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Нікітенко В. О. 

Дисертаційна робота присвячена концептуалізації взаємодії освіти, культури і туризму та їх впливу на розвиток креативного потенціалу особистості в умовах інноваційно-інформаційного суспільства. Досліджено теоретико-методологічні, концептуальні, аксіологічні, інформаціологічні та праксеологічні виміри впливу освіти, культури і туризму на розвиток креативної особистості. З'ясовано умови формування «креативного класу» як головного концепту дослідження. Удосконалено аксіологічні виміри туризму якчинника креативного розвитку особистості. Створено інноваційну концепцію впливу освіти, культури, туризму на розвиток креативного потенціалу особистості^UThe dissertation is devoted to the conceptualization of the interaction of education, culture and tourism and their impact on the development of the creative potential of the individual in an innovative information society. Theoretical and methodological, conceptual, axiological, informational and praxeological dimensions of the influence of education, culture and tourism on the development of creative personality in the conditions of innovation-information society are studied. Using dialectical, systemic, synergetic, Agile-methodology (methodology of flexibility, adaptability) we analyze systemic and profound changes in modern society that affect all spheres of life and act as the driving forces that generate new megatrends in the formation of innovation. The problems of education, culture, tourism, which are developing in the conditions of innovation and information society, and promote the development of smart education and smart culture, algorithmic thinking and algorithmic culture are analyzed. The conditions of formation of "creative class" as the main concept of education, culture, tourism in the conditions of innovation and information society, new forms of human interaction, culture, education and their influence on creative potential of the person in the conditions of innovation and information society are clarified. A model of creative education as a factor of innovative and intellectual development of a smart society and a smart person has been developed. The axiological dimensions of tourism as a factor of creative development of personality in the conditions of innovation and information society, communication trends of tourism development and priority directions of influence of axiological factors on development of creative potential of personality in theconditions of innovation and information society are improved. The modern content of the concepts of tourism is to identify the innovativeness of tourism associated with the introduction of information and computer technology (ICT), smart technologies that require innovative mechanisms for the development of the tourism industry. The development of algorithmic thinking and culture is necessary due to the fact that modern civilization has completely transformed and changed the world, people's ideas about themselves, their attitude to each other, interaction with the world of nature, machines, technology. For the success of the innovation and information society, it is important that leaders in all industries form an algorithmic culture that spreads around the world and accelerates, because networks and convenient digital devices are almost everywhere. The subject orientation of informatization and digitalization of management as the main vector of sustainable development of organizations of modern Ukrainian society is clarified. The development of algorithmic thinking and culture is based on changing paradigms in the economy, business, society, consciousness, worldview. The competitive advantages of creative and innovative potential of the individual as a basis for the formation of a digital society are clarified. As a result of the research, an innovative concept of the influence of education, culture, tourism on the development of creative potential of the Ukrainian society as the main vector of innovation and information society. personality in the conditions of innovation and information society. The directions of improvement of the policy of digital development of the modern Ukrainian society are revealed, and it is necessary to reconsider the world outlook, to look far ahead, to adapt better. The concept of influence of education, culture, tourism on development of creative potential of the person in the conditions of innovation and information society is created

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