньої професійно-бойової діяльності шляхом обґрунтування, розробки та впровадження методики розвитку рухових якостей курсантів засобами спортивного орієнтування у процесі фізичного виховання. З цією метою нами було розкрито теоретико-методичні основи розвитку рухових якостей та формування військово-прикладних навичок курсантів засобами спортивного орієнтування у процесі фізичного виховання; досліджено ставлення курсантів до занять спортивним орієнтуванням, та його вплив на розвиток рухових якостей, військово-прикладних навичок; фізичний стан, здоров’я та динаміку психічних пізнавальних процесів курсантів; розроблено методику розвитку рухових якостей курсантів засобами спортивного орієнтування у процесі фізичного виховання та здійснено експериментальну перевірку її ефективності; обґрунтовано компоненти оцінювання психофізичної готовності курсантів до майбутньої професійно-бойової діяльності у процесі занять спортивним орієнтуванням.^UThe dissertation is devoted to the problem of the formation of psychophysical readiness of cadets of higher military educational institutions (HMEI) for future professional combat activities by substantiating, developing and implementing the methodology for the development of motor qualities cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education. For this purpose, we revealed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of motor qualities and the formation of military-applied skills of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education; the attitude of cadets to sports orienteering classes and its influence on the development of motor qualities, military-applied skills, physical condition, health and dynamics of mental cognitive processes of cadets were investigated; the methodology for the development of motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education was developed and substantiated, and an experimental verification of its effectiveness was carried out; the components of assessing the psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional combat activities in the course of sports orienteering are substantiated.In the first chapter “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of motor qualities and the formation of military-applied skills of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education” the requirements of modern combat activities for the development of motor qualities and the formation of military-applied skills of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in orienteering on the terrain are disclosed; the role and significance of applied military sports in ensuring the professional combat activity of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is characterized; the theoretical and methodological foundations of sports orienteering as a means of developing motor qualities and forming military-applied skills of cadets of are revealed; the place of sports orienteering in the system of physical education of cadets of HMEI is shown. In the second chapter “Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the methodology for the development of motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education” the methods and organization of scientific research are revealed; the results of the study of the motivational and value attitude of cadets to sports orienteering classes in the process of physical education are presented; the results of the analysis of the development of motor qualities and the formation of military-applied skills of cadets in the process of sports orienteering classes are given; indicators of physical condition and health of cadets in the course of sports orienteering classes are characterized; the dynamics of mental cognitive processes and mental capacity of cadets during sports orienteering classes were investigated; the methodology for the development of motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education is substantiated. The purpose of developed methodology is to form the psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional combat activities in the process of sports orienteering. A structural-functional model of the author’s methodology was developed, which consists of formative, meaningful and effective blocks. The methodology is implemented during four stages: basic, preparatory, main and military-applied, which are characterized by a scientifically based ratio of means of theoretical, general, special and applied physical training. In the third chapter “Checking the effectiveness of the methodology for the development of motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education”, the components of psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional combat activities in the process of sports orienteering classes are substantiated (psycho-cognitive, value-motivational, theoretical, practical, and military-applied) and presented the results of the study of the effectiveness of the methodology of developing motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education. Four levels of readiness of cadets were determined for each component: high, moderate, sufficient and low. The assessment was carried out on a traditional 100-point scale.Scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time: the methodology for the development of motor qualities of cadets by means of sports orienteering in the process of physical education was theoretically substantiated and developed.

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