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Нігородова С. А. 
Методика оцінювання екологічних загроз та ризиків регіону з використанням аерокосмічних технологій та експертних оцінок / С. А. Нігородова. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Диссертационная работа посвящена повышению эффективности оценки экологических угроз и рисков регионов за счет комплексного применения аэрокосмических технологий и экспертных оценок. Разработана методика экологического оценивания окружающей среды для прогнозирования экологических угроз и рисков с использованием системного подхода. Предложены следующие технологии: технология экологического оценивания окружающей среды, технология прогнозирования экологических процессов на основе системного подхода, технология оценки экологических рисков системы земледелия. Оценена эффективность технологии создания и применения систем экологического мониторинга природных и техногенно опасных объектов. Оценена эффективность применения региональной системы комплексного мониторинга окружающей среды (на примере Днепровской области). Оценена эффективность основных проектных решений по системам комплексного мониторинга окружающей среды локального (городского) уровня (на примере городов Каменское и Желтые Воды Сичеславской области). Осуществлен анализ опыта создания систем комплексного мониторинга окружающей среды (на примере г. Каменское). Оценена эффективность применения геоинформационной системы государственного мониторинга окружающей среды (на примере г. Винница и Винницкой области), применения комплексной экологической ГИС (на примере г. Кривой Рог).Ключевые слова: аэрокосмические технологии, экологическая безопасность, экологические риски, экспертная оценка, опасность регионов, оценки экологических угроз, техногенные и природные чрезвычайные ситуации, управление экологической безопасностью.^UThe dissertation is devoted to increase of the efficiency of estimation of ecological threats and risks of the regions due to the complex application of aerospace technologies and expert assessments.A methodology for the implementation of environmental assessment for the development of environmental threats and risks using a systematic approach is developed. Technologies are proposed: implementation of ecological environmental assessment, forecasting of ecological processes on the basis of a systematic approach, assessment of ecological risks of the farming system. The method of realization of ecological estimation of vegetation plot and the method of choosing the location of construction site of ecologically dangerous object on the basis of system approach is offered. The technique of systematic forecasting of the consequences of discharge (release) of hazardous substances in accidents at industrial facilities and transport has been improved, as well as the method of estimating the risk of damage to the population by hazardous substances in accidents at high-risk facilities. The technology of environmental risk assessment of man-made hazardous objects has been developed.The technique of ecological safety management with the help of ecological monitoring system is offered. The structure of the hazard (risk) management system is developed and the principles of management and normalization of environmental risks are substantiated. Mechanisms for regulating the ecological safety of man-made objects and the environment are substantiated. Management decisions were optimized to prevent environmental accidents and environmental emergencies. The technology of solving the problems of optimal costs for managing the environmental risk of emergencies, as well as the planning of measures for ensuring environmental safety in the system of environmental monitoring, is proposed.The effectiveness of the technology of creation and application of environmental monitoring systems for natural and man-made objects is evaluated. The effectiveness of the application of the existing system of environmental monitoring with obtaining the results of observations of the state of environmental pollution, emissions, discharges and waste, their accumulation is evaluated. The effectiveness of the application of the regional system of integrated environmental monitoring (based on the example of the Dnieper region) was evaluated. The effectiveness of the main design decisions on systems of integrated monitoring of the local (city) level environment (on the example of the cities of Kamyanskoe and Zhelty Vody of Sicheslav region) was evaluated. The experience of creation of object systems of integrated environmental monitoring (on the example of Kamianske) is analyzed. The effectiveness of the geoinformation system of state environmental monitoring (on the example of Vinnitsa and Vinnitsa region) was evaluated. The experience of application of complex ecological GIS (on the example of Kryvyi Rih) is analyzed, as well as the experience of application of regional subsystems of storage, processing and control of water accounting data on the basis of network technologies (on the example of Kherson region).Keywords: aerospace technologies, ecological safety, environmental risks, expert evaluation, danger of regions, assessment of ecological threats, man-made and natural emergencies, management of ecological safety.

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