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Ходанич Ю. М. 
Милосердя як аксіологічний феномен: соціально-філософський аспект / Ю. М. Ходанич. — Б.м., 2019 — укp.

Дисертація присвячена дослідженню милосердя як аксіологічного феномена в контексті соціально-філософського аналізу. Феномен милосердя осмислюється в історико-філософській перспективі, виділяються його структурно-функціональні особливості. Милосердя обґрунтовується як індивідуальна та суспільна цінність. Значну увагу зосереджено на соціокультурній зумовленості уявлень про милосердя. Милосердя розглядається як концептуальний стрижень суспільного буття та свідомості, зокрема крізь призму суспільної практики його реалізації, у контексті різних релігійних парадигм. Феномен милосердя досліджується в межах сучасних глобалізаційних процесів, як фактор розв'язання найбільш гострих етико-соціальних проблем сучасності, а також як чинник політики соціальної справедливості в сучасних моделях соціальної держави^UThe thesis is devoted to the study of mercy as an axiological phenomenon in the context of socio-philosophical analysis. The author analyzes mercy in the historical and philosophical sense through the prism of various philosophical traditions and concepts (Confucianism, the ancient tradition, the Middle Ages, the German classical philosophy, the Russian religious philosophy, the Western philosophical thought of the XXth century, neo-Marxism and post-Marxism). The research singles out structural-functional features of mercy as well as considers its secular and religious dimensions. Mercy is substantiated as a value (individual and social).The author focuses special attention on the study of the socio-cultural factor of the conditionality of the representations of mercy, in particular, in the context of the dichotomy «West-East» (various ethical and social concepts, religious traditions). Mercy is also analyzed as a conceptual pillar of social existence and conscience, as well as through the prism of the social practice of its implementation. By means of comparative analysis, the author defines mercy in the context of various religious paradigms (Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity). At the same time, much attention is focused on the consideration of mercy in Christian ethics.The phenomenon of mercy is also considered by the author through the prism of modern globalization processes, the place of this phenomenon is determined at the present stage of society's development, including in the context of mass consumption society. The author focuses on the definition of mercy as a factor in solving the most pressing ethical and social problems of the present times: refugees, abortions and euthanasia. In this aspect, mercy reaches the very life-affirmation, extending to the natural and social environment of human existence and activity. Separately the factor of mercy is analyzed in the policy of social justice in modern models of a social state.Аuthor concludes that due to mercy it is possible for a person to go beyond the limits of his own egoism and to satisfy his needs. Mercy allows to transform the thinking of a man from a self-contained thinking into the context of humanity (survival and harmonious development). This phenomenon is aimed at the establishment and protection of life as a fundamental value, awareness of the person responsible for life, the relief of suffering, compassion and support of man, as well as the inability to interfere in the natural development of living on Earth.For the Ukrainian society, which remains focused mainly on «survival», the factor of mercy is realized in the activity of conscious and active citizens, who are not indifferent to the needs of others, are ready to sacrifice their available resources. At the same time, the realization of mercy, sacrifice, participation in various social projects in Ukrainian society gets more opportunities and prospects than modern Western societies (as «problem-free»), because it is in a crisis situation before the challenges they are supposed to respond to

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