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Чекмарьова Л. Ю. 
Страхування професійної відповідальності адвоката / Л. Ю. Чекмарьова. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертація є першим у вітчизняній науці спеціальним системнимдисертаційним дослідженням, в якому проаналізовано теоретико-правові і практичні проблеми запровадження страхування професійноївідповідальності адвоката і шляхи його удосконалення. Аргументованодоцільність застосування конструкції «професійна відповідальністьадвоката» і запропоновано авторські визначення «професійнавідповідальність адвоката» та «страхування професійної відповідальностіадвоката». Сформульовано визначальні риси страхування професійноївідповідальності адвоката та запропоновано критерії класифікаціїстрахування професійної відповідальності адвоката на моделі. Здійсненокомплексне дослідження сутності кожного із структурних елементів договорустрахування професійної відповідальності адвоката, запропонованомеханізм позасудового порядку виплати страхового відшкодування шкодиклієнтові. Обґрунтовано основні шляхи удосконалення законодавства проадвокатуру та адвокатську діяльність з метою запровадження страхуванняпрофесійної відповідальності адвоката.^UThe thesis is the first in the national science special system thesis, in which thethesis analyzes theoretical-legal and practical problems of introducing the professionalliability insurance of attorney and ways of improving it, taking into account recenttrends in the development of Ukrainian legislation. The place and role of the insuranceof professional liability of attorney in the insurance mechanism were disclosed, thenecessity of using the construction «professional liability of attorney» was justified andauthor's definitions of «professional liability of attorney» and «professional liabilityinsurance of attorney» are proposed.It has been determined that professional liability insurance of attorney as a formof professional liability insurance aims to protect the property interests of the attorneyand the property interests of the client from non-performance or improper performanceby the attorney of his professional duties, arising from a legal support contract.It has been proven that insurance of professional liability of attorney has a dualisticnature, since it can be considered both as a guarantee of advocacy and as a guaranteeof protection of the client's rights. The defining features of the professional liabilityinsurance of attorney are formulated and the criteria for the classification of theprofessional liability insurance of attorney on a model are proposed.The concept of «property protection under a legal support contract» is proposed,the essence of which is that the property interests of the attorney are protected fromlegal claims against him for compensation of pecuniary damages to clients, which theyhave suffered as a result of the non-performance or improper performance of theirprofessional duties by attorney through professional liability insurance of attorney.A comprehensive study was carried out on the substance of each of the structuralelements of the contract for professional liability insurance of attorney, and a numberof positions and recommendations were developed with a view to eliminatingshortcomings in their practical implementation. A mechanism has been proposed forthe out-of-court payment of insurance compensation to a client for injury caused bythe non-performance or improper performance by attorney of his professional duties.It has been proposed to create a special committee at the regional bar council, to whichlawyers will be elected to settle the issue of out-of-court payment of insurance claims.The main ways of improving legislation on the bar and on the practice of attorneyshave been identified with a view to introducing the professional liability insurance ofattorney.A draft Regulation on professional liability insurance of attorney has been drawnup, which must be approved by the UNBA (Ukrainian National Bar Association), anda draft Contract on professional liability insurance of attorney has been proposed.Amendments and additions to the Law of Ukraine «On the Bar and Legal Practice»are proposed. The practical significance of the results of the thesis and the directionsin which they are used in research, law-making and educational and methodologicalfields are disclosed.

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