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Шаповал Н. В. 
Деструктивність влади як соціально-філософська проблема / Н. В. Шаповал. — Б.м., 2019 — укp.

Дисертація присвячена дослідженню деструктивності влади як соціально-філософської проблеми, яке здійснювалось шляхом переходу від поняття «концепт влади» як її простої дефініції до поняття «конструкт влади» як ідеї влади. Спираючись на розроблену в межах теорії ідей теоретичну конструкцію влади, висвітлено такі форми деструктивності влади як: відокремлення суб'єктів загальної діючої влади від суб'єктів підпорядкування, наслідком чого стає перетворення останніх із свідомих підвладних суб'єктів на несвідомий об'єкт підкорення; дискреція – прийняття рішень і дій суб'єктів влади на власний розсуд, свавілля як крайня форма дискреції, а також безвідповідальність, корупція суб'єктів влади, узурпація влади. Особлива увага приділена найнебезпечнішій формі деструктивності влади – симуляції влади. Здійснено філософський аналіз теоретичної конструкції державної влади України, закріпленої в Конституції України, на предмет виявлення в ній деструктивних аспектів.Ключові слова: влада, концепт влади, конструкт влади, деструктивність влади, соціальне ціле, ідея влади, мета влади, суб'єкт влади, дискреція, корупція, узурпація, симуляція, симулякр влади.^UThe dissertation analyzes the existing traditions of philosophical comprehension of the concept of power. During the research, two stable tendencies were discovered and conventionally called "general-conceptual" and "concrete-species".On the basis of their comprehensive analysis, it was concluded that they can not be used as a methodological basis for realization of research of the destructivness. The content of the concepts of power received within the general-conceptual tradition, through abstracting from the insignificant and diverse, turned out either too broadly or too narrow, which respectively led to the narrowing or expansion of the scope of such notion of power. However, with the narrowing of the volume, the concept of power lost the status of the general concept. By extension, on the contrary, it became so common that other social phenomena formally fell under it, which caused a high degree of uncertainty and the need to clarify the meaning of the concepts of these phenomena and power. The research of the destructiveness of power as a philosophical problem required the transition from a conceptual level of the study of power as a phenomenon to a constructive one. Its result should not be the concept of the power of the general or specific-type level, that is scientific definition of power or a description of specific content, but the construct, model of power, deployed on the basis the idea of power, in the complex architectonic power structure. At the same time, it was proved that the necessity of creative formation of construct of power, based on a certain idea of power, does not always exist, but only when there is a need to create and ensure the functioning of a certain social integrity, namely on the level of public relations.In the course of the research, the mechanism of the formation of the power component was revealed both at the level of social relations and at the level of social connections. There is a stable sequence of stages of its manifestation, characteristic of both levels: the emergence of an advantage in something from one side (possession of something that may cause the need for others) and need the subject of possession from other side. This situation causes the state of freedom of the owner of the advantage and the state of dependence of the one who needs it, but does not have the opportunity to satisfy it. This way the inequality of the subjects of interaction arises, which subsequently fixes. If at the level of social relations the state of freedom and dependence of interacting subjects, their objective inequality, can generate or not a power component - relation of domination and subordination. Then at the level of the social connections, power component is essential, because there is a necessity of the formation of a general power with a clear separation of power statuses for its elements: the status of the rulers and the status of subordinates.Author noted that power, as an integral attribute of a social integer, predominantly has an artificial source - the artificially created power that exists as powers of authority established in a certain way. Acquisition powers of authority by concrete subjects, members of the integrity, gives them the power of superiority, supremacy. It is power that rises them above all other members of this integrity. As a result the objective inequality of the members of the integrity arises, which, in contrast to the inequality in individual relations, is not a premise but the cause of the generation and existence of dominate-subordinate relations between members of the social integrity. It was assumed that any power of a social whole, created by people for the purpose of building a social whole and maintaining public relations, as a constructive and integrative force, can't be destructive by nature.During the analysis Baudrillard's and Deleuze's simulation theories, author found that Baudrillard and Deleuze studying the same phenomenon, meanwhile, developed opposite ways for their nature of simulation theory. The theory of the idea of power and the theory of simulacrums of power as alternative theories have been used as alternative methodological foundations in the practice of philosophical reflection of a specific type of power. The reflation of the theoretical model of the state power of Ukraine, which construction is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, was carried out to reveal destructive aspects in it.Key words: power, the concept of power, the construct of power, the destructiveness of power, the social integer, the idea of power, the purpose of power, subject of power, discretion, corruption, usurpation, simulation, the simulacrum of power.

