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Данько В. В. 
Формування інноваційної системи управління закладами охорони здоров'я / В. В. Данько. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертацію присвячено комплексному дослідженню теоретично-методичних і прикладних проблем щодо формування інноваційної системи управління закладами охорони здоров'я.Розглянуто сутність та особливості управління підприємствами. Досліджено специфіку забезпечення управління закладами охорони здоров'я. Визначено основні функції сфери охорони здоров'я в контексті стратегії розвитку національних систем охорони здоров'я та основні завдання стосовно функції надання медичних послуг. Узагальнено основні організаційні принципи формування системи громадського здоров'я.Запропонований механізм розробки та реалізації конкурентних стратегій в системі управління закладами охорони здоров'я передбачає вивчення умов, відповідно до яких обрана стратегія забезпечує конкурентні переваги підприємству на ринку медичних послуг. Удосконалено науково-методичний підхід щодо обґрунтування управлінських рішень стосовно вибору стратегії співробітництва закладу охорони здоров'я у сфері інновацій.Удосконалено науково-методичний підхід щодо комплексного оцінювання рівня розвитку закладів охорони здоров'я, який базується на дослідженні зміни рівня конкурентоспроможності окремого підприємства в динаміці за визначеною сукупністю показників та з урахуванням коливань у середині досліджуваної групи закладів охорони здоров'я.^UThe thesis is devoted to a comprehensive research of theoretical and methodological and applied problems as for the formation of an innovative management system of health care facilities.In the thesis the essence and features of enterprise management of today's unstable business environment. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the set tasks of the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management in the conditions of innovative development should be understood as a system of methods, principles, levers and functions of managing the efficiency of formation, transformation and use of all resources of the enterprise, goals and strategies of enterprise development, taking into account the specifics of its operation and the impact of environmental factors.The specifics of ensuring the management of health care facilities have been researched. The main functions of the health care sector in the context of the strategy for the development of national health care systems and the main tasks related to the function of providing health services are identified. The main organizational principles of public health system formation are generalized.It is substantiated that domestic health care institutions to ensure the permanent growth of the quality of medical services and achieve a high level of competitiveness in Ukraine and abroad in general need to ensure the formation and implementation of effective organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management in terms of innovative development, separation of subordination relations between the components formed on the basis of specific features and features of rendering of medical services that will allow to increase efficiency of their management.It is substantiated that for the effective development of a new system-balanced health care system is the necessary condition of the successful implementation of administrative-territorial reform and local government reform. Also, as the development of health care is one of the main indicators of sustainable development of the country, the creation and development of the e-health environment will not only increase the efficiency of the health care system, but also the development of related ranges.It is substantiated for the introduction permanent processes of improving the efficiency of health care facilities it is necessary to ensure the development of an objective methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of enterprises in symbiosis with the construction of sound forecast scenarios in an unstable internal and external business environment.It was detected that the innovative development of health care facilities should be characterized as a new model of organization and provision of affordable health care based on innovation, characterized by strategic decisions in innovation at all hierarchical levels of the national economy. In the proposed conceptual model of the formation of the organizational structure of health care management, four levels of externality of internal and external management entities are identified, taking into account the comparison of factors influencing the capital of skills.The proposed mechanism of developing and implementing competitive strategies in the management system of health care facilities involves the study of the conditions under which the chosen strategy provides a competitive advantage to the company in the market of medical services.According to the results of the research using the methods of econometric modeling and expert assessment of leading experts in the field of education, local executive bodies, trade unions, the degree of influence of basic medical and economic indicators on the number of newly registered cases in the Kherson region.The scientific and methodological approach to substantiation of management decisions regarding the choice of strategy for cooperation of health care institutions in the field of innovation has been improved.The scientific and methodological approach to comprehensive assessment of the level of development of health care facilities has been improved, which is based on the study of changes in the level of competitiveness of individual enterprises in the dynamics of a certain set of indicators and taking into account fluctuations in the study group.

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