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Колінько М. В. 
Топологія міжкультурної комунікації / М. В. Колінько. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

У дисертації здійснено системне дослідження соціально-топологічної методології міжкультурної комунікації і розроблено відповідну когнітивну модель топосфери міжкультурної взаємодії. Систематизовано топологічні варіанти сприйняття соціальним суб'єктом культурних меж і місцезнаходження міжкультурної комунікації у соціальному просторі. Розкрито потенціал поняття «між» як артикуляції динаміки міжкультурної комунікації, можливостей її переконфігурації і переструктурування. Запропоновано нову соціально-філософську інтерпретацію урбанізації міжкультурних взаємин, яка пов'язана із перетворенням анонімних і гетеротопічних культурних просторів на значущі місця з соціокультурним навантаженням, з активізацією міграційних і туристичних форм комунікації, з виникненням сучасних моделей соціокультурного номадизму. Подано комплекс стратегій міжкультурної комунікації, що спрямовані на конструювання оптимального розвитку комунікації представників різних культур, які прогнозують її результат.^UThe thesis contains first systematic study of the socio-topological methodology of intercultural communication with the relevant cognitive model of the intercultural interaction toposphere. The categorical framework of social topology has been elaborated. It has been noted that any social structure is determined by the topology of the environment. Topological dimension implies the consideration of phenomena of intercultural communication in the system of their ties with the environment, and associated phenomena that affect the change of meaning and limits of the phenomenon. It has been found that the equivalence between the topological form of the object and the object itself exists until its transformations destroy the core of stable social relations. The thesis reveals the topology of contemporary culture and provides a methodological socio-philosophical basis for the spatial analysis of intercultural communication. The system of concepts of cultural topology has been suggested. Intercultural communication is approached as an open dynamic system, which is determined by a set of intercultural interactions. If significant elements of this intercultural set fall out of the network of relations, its network shape becomes destroyed, and a new cultural form appears as a result of morphogenesis. The social topology points at the analysis of the flowing objects, changing in the cultural and symbolic dimension, which include intercultural communication; these objects are drifting constantly, and making new configurations of relations, “rearrange” themselves depending on the cultural components.Identifying the cultural territory as home or foreign leads to an analysis of the topology of the interaction of subjects in the home or foreign territory for one of them, and more rarely, when in the common territory. Topological variants of arrangement of intercultural communication in social dimension have been systematized: 1) in the home territory of one of the interacting parties (in the foreign territory for the other party); 2) in a foreign territory for all participants of communication; 3) when location is not placement, but movement (dynamic communication dimension which does not belong to either party); 4) in the common territory (border communication: frontier, border-zone).A new socio-philosophical interpretation of urbanization of intercultural relations has been proposed, which is connected with the transformation of anonymous and heterotopic cultural dimensions into important places with anthropological and sociocultural capacity, with the activation of migration and tourist forms of communication, and emergence of modern models of sociocultural nomadism. The nomad's way of being meets modern sociocultural, economic, and political challenges. Deterritorialization, spatial fragmentation, and dispersion, continuous impact of the uncertainty and the need to reconstruct their identity make the nomad realize their place in the world not as in a shelter, House, a closed location, but as an open transnational meeting dimension, where one may produce new meaning, rules, and values. The research program of nomadism provides tools for analysis of the intercultural interaction in the social environment of migrants, displaced people, and digital nomads. In particular, it is an important resource for the socio-philosophical reflection on the problem of illegal migrants and other forms of subjectivity, which are actually included in a particular society but do not belong to it formally.The thesis provides a set of intercultural communication strategies aimed at shaping of the best possible communication development between representatives of different cultures, and predicting its result. Common approximation and distance strategies have been defined. Strategies of rapprochement: hospitality, domestication, cultural transition and homecoming have been conceptualized. Methodological extrapolation of domestication to the phenomena of intercultural communication has been carried out. Its importance as a factor of implementation of the goals of intercultural communication has been proved.

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