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Пантєлєєва К. О. 
Інвестиційне кредитування економіки України міжнародними фінансовими організаціями. / К. О. Пантєлєєва. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

У роботі розкрито економічну сутність понять «інвестиції МФО», «інвестиційне кредитування за участю МФО», специфічні принципи та функції, класифікацію інвестиційних кредитів за участю МФО. Обґрунтовано інституційну структуру інвестиційного кредитування за участю МФО з визначенням функцій, умов, складу та особливостей взаємодії її учасників. Виокремлено основні тенденції, умови та види інвестиційного кредитування економіки України за участю МФО, доведено їх позитивний вплив на економічне зростання України. Обґрунтовано фінансовий механізм інвестиційного кредитування за участю МФО з визначенням базових елементів його реалізації. Запропоновано підходи вдосконалення інвестиційного кредитування за участю МФО через: гарантійний механізм на основі кластерних структур; побудову системи моніторингу та оцінювання інвестиційних проектів, орієнтованої на результат; розробку концепції цифрової екосистеми інвестиційного кредитування; впровадження диференційованої системи інвестиційних стимулів; створення регіонального заставного фонду з правами гаранта.^UThe dissertation reveals the economic essence of the concepts of " IFIs investment " and "investment lending with the IFIs involvement", defines specific principles and functions; the classification of investment lending with the IFIs involvement is expanded. The essential content is clarified by the value of international investment resources, the multilateral nature of the subjective-objective relationships of the participatory interaction in the investment process, the acquisition of target guidelines of global civilizational significance with which national priorities are aligned, the obligation to comply with the principles of harmonization and unification of procedures and rules as well as the effectiveness of investment lending are correlated.The institutional structure of investment lending with the IFIs involvement is substantiated. The institutional structure identifies the subject basis and area of interaction, institutional conditions and formal institutions. Its essence and effectiveness, based on the purpose of investment lending, is revealed in functions (integrated, distributive, administrative, coordinating, informational, regulatory), concretized by the institutional conditions and the orderliness of the relationships and interactions of all institutional stakeholders. Analysis of modern methods of organizing investment lending, systematization of basic types and methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects, made it possible to substantiate the need to form a comprehensive methodology of assessment based on a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators, in order to obtain an objective result of evaluating the performance of investment projects with the IFIs involvement, which became the theoretical and methodological basis for developing further recommendations for improving investment lending.The main trends, conditions and types of investment lending to the Ukrainian economy with the IFIs involvement and their positive impact on the economic growth of Ukraine are identified. It was found that common types of investment lending with the IFIs involvement are loans under government guarantees and loans of priority repayment, syndicated loans, credit lines, revolving and subordinated loans, the terms of which depend on the characteristics of the investment project and take into account the policy of the IFI. A scientific and methodological approach to determining the assessment of the impact of investment lending with the IFIs involvement on economic growth is proposed, a feature of which is conducting economic and mathematical modeling, namely, the construction of a modified Cobb-Douglas model and a dynamic regression model using the generalized method of moments (GMM).The financial mechanism for ensuring investment lending with the IFIs involvement through the allocation of organizational, economic and financial subsystems, basic elements of ensuring its implementation is substantiated. The approach to building an effective system for monitoring and evaluating investment projects with the IFIs involvement is improved, which focuses on long-term and short-term results and impacts on the country's socio-economic growth, the performance indicators of which are determined at the micro, meso and macro levels. Approaches to improve the processes of investment lending with the IFIs involvement are proposed, which include: building a digital ecosystem of investment lending to ensure dynamic interaction of all participants, creating a single investment environment and decentralized consolidation of financial resources; a guarantee mechanism for investment lending through the development of cluster structures; introduction of a differentiated system of investment incentives; creation of a regional collateral fund with the rights of a guarantor for loans of investment projects.

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