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Рахімі Я. -. 
Нечітка мережева модель та методи інформаційного підтримування повних ланцюгів постачання товарів бакалійної групи / Я. -. Рахімі. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертація присвячена розробці методичних засобів інформаційної підтримки життєвого циклу повних ланцюгів постачання товарів бакалійної групи. Вперше розроблено модель повного логістичного ланцюга постачання у формі вкладеної мережі Петрі та метод подання часових залежностей поміж бізнес-процесами на основі розширених часом вкладених мережах Петрі. Удосконалено метод формування рішення щодо вибору раціонального маршруту транспортування в рамках повного логістичного ланцюга, з використанням нечіткої математики. Дістали подальший розвиток прикладні інформаційні технології в частині розробки засобів підтримки прийняття раціональних рішень щодо функціонування повного ланцюга постачання.Практичні результати дисертації апробовано та впроваджено на ТОВ «ASAL» та у навчальний процес Черкаського державного технологічного університету.^UThe dissertation is devoted to the solution of the scientific problem, which consists in increasing the efficiency of the processes of information support of complete logistics supply chains of food products, first of all, grocery group products. At the same time, the efficiency of complete logistics supply chains operation is achieved by reducing the risks of additional time and financial costs in the implementation of both individual sites and the supply chain as a whole.The formal representation of the above problems is based on the mathematical apparatus known in the framework of fuzzy set theory and temporal logic. It is shown that since the complete logistics chain of food supply has a hierarchical structure and the diversified nature of the formation of material flows, in terms of time and resource constraints, ensuring the adequacy of the developed model can be achieved by using the mathematical apparatus of nested Petri nets. Тemporal statements and fuzzy representation of variables. Thus, in the course of the study, a fuzzy network model of complete logistics supply chains of food products in the form of a hierarchical two-level nested Petri nets was created. This model, in contrast to the known, reduces uncertainty and, consequently, reduces the risk of additional costs in the operation of complete logistics supply chains, through the implementation of technology for collecting, summarizing and processing information on the rational formation of material flows within the complete logistics chain, taking into account time and resource constraints. The description of the procedure of creating a fuzzy network model of presenting information about business processes that take place in the process of full logistics chain, taking into account the existing time and resource constraints, in the form of a nested Petri net, expanded by introducing fuzzy and temporal statements. The scientific novelty of the created model and its difference from the existing ones is to improve the process of presenting data on situations that arise in the process of functioning of the complete logistics chain due to time and resource constraints.In order to automate the processes of decision-making on the sustainable operation of complete logistics supply chains, special methods were developed during the study. The first of these methods, in contrast to existing ones, makes it possible to detect deviations in the functioning of the supply chain, and assess the criticality of these deviations to comply with the principle of "just-in-time", using as a methodological basis a number of operations to manipulate complete logistics supply chains model elements. which is presented in the form of extended time nested Petri nets. The second method is designed to form decisions on the choice of a rational route of transportation within the complete logistics chain, using fuzzy mathematics. This method, in contrast to the known ones, makes it possible to reduce the level of uncertainty of time and financial costs in the operation of complete logistics supply chains.On the basis of the developed methodical means the work describes the process of formation and ensuring the sustainable functioning of complete logistics supply chains typical food products of the grocery group, namely dried fruits, nuts, spices and oils.The calculation of the efficiency of the tools developed in the dissertation is based on a comparative analysis of the costs of complete logistics supply chains implementation traditionally, with direct management of business processes by managers, and with the help of methodological and software developed during the study. A comparative analysis of the production activities of a typical logistics company over the last five years was used, with a conditional scenario, according to which this company would use a special decision support system for the implementation of complete logistics supply chains.

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