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авторомназвоюроком видання
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повний стислий
 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (18)Реферативна база даних (14)Журнали та продовжувані видання (13)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=SAFIRE$<.>+<.>A=WILLIAM$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 831
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Глушков В. М./ІВ11 Williams W. F. Principles of automated information retrieval [Текст] / William F. Williams. - Elmhurst, Illinois : The Business press, 1966. - 439 p. : fig.
2.ІА24319 Revolutions 1775-1830 [Текст] / ed. by Merryn Williams. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin Books : The Open Univ. Press, 1971. - XVIII, 919, [24] p. : іll.
3.ІВ213534 Cummings N. A. Eleven blunders that cripple psychotherapy in America [Текст] : a remedial unblundering / Nicholas A. Cummings, William T. O'Donohue. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2008. - XXXVIII, 364 p.
4.ІВ213758 Williams R. Notes on the underground [Текст] : an essay on technology, society, and the imagination / Rosalind Williams. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : The MIT press, 2008. - XI, 283 p. : ill.
5.ІВ193027 Safire W. Safire's political dictionary: an enlarged, up-to-date edition of the new language of politics [Текст] / W. Safire. - New York : Ballantine books, 1980. - XXX, 845 p.
6.ІВ194556 Williams D. R. Just lawyers [Текст] : Seven portaits / D. R. Williams. - Toronto[etc.] : The Osgoode society for Canadian legal history, 1995. - XVII, 288 p.
7.В276007/54 Williamson O. E. Comparative economic organization [Текст] : The analysis of discrete structural alternatives / O. E. Williamson. - San Francisco, California : International center for economic growth : ICS press, 1994. - 46 p.: fig. - (Occasional papers ; nr. 54)
8.ІВ193541 The political economy of policy reform [Текст] / ed. J. Williamson. - Washington : Institute for international economics, 1994. - 596 p.
9.ІВ199456 Williams G. Branded? [Текст] / G. Williams. - London : V&A Publications, 2000. - 95 p.: ill.
10.ІВ197426 The political economy of policy reform [Текст] / ed. J. Williamson. - Washington : Institute for international economics, 1994. - 601 p.
11.ІВ196603 Williams L. Young EFL readers and their books [Текст] : Learning to read in English immersion programmes / L. Williams. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi UP, 1998. - 316 p.
12.ІВ197055 Soft matter physics [Текст] / ed. M. Daoud, C. Williams. - Berlin[etc.] : Springer, 1999. - 320 p.: fig.
13.ІВ196059 Wittig A. F. Study guide to accompany psychology [Текст] : An introduction / A. F. Wittig, G. Williams ; prep. A. F. Wittig [a.o]. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1984. - 276 p.: ill.
14.ІВ198354 Baranger M. A Guide to Normandy [Текст] / M. Baranger, L. Bély ; transl. P. Williams, A. Moyon. - Rennes : Ouest-France, 1983. - 139 p.: ill.
15.ІС12863 Williams R. Genetic information and crime investigation [Текст] : Social, ethical and public policy aspects of the establishment, expansion and police use of the National DNA database / R. Williams [a.o.]. - Durham : University of Durham, School of applied social sciences, 2004. - 141 p.
16.ІВ209398 Backlund P. M. Readings in gender communication [Текст] / P. M. Backlund, M. R. Williams. - Belmont[etc.] : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2004. - 328 p.
17.А54800/Vol. 25.1 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) [Works]. Vol. 25.1:Letters to his friends: Books 1-6. 1 [Текст] / Engl. transl. W. G. Williams. - 1998. - XXXII, 519 p. - (The Loeb classical library ; 205)
18.А54800/Vol. 26.2 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) [Works]. Vol. 26.2:Letters to his friends: Books 7-12. 2 [Текст] / Engl. transl. W. G. Williams. - 1995. - VIII, 637 p. - (The Loeb classical library ; 216)
19.А54800/Vol. 27 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) [Works]. Vol. 27:Letters to his friends: Books 13-16 [Текст] / Engl. transl. W. G. Williams. - 1998. - XXXII, 391 p. - (The Loeb classical library ; 230)
20.ІВ201568 Williams C. The last great Frenchman [Текст] : life of general de Gaulle / C. Williams. - New York[etc.] : Wiley, 1995. - 544 p.: ill.

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