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Модестова Т. В. 
Сучасні тенденції розвитку вищої освіти Великої Британії (друга пол. ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). / Т. В. Модестова. — Б.м., 2019 — укp.

У дисертаційному дослідженні теоретично узагальнено тазапропоновано нове вирішення наукової проблеми розвитку сучаснихтенденцій вищої освіти Великої Британії періоду другої половини ХХ –-початку ХХІ століття. Схарактеризовано вищу освіту Великої Британії якісторико-культурний феномен. Визначено та схарактеризовано етапи розвиткусучасної вищої освіти Великої Британії періоду другої половини ХХ – початкуХХІ століття. Виокремлено сучасні тенденції розвитку вищої освіти ВеликоїБританії на основі виявлених протиріч та обґрунтовано їх відповідно до метидослідження. Розроблено та обґрунтовано теоретичну модель підтримкиперсоналу закладів вищої освіти в часи змін на основі наукового аналізу теоріїта практики вищої школи Великої Британії в межах виокремленихтенденцій.Визначено та схарактеризовано перспективні шляхи імплементаціїуспішного досвіду вищої школи Великої Британії на базі вітчизняних закладіввищої освіти.^UThe thesis presents conceptual synthesis and a new approach to the problemof the current trends development at the UK higher education from the second halfof XX to the beginning of XXI century. The UK Higher education has beencharacterized as a cultural and historical phenomenon. The following stages havebeen studied: the establishment of the UK higher school from XII to VII century,further development progress from XVIII to the first half of XX century as well asthe modern period of functioning the UK system of higher education. Thepeculiarities and key factors of influence have been identified and characterized foreach of the mentioned above stages.The following trends of the UK higher education development at the modernstage have been found and described: internationalizing the UK universities inEnglish language dimension, innovations in the UK higher school, leadership of theUK higher education, social and communicative competencies of the UKuniversities' graduates. The following components of the mentioned above trendshave been characterized: professional training in English at higher educationalinstitutions, standards of English teaching, learning and assessment at higher school,international English language testing systems, student experience as a key outcomeof the UK graduates, openness of British higher education, holistic approach andacademic integrity, theory and practice of individual and team leadership, as well asHE leadership in times of changes, skills of effective communication, conflictssolution and interaction in small groups (teams), awareness about ethics in the areaof professional interaction, peculiarities of social perception and influence.The scientific analysis of the theory and practice of the UK higher school inthe context of the mentioned above trends has been done. Particularly, a theoreticalmodel of support for the staff of the higher education establishments in times ofchanges has been developed. It implies functioning on institutional and team levelsin correspondence with the following four stages: forming, storming, norming andperforming. The aim of the represented model has been identified as providing staffof universities with qualified support. The effective work of university staff at aninstitutional level and successful project implementation at a team level areconsidered as desired outcomesofimplementation of the mentioned above model.Cross-cutting studying as well as timely and comprehensive informing the staff,which is going through the process of significant transforming changes, have beenidentified as key factors of successful implementation of the model.The following perspective ways of implementation of the UK higher schoolgood practices on the basis of Ukrainian universities have been identified anddescribed in the thesis: increasing participation of Ukrainian universities ininternational projects focused on studying advanced educational practices,networking international partnership, building capacity of higher educationalinstitutions; improving qualification of university staff and students in the contextof the mentioned above trends of higher school development (through trainingprogrammes, schools, interтships, projects, on-line studying, etc.); cooperation withthe world academic community (particularly, on the basis of bilateral and tripartiteagreements, mutual scientific and educational activities), revitalization of students,teaching, academic and administrative staff (of middle and top levels) as well asother stakeholders who are interested in building capacity of Ukrainian universities(particularly, through establishing dialogues with state bodies and businessorganizations, developing initiatives and implementing projects aimed at improvingoperation of universities and education area in common); involving all the levels ofinstitutional structure (top and middle administrative staff, teaching and academicrepresentatives as well as students) as project teams; implementing broaderinterdisciplinary approach and practical component into curricular aimed at trainingcompetitive graduates on the basis of Ukrainian universities.

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