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Огієнко С. Л. 
Вік-залежні характеристики клітин кісткового мозку у первинній культурі за різних функціональних станів печінки. / С. Л. Огієнко. — Б.м., 2019 — укp.

Дисертацію присвячено дослідженню характеристик (проліферативного потенціалу, «тривалості життя» клітин в культурі, вміст іонів кальцію, міді і вільних форм кисню) клітин кісткового мозку в первинній культурі під дією віку тварин, функціонально змінених станів печінки, а також біологічно активних сполук - низькомолекулярних компонентів молозива з метою перевірки гіпотези про вплив мікрооточення клітин кісткового мозку на їх характеристики. В роботі показано, що вік має незначний вплив на характеристики клітин кісткового мозку, і в більшій мірі, на них впливають наявність патологій печінки.Виявлено взаємозв'язок між вмістом іонів міді, іонів кальцію та вільних форм кисню з проліферативною активністю клітин кісткового мозку. Показано, що зміни, що викликані індукованим фіброзом печінки, можуть бути частково відновлені введенням біологічно активних сполук - низькомолекулярних компонентів молозива. Зроблено висновок, що на характеристики клітин кісткового мозку впливає не вік як такий, а зміна мікрооточення, яка викликана зміною функціональних характеристик організму.^UAll existing hypotheses in gerontology can be combined into two concepts – genetic and epigenetic, and the latter to be regarded as a single one considering contemporary data. Development of the epigenetic concept can clarify mechanisms of ageing as a result of temporal interactions of the metabolic system with factors of microenvironment, which change dynamically. However, the problem is currently that methods and approaches have not yet been developed to allow studying the features of the influence of factors of microenvironment on the characteristics of cells in the in vivo system. The essence of the problem is that the microenvironment of certain types of cells in the body is extremely dynamic and multi-component. In this regard, this important and complex problem to be solved, it is necessary to select appropriate experimental models. Bone marrow was chosen as a model in the study of the influence of microenvironment features on cells in ontogenesis in the organism system. The bone marrow is represented by different types of cells - stem cells, which differentiate in the bone marrow into blood cells. The rate of differentiation and orientation (types of cells formed) depend on the microenvironment of bone marrow cells. In turn, the characteristics of the microenvironment are an integral characteristic of other tissues and systems of the body. Therefore, by studying the types of bone marrow cells and their characteristics, one can understand the nature and characteristics of intercellular interactions, which is an important age-dependent characteristic.Thus, by changing the characteristics and orientation of the differentiation of bone marrow cells in animals of different ages, one can obtain integral characteristics of age- related changes, and when modeling pathologies, in particular the liver, one can get an answer about the relationship of liver pathologies with bone marrow function and its role in the development of certain age-dependent pathologies.The dissertation is devoted to research of the characteristics (proliferative potential, “life expectancy” of cells in culture, the content of calcium, copper and free oxygen22species) of bone marrow cells in primary culture under the influence of animals, liver fibrosis, and biologically active compounds – low molecular weight components of colostrum. It has done for verification the hypothesis about the influence of the bone marrow cells microenvironment on their characteristics. It is shown that age slightly affects the characteristics of bone marrow cells, and largely, they are affected by the presence of liver pathologies.The relationship between the content of copper ions, calcium ions and free oxygen species with the proliferative activity of bone marrow cells was revealed. It is shown that changes caused by induced fibrosis of the liver can be partially restored by the administration of biologically active compounds – low molecular weight components of colostrum. It was concluded that the characteristics of bone marrow cells are affected not by age as such, but by a change in the microenvironment, which is caused by a change in the functional characteristics of the body. It was found that the characteristics of bone marrow cells (the content of calcium ions, copper ions, free oxygen species, the ability to proliferate and “life expectancy” in primary culture, the ratio of morphologically identifiable / unidentified cell types) does not depend on age as such, but on the characteristics of the microenvironment bone marrow cells, which is modeled by the functional state of the liver and biologically active compounds, such as low molecular weight components of colostrum.

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