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Пилипчук О. Д. 
Художньо-декоративні форми як інструмент гармонізації колористики інтер'єрного середовища / О. Д. Пилипчук. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

Дисертаційну роботу присвячено вдосконаленню теоретичної бази і вирішеннюпрактичних завдань розробки інструментальних засобів гармонізації художньо-декоративними формами (ХДФ) колористики інтер'єрного середовища (ІС).Визначено основні етапи формування взаємозв'язку колористики ІС зобразотворчим і художньо-декоративним мистецтвом. Розглянуто основні цільовіфункції кольору і колориту та їх закономірності сприйняття. Уточнено понятійнийапарат.З'ясовано зв'язок ХДФ з колористикою ІС. Виявлено принципи гармонізаціїколористики ІС і ХДФ. Розроблено алгоритмічні блок-схеми з систематизованимикаталогами характерних ситуацій, завдяки яким побудовано технологічно-інструментальні засоби гармонізації ХДФ колористики ІС.Представлено результати впровадження дисертаційного дослідження.Ключові слова: колористика, художньо-декоративна форма, інтер'єрне середовище,гармонізація, дизайн, технічна естетика.^UThe dissertation is devoted to improve the theoretical base and solve practical problems –the creation of instrumental means for harmonizing the artistic and decorative forms (ADF) ofthe coloristic of the interior environment (IE).The main stages in developing the connection of IE coloristic are determined with fine,artistic and decorative art. The conceptual apparatus is refined. The main target functions of colorand coloring, patterns of their perception are determined. The main means of harmonizing thecolor scheme of IE and its artistic and decorative filling are highlighted and streamlined. The20properties of the IE coloring, artistic and decorative filling, are revealed as the main factors ofvisual comfort formation. The aesthetic and substantial-functional existence in works of art isrevealed in the space of modern interior. The main groups of techniques for harmonizing thecolorization of IE are highlighted and streamlined by incorporating ADF into the coloristicinterior space. The shaping possibilities of color are determined in modern design.The principles of harmonization of IE and ADF coloristic are developed. The interrelationof the IE and ADF coloristic is revealed, as well as the basic methods of placing ADF in spaceand their functional significance in the interior. The structure of ADF placement is proposed inthe coloristic of IE. The influence of color and light reflections of the environment were evaluatedon the perception of ADF. A number of basic factors and principles of their occurrence have beenidentified, it is indicated that each interior has its own unique situation. The basic methods ofplacing ADF in the color space of the interior are proposed in accordance with the creative plan.The possibilities of emotional influence the viewer because of the total amount of color space,depending on the location of ADF. The principles of the expression of associations in thecoloristic compositions of a work of art are defined in order to achieve the desired emotional statefrom perception. The principle of enhancing the expressiveness of the overall coloristiccomposition of space is determined – the corrective functions of ADF polychromies in theformation of IE colors based on the capabilities of the texture of a colored surface. The mainmeans of solving the creative idea of ADF composition in IE, depending on the materials used.An instrumental variant decision-making model was developed and proposed, depending on thetasks set.Algorithmic flowcharts with systematized catalogs of characteristic situations have beendeveloped, thanks to which certain tools have been identified for harmonizing the artistic anddecorative forms of colorization of the interior environment: 1) modular linear algorithmdiagram; 2) information model; 3) instrumental-experimental model. The further use ofalgorithmic models in the creation of a new application software product based on data miningtechnology isrecommended with the aim of automating the process of harmonization of ADFcoloristics of IE.

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