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Силенко О. М. 
Организационно-экономическое обеспечение инновационного развития металлургических предприятий / О. М. Силенко. — Б.м., 2020 — укp.

В диссертационной работе сформированы теоретические положения, методические и практические рекомендации по формированию организационно-экономического обеспечения инновационного развития предприятий в условиях инвайронментализации экономики. Унифицировано определение «организационно-экономическое обеспечение инновационного развития предприятий» и его базовых детерминант. Осуществлен мониторинг и диагностика организационно-экономического обеспечения инновационного развития предприятий. Определена инвайронментальная эффективность организационно-экономического обеспечения инновационного развития металлургических предприятий и критериальная плоскость ее изменений в зависимости от изменений объемов финансирования инновационной деятельности и темпов наращивания объемов производства металлопродукции. Модифицирован механизм налогового стимулирования производства «зеленой» стали. Разработаны рекомендации по формированию Концепции инновационного развития металлургических предприятий. Предложена модель архитектоники принятия решений по управлению инновационным развитием предприятий.^UIn the dissertation, the author's approach was used to formulate the theoretical background, methodological and practical recommendations for arranging the organizational and economic procurement of the innovative development of iron and steel works under the environmentalization of economy. The interpretation of the basic determinants of the notion ‘organizational and economic procurement of the innovative development of enterprises' is presented by using cutting edge scientific approaches. The necessity under the environmentalization of industry was substantiated to reconsider the scientific approaches to the evaluation of the organizational and economic procurement of the innovative development of enterprises. Methodological approaches to evaluating the organizational and economic procurement of the innovative development of iron and steel works were considered. The monitoring and diagnosis of the organizational procurement of the innovative development of iron and steel works was carried out. The implementation of this model will ensure the change of the development nature from the inertial to the breakthrough one, and thus, will enable to overcome the technical and technological underdevelopment of iron and steel works, to provide economical production and increase in the export amount of end products and expectations of the stakeholders concerning the conservation of the environment. By using the decoupling approach, the environmental efficiency of the organizational and economic procurement of the innovative development of iron and steel works was determined, along with the criteria plane of its changes depending on the changes in the amount of financing the innovative activity and the speeds of increasing the volume of steel products manufacturing. The necessity to formulate the Concept on the innovative development of iron and steel works using the kaizen approach was justified. The Road map was recommended to formulate the Concept on the innovative development of iron and steel works using the kaizen approach with an accurately structured sequence of stages, whose implementation will enable to identify the imperatives of the concept, its main goal and the system of secondary goals for the innovative development, its basic principles and structural provisions, its mechanisms and tools for the implementation according to the standards of industry environmentalization. The model of decision-making architectonics for managing the innovative development of iron and steel works using the QFD methods was suggested.

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