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Білоус О. Ю. 
Державне регулювання трансферу наукових знань як чинник інноваційного розвитку національної економіки / О. Ю. Білоус. — Б.м., 2023 — укp.

Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню актуальної проблеми розробки та обґрунтування теоретико-методичних положень та науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо державного регулювання трансферу наукових знань як чинника інноваційного розвитку національної економіки.Обґрунтовано теоретико-концептуальні засади трансферу наукових знань в умовах формування економіки знань, розроблено інтерактивну модель регулювання трансферу наукових знань.Здійснено оцінку трансферу знань як інтерактивної діяльності та оцінку ефективності бюджетних витрат на науку, на основі чого виявлено резерви збільшення обсягу реалізованої інноваційної продукції в Україні.Розроблено концептуальні засади державного регулювання трансферу наукових знань, зокрема, систему інструментів стимулювання взаємодії стейкхолдерів трансферу знань; запропоновано заходи і пропозиції щодо удосконалення регулювання трансферу наукових знань в економіку України, розглянуто шляхи удосконалення моніторингу трансферу наукових знань в Україні як інструмент підвищення ефективності його державного регулювання.^UThe thesis is devoted to the decision of an actual problem of development and substantiation of theoretical and methodical positions and scientific and practical recommendations concerning the state regulation of scientific knowledge transfer as the factor of innovative development of the national economy.Conceptual bases of research of the scientific knowledge transfer in the conditions of formation of the knowledge economy are substantiated, in particular, modern theoretical approaches to the formation of a knowledge economy; theoretical approaches to the transformation of the field of scientific research during the transition to the knowledge economy; typology of types of knowledge and emphasis on the special role of tacit knowledge; the evolution of models of the innovation process during the transition to the knowledge economy.A linear and interactive models of the state regulation of scientific knowledge transfer into the national economy are developed, which are based on the nature, types and characteristics of the knowledge that is transferred, characteristics of the process of knowledge creation and transfer, mechanisms and channels of knowledge transfer, approaches to state regulation of the of scientific knowledge transfer.An assessment of knowledge transfer as interactive activity was carried out by assessing the cooperation of scientific institutions and enterprises, assessment of the state of the transfer of scientific knowledge created at the expense of budget funds, assessment of the activities of technology transfer offices, assessment of the state of knowledge transfer in scientific institutions and higher education institutions.The evaluation of the efficiency of investments in the scientific sphere was carried out on the basis of the "expenditure-output" model of the "knowledge production function", based on which the reserves for increasing the volume of sold innovative products in Ukraine are identified.The main factors determining the use of a system of tools for stimulating the transfer of scientific knowledge to the national economy based on an interactive model have been identified, which include: levels of regulation (supranational, national, regional, institutional); knowledge transfer channels (protection of intellectual property rights, joint research, mobility of scientists, creation of spin-off companies); the latest regulatory trends (digital transformation, moving away from linear models of regulation to interactive ones, moving away from static in favor of dynamic practices); diversification of tools (depending on the competitive advantages of the country, scientific sphere, industries).Based on the systematization of tools for stimulating the interaction of stakeholders in the transfer of scientific knowledge, the system of regulating the transfer of scientific knowledge to the economy of Ukraine was analyzed, and measures for its improvement were proposed based on the interactive model of knowledge transfer.It was established that the improvement of activities in the field of scientific knowledge transfer in Ukraine should take place through the implementation of the provisions of the interactive model of regulation, which consists in the introduction of financial and regulatory stimulation of the interaction of knowledge transfer stakeholders, as well as a system of tools for creating a favorable environment for the exchange and joint creation of knowledge.The analysis of the system of evaluation and monitoring of scientific knowledge transfer in Ukraine showed the dominance of narrow views on the transfer of knowledge; great importance is given to the measurement of knowledge transfer by means of transferred intellectual property rights. In this regard, it is proposed to join the pan-European integrated system of knowledge transfer assessment, which will create incentives for scientific institutions to develop this activity according to the highest global standards, move away from the linear model of knowledge transfer, increase economic efficiency and return on science.Key words: scientific knowledge transfer, innovative development of national economy, state regulation of the scientific knowledge transfer, interactive model of the scientific knowledge transfer regulation.

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