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Ідобаєва А. Л. 
Управління ризиками діяльності промислових підприємств / А. Л. Ідобаєва. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

У дисeртaції таведено нове вирішення таукової проблеми управління ризиками діяльності промислових підприємств шляхом oбґрунтувaння теоретико-методичних зaсaд та наданням практичних рекомендацій щодо використання концептуального підходу до управління ризиками діяльності промислового підприємства. Проаналізовано науковий доробок, охарактеризовано стан та уточнено понятійний апарат процесу управління ризиками діяльності промислового підприємства. Здійснено аналіз методологічних аспектів формування комплексної системи управління ризиками промислового підприємства. Сформульовано та обґрунтовано концептуальний підхід до управління ризиками діяльності промислового підприємства; методологія оцінювання ефективності процесу управління ризиками діяльності промислового підприємства. Розроблено науково-практичні рекомендації.^UThe dissertation provides a new solution to the scientific problem of using the conceptual approach to the risk management of the industrial enterprise, according to which the risk management system is the central component of the process of strategic management of the enterprise aimed at ensuring efficiency, stability, development, competitive positions and advantages of the enterprise at various stages of its development by adopting effective and optimal operational and strategic managerial decisions, the use of effective management methods as a result of a quick and flexible response to interconnected external and domestic existing and potential challenges, threats and risks found on the results of their continuous integrated monitoring and evaluation, in order to achieve the objectives of the enterprise with high-quality information support; effective prejudice and anti-crisis tools, a plan of action and methods of responding in the event of unforeseen circumstances.In order to assess the effectiveness of the risk management process of the industrial enterprise, a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the risk management process of the industrial enterprise, which should be carried out on such principles: the assessment is based on the calculation of the integral indicator of the effectiveness of the risk management process that is calculated on the basis of financial indicators that are adjusted on non-financial indicators that characterize the quality of risk management process; The scale of identification of the level ofefficiency of the risk management process in accordance with the efficiency of risk management process, which allows you to immediately identify effective and optimal management decisions, effective management methods.In order to improve the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the risk management process of the industrial enterprise, an improved integral indicator of assessment of the effectiveness of the risk management process of the industrial enterprise, calculated on the basis of financial indicators of its activities, adjusted to the value of the indicator calculated by the results of calculating non-financial indicators of the quality of risk management process, who take into account existing causal relationships and impacts of risk management process.The list of principles that should be based on the risk management process of the industrial enterprise: management decision regarding the level of risk should be economically literate and comprehensively weighed; risk management should be carried out within the framework of the entire system, all levels of management of an industrial enterprise (strategic, tactical, operational); In the process of preparation and implementation of managerial influence, solutions must be based on a qualitative (sufficient, reliable, comprehensive) information provision obtained from systemicand non-systemic, external and internal sources of information; When managing risks, it is necessary to take into account not only the target settings and features of the business processes of an industrial enterprise, but also objective characteristics of external (including legal, tax and competition) environments; Industrial enterprise risk management should be systematic; When managing risks it is necessary to carrya retrospective, operational and predicted analysis of solutions.The classification of the risks of activity of an industrial enterprise for the convenience of their practical application and division by the following features: by the nature of the accounting, in the course of occurrence, in terms of occurrence, in the sphere of origin, according to the stage of occurrence, in duration.

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