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Пилюк Н. В. 
Підготовка майбутніх соціальних педагогів до реалізації здоров'язберігаючих технологій у спеціальних загальноосвітніх закладах / Н. В. Пилюк. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

У дисертації проаналізовано теоретичні засади підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів до здоров'язберігаючої діяльності; визначено зміст понять «готовність майбутнього соціального педагога до здоров'язберігаючої діяльності у спеціальних загальноосвітніх закладах»; схарактеризовано здоров'язберігаючі технології діяльності соціального педагога спеціального загальноосвітнього закладу; запропоновано структуру та зміст готовності майбутніх соціальних педагогів до здоров'язберігаючої діяльності в спеціальних загальноосвітніх закладах; висвітлено сучасний стан підготовки соціальних педагогів до реалізації означеної діяльності; спроєктовано та розкрито логіку й методику організації дослідно-експериментального дослідження; обґрунтовано й упроваджено педагогічні умови формування готовності до здоров'язберігаючої діяльності в спеціальних загальноосвітніх закладах у майбутніх соціальних педагогів і перевірено їхню ефективність щодо формування означеної готовності.^UThesis analyzes the theoretical foundations of training future social pedagogue for health activities. Health care technologies in the activity of a social pedagogue of a special educational institution are characterized as a set of methods, forms, means, and methods of organization, implementation and management of the educational process to create a health-preserving environment of a special educational institution. The implementation of health care technologies in special educational institutions is determined by the age peculiarities and specifics of the psychophysical development of the children who study in them. The key goal of health care activities of a social pedagogue in special schools is to create a health-preserving environment that will help improve the lifestyle of participants in the educational process through harmonization of their relations with the environment, positive socialization and integration into society. We understand the health environment of special schools as a physical, psychological, pedagogical and social environment, under the influence of which there is a process of active formation of all participants in the educational process of values and health behavior. The structure and content of the readiness of future social pedagogues for health-preserving activities in special schools have been determined. Readiness of social pedagogues for health-preserving activity in special educational institutions is defined as an integral characteristic of the social pedagogue's personality, which characterizes the ability to carry out activities aimed at preserving the health of pupils with psychophysical disorders in the educational process. Health, which is manifested in the unity of motivational-value, cognitive and activity components. The criterion of motivational-value component of formation is motivational-axiological, the indicators of which are: positive motivation to master the knowledge, skills and experience of using health technologies in working with children with mental and physical disabilities; recognition of the value of health as a priority. The criterion of the cognitive component is defined as knowledge, the indicators of which are: the applicant has a system of professionally oriented knowledge necessary for the application of health technologies. The criterion of the activity component is the activity-practical one, the indicators of which are determined by: possession of communicative and organizational skills; ability to apply a creative approach. According to the criteria and indicators, three levels of readiness of future social educators to implement health-preserving activities in special secondary schools have been determined: high, basic and elementary. The logic and methods of organization of experimental research were designed and revealed, which provided for the implementation of the ascertaining and formative stages of experimental work. The pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness for health-preserving activity in special educational establishments at future social pedagogues are substantiated and introduced: the organization in HEIs of the special health-preserving environment including ecological, informational and social-psychological elements; reorientation of the content of educational disciplines of free economic education on preparation of future social pedagogues for realization of health-preserving activity in special general educational institutions (educational and methodical complexes of educational disciplines and practices); inclusion of students during the whole period of professional training in health-preserving activities within the framework of theoretical, practical, scientific and educational activities. Their effectiveness in the formation of this readiness has been tested.

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