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Літкевич А. М. 
Управління розвитком конкурентоспроможності загальноосвітнього навчального закладу / А. М. Літкевич. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

В диссертационном исследовании проведен анализ сущности конкурентоспособности заведения общего среднего образования (далее ЗОСО) и управления развитием этим феноменом. Установлено, что конкурентоспособность ЗОСО отличается от трактовки конкурентоспособности в экономических науках, конкретизировано содержание понятия «конкурентоспособность учебных заведений» и определено содержание понятия «управление развитием конкурентоспособностью ЗОСО». Определены элементы управления конкурентоспособностью ЗОСО. Построена модель управления развитием конкурентоспособностью ЗОСО, на основании факторно-критериальной субмодели определены характеристики уровней конкурентоспособности ЗОСО, что позволяет принять адекватные управленческие решения и влиять на развитие конкурентоспособности ЗОСО. Ключевые^UPh.D. thesis is devoted to the development of competitive management of an educational institution. This research analyzes the philosophical and social basis of competitiveness of General Secondary Educational Institutions and the management of development of this phenomenon. In particular, it was found that the competitiveness management of an educational institution should be based on a strategic management methodology. The research determinates that a qualitative indicator of the activity of General Secondary Educational Institution, which affects its level of competitiveness, is the continuous support for innovation in the management of the Educational Institution. The principle of innovation in managing the competitiveness of the General Secondary Educational Institution must be ensured through the support of pedagogical innovations, creative initiatives and creativity by school's management. It was found that the competitiveness of General Secondary Educational Institution differs from the generally accepted in the economic sciences the interpretation of competitiveness, because it is characterized by its multifunctional nature and extended range of activities, which provides not only purely economic, competitive aspects of competition, but also various forms of cooperation strategies and tasks with other Educational Institutions, government agencies and businesses, employers and more. On the basis of a series of researches summarizing existing definitions and the competitiveness of organizations and enterprises in different fields of knowledge clarified the concept of «competitiveness of Educational Institutions» and defined the concept of «competitiveness of General Secondary Educational institutions». In particular, «competitiveness of Educational Institution» is defined as a complex characteristic of educational organizations in specific market conditions and for a certain period of time, which lies in the available and potential abilities (opportunities) to provide an appropriate level of educational services that meet the needs of society for training highly qualified personnel and contribute to the formation of key competences and increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market, and the educational establishment itself is in demand among consumers of educational services and is constantly evolving due to the interdependent and interrelated processes of comprehensive cooperation and competitiveness (competitiveness) between it and other educational institutions in order to achieve the most favorable positions in the market of educational services at the expense of a number of inexpensive aimed at: improvement of consumer characteristics and increase of consumer value of educational services; focus on the unmet demand and current prospects of development; design and development of new pedagogical services and programs, educational technology innovations in the organization of training others. Determined that the controls are designed to ensure a high level of competitiveness General Secondary Educational institutions are: the educational process; marketing and financial and economic component; innovative management strategies and advanced educational technologies; organizational and corporate culture; strategic-management component; logistical and technological provision of the educational process; staff competitiveness. Substantiated the thesis that technology usage model of development management General Secondary Educational institutions competitiveness based on the creation and implementation of complex innovations for the continuous quality assurance of educational services and increased competitiveness educational organization (educational institution). One of these innovative technologies for organizing the targeted activities of the subjects of the educational process is project management, which can be used to implement management models in the practical work of the General Secondary Educational institutions.

Шифр НБУВ: 05 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Завгородній Р. В. 
Стратегія удосконалення ресурсоефективності в нафтогазовому секторі економіки України / Р. В. Завгородній. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук по специальности 08.00.03 – экономика и управление национальным хозяйством. – Классический приватный университет, Запорожье, 2020.Диссертация посвящена систематизации теоретических основ и обосновании практических рекомендаций по развитию направлений и стратегий ресурсоэффективности в нефтегазовом секторе экономики Украины.Усовершенствовано определение понятия «ресурсоэффективная стратегия», которое рассматривается как долгосрочный комплекс направлений деятельности, позволяющий обеспечивать конкурентные преимущества, реагировать на изменение внешней среды, рационально использовать ресурсы с применением инновационных технологий. Предложена трактовка понятия «стратегия отрасли» как комплекса мероприятий, целевых программ, которые ориентированы на определение приоритетов и направлений формирования ресурсоэффективности отрасли, обеспечение ее динамичного развития. Предложена концепция формирования ресурсоэффективних стратегий отрасли, которая позволяет осуществлять диагностику и мониторинг для своевременного реагирования по оценке эффективности разработанных стратегий развития отрасли.Исследованы тенденции и приоритеты развития нефтегазового сектора Украины. Проанализированы государственное регулирование и факторы определения ресурсных потребностей в нефтегазовом секторе.^UDissertation is devoted to the systematization of theoretical foundations and the substantiation of practical recommendations for the development of resource efficiency strategies in the oil and gas sector of Ukraine's economy.The author has improved the definition of «resource-efficient strategy» – as a long-term set of activities that provide competitive advantage, respond to changes in the external environment, rational use of resources using innovative technologies and proposes to define the «strategy of the industry» as a set of measures, targeted programs that focus on determining the priorities and directions of development of resource efficiency of the industry, ensuring its dynamic development.The author proposed the concept of forming resource-efficient strategies of the industry, which also allows diagnosing and monitoring for timely detection of effective strategies. The author investigated the trends and priorities of development of the gas and oil sectors of Ukraine and analyzed government regulation and analysis of factors determining resource needs in the oil and gas sector.We have developed a model for diagnosing resource efficiency (IRE) in the oil and gas sector of the Ukrainian economy, and price equilibrium scenarios in the oil and gas sector using the Leontief intersectoral model. An economic assessment of the consequences of resource conservation was conducted based on the IRE model.

Шифр НБУВ: 05 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

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