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 Знайдено в інших БД:Віртуальна довідка (57)Наукова електронна бібліотека (1)Реферативна база даних (278)Журнали та продовжувані видання (23)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=AKHAMADOV$<.>+<.>A=YUSIF$<.>+<.>A=ALI$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 165
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.МАКЕДОНІКА/ВА380 A pinch of stories for children [Текст] / selection, introd., ed. Malahat Ali ; transl. from Tur. Yonca Akalin Tumer. - Skopje : St. Clement of Ohrid, National and university library, 2011. - 217 p. - (Translation project Macedonian literature in English ; 129)
2.-046204 Aliyev E. E. Administrative-legal regulation... [Текст] / Aliyev. - Baku, 2024.
3.ІВ216176 Akademikas Bronius Grigelionis [Текст] : bibliografijos rodyklė / Lietuvos mokslų akademijos biblioteka (Vilnius) ; sudarė Aurelija Ališauskienė ; red. kol. Lina Kanopkienė (ats. red.), Gintautas Dzemyda, Juozas Marcinkevičius [et al.]. - Vilnius : Matematikos ir informatikos inst. : Lietuvos mokslų akad. bibl., 2005. - 126 p. : fot.
4.Турецька бібл. ІВ11 Ali A. Al-Qur'ān. A contemporary translation by Ahmed Ali [Текст] / Ahmed Ali. - Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton univ. press, 2001. - 572 p.
5.ІВ201617 Aliyev H. Amerika resmi gezisi [Текст] : Türkiye matbuatinda / H. Aliyev. - [s. l.] : [б.в.], [s.a.]. - 231 s.
6.ІР9558 Aliyeva R. S. Architectural and compositional features of the cultural and historical reserves of Absheron and their protection [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Architecture : 6401.01 / Aliyeva Rahiba Shankhay ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Architecture a. Art]. - Baku, 2022. - 63 p. : ill.
7.-525689 Aliyeva L. A. Assessment of dental status... [Текст] / Aliyeva. - Baku, 2024.
8.-112582 Alikuliyev V. K. Assessment of pathology of the maxillofacial... [Текст] / Alikuliyev. - Baku, 2024.
9.ІР9168 Aliyeva S. A. Asymmetry of the facial part of the skull at different ages of the postnatal development [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3241.01 / Sabina Aydin Aliyeva. - Baku, 2021. - 29 p. : tab.
10.ІВ221106 Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe [Текст] : devoted to the sixtieth anniversary of the Council of Europe / [comp. Saad Yusifova]. - Baku : Avrasiya press, 2009. - 246 p.
11.Р139333/CDR2451 Məmmədov T. Azərbaycanda yaşayan xalqların ənənəvi musiqisi [Текст] / [T. Məmmədov, F. Xaliqzadə ; transl. Engl. J. Aliyev ; übers. ins Dt. R. B. Adilov ; trad. fr. D. Aliev ; trad. Esp. M. S. Huseynova]. - [Bakı] : Azərbaycan Respublikası Mədəniyyǝt və Turizm Nazirliyi, 2011. - 40, [1] sǝh. : ill. + 1 електрон. опт. диск (CDR-ROM) ; 12 см
12.ІВ219249 Tәhmәzov B. H. Azәrbaycanin bioloji tәbiәt abidәlәri [Текст] / B. H. Tәhmәzov, E. F. Yusifov, K. S. Əsәdov. - Baki : Adiloğlu nəşriyyatı, 2004. - 567 s.
13.-430544 Aliyeva T. R. Changes of some immune indicators... [Текст] / Aliyeva. - Baku, 2024.
14.ІВ227743 Alizade A. Christianity in Azerbaijan: from past to present [Текст] / Anar Alizade. - Baku : Elm vǝ tǝhsil, 2019. - 383 p. : phot.
15.ІР10348 Aliyeva F. N. Clinical and epidemiological features of Parkinson's disease in Baku [Текст] : abstract of the dis. ... Dr. of Philosophy in medicine : 3223.01 / Fatima Natig Aliyeva. - Baku, 2023. - 25 p.
16.ІР9479 Aliyev S. Z. Clinical and functional condition of salivary glands during sialosis and sialadenitis treatments and ways of prevention [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 3226.01 / Said Zohrab Aliyev ; [Azerbaijan State Inst. for Advanced Training for Drs named after A. Aliyev, Dep. of Stomatology a. Maxillo-Facial Surgey]. - Baku, 2022. - 50 p. : chart, tab.
17.ІР9649 Yusifova N. V. Cobalt extraction from cobalt ores of Dashkesen mineral deposit [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2303.01 / Yusifova Naila Vagif ; [Azerbfijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Catalysis a. Inorganic Chemistry named after Acad. M. Nagiyev, Lab. of "Processing of Nonferrous Metal-Containing Mineral Raw Materials"]. - Baku, 2021. - 34 p. : fig., tab.
18.ІР9359 Aliyeva K. R. Comparative study of heart rhythm variability and electrolytes in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure with furosemide and torasemide [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3218.01 / Konul Rafig Aliyeva ; [Research Inst. of Cardiology named after acad. J. Abdullayev]. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. : fig., tab.
19.ІВ225264 Computer technologies in information security [Текст] : monogr. / Alishov Nadir [et al.] ; sci. ed.: Valeriy Zadiraka, Yaroslav Nykolaichuk. - Ternopil : Kart-blansh, 2015. - 387 p. : fig., tab.
20.РА406000 Alizadeh M. Construction of irreducible and normal polynomials over finite fields [Текст] : auth. abstract of diss. ... of candidate of phys.-math. sciences : 05.13.05 / Mahmood Alizadeh. - Yerevan, 2013. - 16 p.

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