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Маранчак М. М. 
Стратегії репутаційного інтернет-маркетингу публічних бібліотек України / М. М. Маранчак. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертація присвячена дослідженню актуальних стратегій репутаційного інтернет-маркетингу публічних бібліотек України. Апробованими інтернетстратегіями підвищення репутації бібліотеки є піднесення якості сервісу обслуговування усіх категорій користувачів; цілеспрямована активність у соціальних мережах та планомірна підготовка прес-релізів та інших видів PRактивностей. Скоординована реалізація кожного зі складників антикризового потенціалу (фінансовий, трудовий або кадровий, організаційно-управлінський, інформаційний, маркетинговий) сприятиме ефективному формуванню оптимальному репутаційному інтернет-маркетингу публічних бібліотек в умовах кризових явищ. Онлайн-обличчям бібліотеки є її сайт, який повинен бути структурованим, без зайвих інформаційних перевантажень.Сучасними дієвими інструментами є нові медіа соціальні мережі Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube тощо. Використання product placement сприяє формуванню позитивного емоційного ставлення до бібліотеки, особливо серед молодіжної аудиторії.Ключові слова: маркетинг, інтеграція, антикризовий маркетинг, репутація, імідж, репутація бібліотеки, онлайн-репутація бібліотеки, вебсайт бібліотеки, соціальні мережі, бренд-маркетинг, інформаційний простір, цифровізація, коронавірус COVID-19.^UThe dissertation is devoted to the research of reputational digitalmarketing strategies public libraries of Ukraine.Reputation as a dynamic phenomenon that undergoes technical and technological influences and transformational reflection of society must always meet the requirements of the time and build on the latest advances in science, that is the modern model of integrated strategy of reputable digital marketing of public libraries is objectified -communication technologies.A key component of library marketing of domestic public libraries is a complementary approach, because, on the one hand, it is a thorough and comprehensive study of requests and preferences, focusing on maximum satisfaction of information needs of users, personalized service delivery, and on the other – active influence on demand for these services own formation of needs. The marketing activities of the library are based on the principle of creating and providing products and services that are in demand by users. Strategies used by libraries in traditional (offline) marketing activities are: advertising and promotional activities (oral, visual – posters, booklets, etc., media relations, direct sales (paid services). Remote (online) marketing communications strategy is based on the use of modern communication tools: a library site, a page in popular social networks and video services, blogs, podcasts.Today, public libraries actively use PR-technologies to create a positive image, because well-prepared advertising texts and programs can radically change the perception of the readership. Particular attention needs to be paid to the dissemination of positive information about the activities of libraries through the preparation of booklets, sights, speeches.The use of product placement, especially among young audiences, contributes to the formation of a positive emotional attitude to the library, allows not only to advertise the book collection, causing increased interest among potential readers.Proven online reputation-building strategies to help the library compete for positive content in search engines are to improve service for all categories of users, but close attention should be paid to people with special needs; purposeful activity in social networks and systematic preparation of press releases and other types of PRactivities aimed at growing the reputation and positive image of the library.The work of libraries on social networks is a calling card of the book collection, promotion of its services and presentation of activities. The content of the page - the content – is what attracts attention, for which new users subscribe to the profile of the book collection. Content should be relevant, informative, creative, interesting to users of the appropriate age category.Online reputation management tools not only allow you to control the quality of search results about the library, but also achieve the following results: increasing the trust of the target audience, increasing the number of users, strengthening the image, regular development of the book collection brand and more.An effective area of reputable digital marketing is the monitoring of references to the library or events that it organizes or participates, library professionals, library services and services. The main benefit of SERM for libraries is the enhancement of their reputation as the most valuable intangible asset.Another effective digital marketing tool in the promotion of library and information products, services and services is e-mail marketing – a strategy for building modern communication with users, which is based on sending e-mails.The analyzed tools of reputable Internet marketing of public libraries allowed to state that modern Internet technologies open before librarians in daily work in the conditions of digital transformations huge opportunities in comfortable provision of information to all segments of the population, because the digital world should be accessible to all users no matter where they are.Key words: marketing, integration, crisis marketing, reputation, image, library reputation, online library reputation, library website, social networks, brand marketing, information space, digitalization, coronavirus COVID-19.

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