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Фурс О. Й. 
Особливості розвитку психічної саморегуляції майбутніх магістрів військового управління у процесі їх практичної підготовки / О. Й. Фурс. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата психологічних наук за спеціальністю 19.00.09 – психологія діяльності в особливих умовах. – Національний університет оборони України імені Івана Черняховського. – Київ, 2021.Дисертацію присвячено дослідженню проблеми психічної саморегуляції майбутніх магістрів військового управління у процесі їх практичної підготовки.У роботі визначено сутність і структуру здатності до психічної саморегуляції майбутніх МВУ, компонентами якої є ціннісно-мотиваційний, когнітивний, емоційно-вольовий, поведінково-діяльнісний, комунікативний і суб'єктний. Розроблено та обґрунтовано структурно-функціональну модель, що містить цільовий (мета), компонентний (компоненти здатності до психічної саморегуляції), діагностичний (критерії, показники, методики), розвивальний (тренінгова програма) і результативний блоки, а також тренінгову програму розвитку здатності до психічної саморегуляції у майбутніх МВУ, навчальні теми якої узгоджено за змістом із компонентами здатності до психічної саморегуляції майбутніх МВУ.Ключові слова: здатність, психічна саморегуляція, структурно-функціональна модель, тренінгова програма, магістри військового управління.^UThesis for a candidate degree in psychological sciences in specialty 19.00.09 – psychology of activities in specific conditions. – National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi. – Kyiv, 2021.The thesis theoretically analyzes and practically solves the scientific problem of establishing peculiarities of psychic self-regulation development of the future Masters of Command and Control in the process of practical training. The results of the research turned out to be successful in fulfilling the tasks and enabled the following conclusions. After theoretical analysis and generalization of the scientific sources it defines psychic self-regulation of the future Masters of Command and Control as the aimed conscious self-management of psychic processes, states and behavior according to the professionally significant goals, values, urgent needs, professional and moral motives that improve their psychic abilities and emotional state, provide the success of the military professional activity in general and in particular taking managerial decisions. It proves that the basis for the psychic self-regulation of the future Masters of Command and Control in the process of practical training in military academies is the developed ability to psychic self-regulation defined as a complex integrative professionally significant formation providing their capability of performing psychic self-regulation of psychic processes, states and behavior by means of self-management in order to provide successful military professional activity according to the goals and projected results. Based on the researchers' approaches to the phenomenon of self-regulation it establishes that the structure of the ability to psychic self-regulation includes the following elements: 1) axiological-motivational element is characterized by professional orientation, intention to the professional activity in different professional situations, ability to motivate oneself for their fulfillment, keeping values of the military professional activity; 2) behavioral and activity element identifies personality, professional and psychological preparedness to the professional actions in everyday and extreme (combat) situations of the military service; 3) communicative element is the possession of the self-control and psychic self-regulation culture during communication, ability to control one's own actions and behaviour in different military professional communicative situations, skills of solving and resolving conflicts occurring during the military service; 4) cognitive element is defined by the ability of attentive observation, effective memory, non-standard thinking, self-study etc.; 5) emotions and will include psychological resilience as the ability to emotional and willing self-regulation, ability to act quietly and confidently in psychologically hard, emotionally intense, dangerous and high-demand situations of the service (combat) activity; 6) subjective element is the core one in the whole structure including the ability to consciously control one's own internal world, oneself, mood, behavior and professional activity as well as the ability to reflect. The thesis presents a structural and functional model of the development of the psychic self-regulation ability of the future Masters of Command and Control in the process of practical training containing such blocks as aims (goals), components (abilities of psychic self-regulation), diagnosis (methodologies), development (training program) and results. It also proves psychological instruments for testing ability to psychic self-regulation of the future Masters of Command and Control in the process of their practical training. Key words: ability, psychic self-regulation, structural and functional model, training program, Masters of Command and Control.

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