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Довжук Н. Ш. 
Психолого-педагогічний супровід пропедевтичної професійної адаптації майбутніх викладачів медико-біологічних дисциплін в умовах магістратури / Н. Ш. Довжук. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

У дисертації вперше науково обґрунтовано, розроблено та експеримен-тально перевірено і впроваджено психолого-педагогічний супровід пропедев¬тичної професійної адаптації майбутніх викладачів медико-біологічних дисциплін в умовах магістратури у закладах вищої освіти. Обґрунтовано зміст і структуру пропедевтичної професійної адаптації, розроблено й упроваджено модель психолого-педагогічного супроводу пропедевтичної професійної адаптації майбутніх викладачів медико-біологічних дисциплін в умовах магістратури. Для підтвердження ефективності впровадження моделі проведено педагогічний експеримент, реалізовано науково-методичний супровід тренінгового експериментального навчання. За результатами формувального етапу експерименту здійснено діагностику рівнів пропедевтичної професійної адаптації майбутніх викладачів медико-біологічних дисциплін в контрольній та експериментальній групах. Аналіз експериментальних даних підтверджує позитивну динаміку та ефективність моделі психолого-педагогічного супроводу майбутніх викладачів медико-біологічних дисциплін в умовах магістратури і забезпечує прогнозований результат відповідно до гіпотези дослідження.^UIn the dissertation for the first time scientifically substantiated, developed and experimentally tested and implemented psychological and pedagogical support of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of the master's degree in higher educational establishments. The content and structure of the propaedeutic professional based on the integrated application of the humanistic, axiological, systemic, competence, activity and personality-oriented approaches to the organization of master's training and self-organization in education and professional development. The model of psycho-pedagogical support of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of master's degree in higher educational establishments is developed and implemented. It has been established that qualitative professional training of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines ensures their adaptation to scientific and pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions, which is a necessary condition for successful professional activity – medical and biological preparation of students. The scientific substantiation includes: definition of the structure and content, psychological and pedagogical conditions, development and implementation of a model of psychological and pedagogical support of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in higher educational. The content of psychological and pedagogical support of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of a master's degree encompasses the theoretical foundations of the personal self-concept of professional formation, professional motivation, psychological and pedago¬gical principles of professional development and self-development of personality in conditions of scientific and pedagogical and research activity in higher educational establishments, psychophysiology, psychology yen labor, formation of professional competence of the teacher of biological and medical sciences, psychological and educational reflection, introspection and professional motivation for further profes¬sional growth and creative professional development, education professional success. Based on the realized theoretical analysis and empirical research in the process of the recording experiment, we have identified the structural components of the professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of master's training in higher educational institutions: axiological-value, cognitive, operational-technological and activity-reflexive. According to the components of the structure, the criteria of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines of higher educational establishments and the formation of personal competence of professional adaptation to scientific and pedagogical activity. The basic concepts for substantiation of methodical support for providing of knowledge of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines of higher educational establishments are defined; the complex method of diagnostics and monitoring of propaedeutic professional adaptation in the process of master's training is developed. According to the results of the forming stage of the experiment, a control section was conducted, a level diagnosis was carried out and a positive dynamics of propaedeutic professional adaptation of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of master's training in the control and experimental groups. The analysis of empirical data confirms the effectiveness of implementation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers of medical and biological disciplines in the conditions of the master's degree.

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