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Карнаух А. С. 
Спортивні комунікації: медійність та соціальне конструювання спорту / А. С. Карнаух. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

У дисертації розкрито суть поняття «спортивні комунікації». Запропоновано тлумачення поняття «медійність у спорті». Визначено сутність поняття «соціальне конструювання спорту». Досліджено сучасний стан спортивної сфери та виокремлено характерні риси, які впливають на формування іміджу спорту в Україні в системі спортивних комунікацій. Описано типи комунікаційних мереж. Обґрунтовано, що модель спортивних комунікацій SIMCM можна використовувати в Україні, але вона буде більш змістовною, якщо до основних восьми елементів додати складові Гуманістичної моделі маркетингу 4Е (етика, естетика, емоції, прихильність). Запропоновано когнітивну модель, яка надає змогу побачити чинники впливу, поділені на такі категорії з урахуванням їх впливу на систему загалом: цільовий, який є основою цього дослідження й головною складовою системи; керівні вершини, за допомогою цих чинників можна впливати на систему; чинники-індикатори, які демонструють розвиток об'єкта дослідження та інших показників у системі. Удосконалено сценарний аналіз впливу чинників на формування стратегії розвитку спортивних комунікацій. Застосовуючи когнітивний підхід та сценарний аналіз, отримано три сценарії розвитку спортивних комунікацій. Обґрунтовано впровадження сценаріїв розвитку спортивних комунікацій у межах концепції Стратегії розвитку спорту 2020–2030 рр. На основі дослідження досвіду зарубіжних країн із застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у спортивних комунікаціях визначено ключові критерії функціонування системи.^UThe field of sports is an area that is rapidly developing and operating under the influence of many factors. Sports industry participants are constantly interacting using a variety of media. At present, sports communications are a kind of link between consumers of sports products and sports institutions, organizations and companies. The purpose of sports communications is not only to perform the economic function of sports, but also to ensure social effect. Thus, the social function that the sporting industry is supposed to perform is taking place. Sports communications enable companies to make a profit on time (the financial component of sports communications) and at the same time motivate citizens to take up professional or mass sports and increase their interest in healthy and sporting life (social construction of the sports industry).That is why there is a need for further development of theoretical and scientific and methodological provisions on the evaluation and formation of directions of sports development communications aimed at identifying and utilizing those benefits that will contribute to positive development.The purpose of the research is theoretical and practical substantiation of sports strategic directions communications development. The object of study is the process of sports communications development. The subject of the research is theoretical and practical support for the substantiation of the sports communications development scenarios.The dissertation describes the concept of «sports communications» as an interchange between the parties: receiving and sending information – with the aim of creating, disseminating and consuming sports messages and enabling to identify the main components of the conceptual foundations of the sports communications development.The modern state of the sports field has been investigated and the characteristic features that influence the formation of the image of sport in Ukraine in the system of sports communications have been highlighted. Types of communication networks are considered. As a result, all the participants of communication are connected by means of setting up information flows.It is justified that the SIMCM sports communications model can be used in Ukraine, but it will be more meaningful if you add the components of the Humanistic 4E Marketing Model (Ethics, Aesthetics, Emotions, Affection) to the basic eight elements. These components will give a broader picture of modern thinking in the sports communications system.A cognitive model is proposed that allows us to see the factors of influence divided into the following categories, taking into account their impact on the system as a whole: the target factor, which is the basis of our research and the main component of the system; control vertices, these factors can influence the system; indicator factors that demonstrate the development of the research object and other indicators in the system.Scenario analysis of the influence of factors on the development of sports communications development strategy has been improved. Using a cognitive approach and scenario analysis, three scenarios of sports communications development were obtained.The introduction of sports communication development scenarios within the concept of the Sport Development Strategy 2020–2030 is substantiated.Exploring the experience of foreign countries in the use of information and communication technologies in sports communications, we can identify the key criteria for the functioning of the system, which are clearly traceable.In Ukraine, it is important to focus on the development of sports communications between the population and local authorities. As a result of this interaction, it is necessary to establish long-term relationships that will provide equal opportunities for sports and active recreation for all residents, regardless of their gender, age, religion or race, level of physical fitness and income. Particular attention should be paid to people with special needs and needy families and large families.Therefore, it is necessary to support at the state level sports organizations that hold free sports events, disseminate information on the availability of parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and other places where people can engage in not only professional but also mass sports. The social component of sports communications can be expressed through the support of organizations that promote healthy and sporting lifestyles through their activities.Adapting the domestic model of sports communications organization, which will allow timely notification to the public of current local sports programs and other sports activities, it is possible to take as a basis the European model of sports and to integrate public funds and sponsorship in the system of financing of this field.

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