Шифр НБУВ: 05 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Муніципальна реформа в сучасній Україні:конституційно правовий аналіз / Н. В. ШАПОВАЛ. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертаційне дослідження присвячено висвітленню концептуальнихконституційно-правових проблем муніципальної реформи в Україні.Показано специфіку муніципальної реформи як різновиду правової реформи,систематизовано її ознаки та види. Розкрито методологічні засади дослідженнямуніципальної реформи в контексті сучасних правових підходів муніципалізму.Висвітлено місце місцевого самоврядування в системі публічної влади якоб'єкта муніципальної реформи. Виявлено основні теоретико-історичнізакономірності здійснення муніципальних реформ у контексті розвиткумісцевого самоврядування в Україні. Узагальнено основні риси конституційно-правового досвіду зарубіжних країн у здійсненні муніципальних реформ.Досліджено основні етапи та особливості здійснення сучасної муніципальноїреформи в Україні. Розглядаються конституційно-правові шляхи таперспективи муніципальної реформи в механізмі конституційної модернізаціїсучасної України.^UThe local government is a relatively new constitutional and legal institution, thedevelopment of which in Ukraine's history has been largely intermittent; therefore,accumulating national experience as well as elements of international experienceto construct an efficient and viable model of local self-government in Ukraine is anurgent scientific, theoretical and practical task. The thesis deals with the study ofboth national and international experience in local government reforming, whichis conditioned both by Ukraine's heading for European integration and the needto overcome the remaining elements of the Soviet political and legal heritageconstructed on the basis of an arbitrary combination of the elements of communityand state concepts in the organization of municipal authorities.Pursuing a comprehensive analysis of the municipal reform as a legal phenomenonwithin the paradigm of systemic reforming the public power in Ukraine, the authorhas made an attempt to reveal the nature of the municipal reform as a subject ofresearch in legal science and to identify the main methodological foundations ofthis activity, to clarify the theoretical and historical patterns of municipal reformingin the context of local government development in Ukraine and to identify keyconstitutional and legal problems as well as prospects for a municipal reform inmodern Ukraine.As a result, for the first time in the constitutional-legal science, the author definesthe municipal reform as a kind of the legal reform provided by authorized publicentities in close cooperation with local territorial collectives (communities) andcivil society institutions, based on a clearly defined concept (program, strategy) ofchanges, accompanied by the mandatory adoption of a number of legal regulations ofconceptually-projective nature, and which shall result in changing the basic principlesof developing and functioning of local government as an institution in whole or itsinstitutional, organizational, regulatory or financial-economic foundations.The author highlights the features of the municipal reform as a kind of the legalreform, proves that the municipal reform can be implemented in constitutional,legislative and combined (with the combination of constitutional and legislativechanges) forms, as well as distinguishes the following municipal reforms in theterritory of Ukraine which chronologically covered the late eighteenth – earlytwentieth centuries: 1) urban reform in sub-Russian Ukraine in 1785; 2) rural,provincial and urban reforms in sub-Russian Ukraine of the 1860–1890s andmunicipal reforms of the 1860s and 1890s in Austria-Hungary, which includedHalychyna and Bukovyna; 3) Stolypin municipal reform in sub-Russian Ukrainein the early twentieth century.; 4) local government reforms in the period of theUkrainian Central Council, Hetmanate and Directory (1917–1920).

Шифр НБУВ: 05 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

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