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Разумна А. Г. 
Формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівцівмедичної галузі у закладах вищої освіти / А. Г. Разумна. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

У дисертації розкрито теоретичні та емпіричні результати розв'язанняпроблеми формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців медичноїгалузі в закладах освіти, уперше запропоновано авторське трактування структурипрофесійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців медичної галузі; розробленокритерії, показники, рівні сформованості професійної ідентичності, педагогічнамодель її формування в закладах вищої освіти; набули подальшого розвиткувизначення змісту та діагностичний інструментарій для визначеннясформованості професійної ідентичності в майбутніх фахівців медичної галузі;уточнено поняття професійної ідентичності майбутнього фахівця медичноїгалузі.^UThe professional identity of future medical specialists is a four-componentstructure in which each of the components has a social and personal determination:1) axiological – the value of the profession for the personality of the specialist(personal); acceptance by the personality the values of the profession (social),determination of one's own professional self-worth (personal); 2) cognitive –awareness by a specialist the social essence and subject content – fundamental-scientific, clinical, communicative and deontological – of professional activity,professional community and its place in it (social); awareness by a specialistprofessional demand and career opportunities in the profession (personal), owneducational and professional potential for mastering the profession (personal);3) affective – emotional attitude to the profession (social) and attitude to oneself(personal); 4) behavioral – patterns of actualization of the professional identity of thespecialist in activity and interaction (social), patterns of self-regulation in professionalactivity (personal). Identified components in the assessment of the formation ofprofessional identity play the function of criteria, and their intra- componentconstituents – parameters. Instrumentalization of identified assessment parameters ledto the development of a diagnostic apparatus for determining the state of students'professional identity formation.The identified components of professional identity, their dynamic properties andpedagogical conditions of formation became the basis for the development of amodel of formation of professional identity of future medical specialists in highereducational institutions. The constructed model of formation of professional identityof future medical specialists includes purpose-oriented (goal and task), conceptual(concepts of determining the structure, factors and conditions of formation; scientificand pedagogical approaches in formation), content-activity (content – substantive andpsychological, forms – formal and informal, methods – dialogical, contextual, role,practical, etc. and stages of formation), evaluation (criteria, statuses and levels),effective (result) blocks.The scientific results of the research is thatfor the first time the author's interpretation of the structure of professionalidentity of future medical specialists is proposed; criteria, indicators, levels ofprofessional identity of future medical specialists is developed; the model offormation of professional identity of future medical specialists in higher educationalinstitutions is developed;has been further developed the analysis of the content of professional identity offuture medical specialists; diagnostic tools for determining the level of professionalidentity of future medical specialists;has been clarified the concept of professional identity of the future medicalspecialist, separated from other variants of professional identity, the signs of theirdifferentiation are determined.

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