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1.ООН/673 Всеевропейская конференция министров охраны окружающей среды "Окружающая среда для Европы"(5; 2003; Киев).5-ая Всеевропейская конференция министров охраны окружающей среды "Окружающая среда для Европы": Справочник-каталог [Текст] : 21-23.05.2003. - К : ООО "ЕКСПО 2000 Украина", 2003. - 120 с.
2.ВС50080 "Довкілля для Європи", всеєвропейська конференція міністрів охорони навколишнього середовища(5; 2004; Київ).5-та Всеєвропейська Конференція Міністрів Охорони Навколишнього Середовища "Довкілля для Європи" [Текст] : матеріали та док. / UNDP. - К. : [Бліц-Принт], 2004. - 541 с.
3.АО265619 55 вопросов и ответов, касающихся аварии на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции [Текст] : Международная коммуникационная платформа, посвященная долгосрочным последствиям Чернобыльской катастрофы: chernobyl.info / Швейцарское управление по развитию и сотрудничеству (ШУРС) ; пер. С. Мезарош [и др.]. - Минск : ШУРС, 2005. - 80 с.
4.ІР8857 Amendment to the Aarhus Convention (Almaty, 2005) as an international mechanism for public access to decision-making in the field of biosafety [Текст] / [auth.: Serhiy Vykhryst et al.] ; European ECO-Forum. - Chişinău : Eco-TIRAS, 2006. - 36 p.
5.ІР7107 Convention on civil liability for damage resulting from activities dangerous to the environment [Текст] : Lugano, 21.VI. 1993 / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg : Service de l'édition et de la documentation, 1993. - 22 p. - (European Treaty ser. ; 150)
6.ІР7108 Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats [Текст] : Bern, 19.IX. 1979 / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg : [б.в.], 1995. - 35 p. - (European Treaty ser. ; 104)
7.ІВ193023 Dalla morfologia del degrado alla morfologia della conservazione [Текст] : Atti del Convegno, 5-7 aprile 1993, Venezia / cura G. A. Popescu, G. Dallaporta. - Roma : Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1994. - 396 p.:fig.
8.ІР6055 Die Umwelt in Europa: Der zweite Lagebericht [Текст] : Ein Überblick / Europäische Umweltagentur. - Kopenhagen : EUA, 1998. - 43 S.: Abb.
9.ІС13550 Dokumentation zum Aktionsprogramm, Umwelt und Gesundheit [Текст] : Sachstand - Problemaufriß - Optionen / Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. - Bonn : Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, 1999. - 253 S.: Abb.
10.ІВ216437 Earth systems change over Eastern Europe [Текст] / ed. by Dr. of sciences Pavel Ya. Groisman, Acad. of NAS of Ukraine Vadym I. Lyalko. - Kyiv : Akademperiodyka, 2012. - 487 p. : fig., 17 p. ill. - (Project "Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language")
11.UN/1197 Environmental governance sourcebook: challenges, laws, instruments, institutions [Текст] / UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS ; Ed. by A/ Steiner [et al.]. - Bratislava : UNDP, 2003. - (Environmental governance series).- URL: http://europeandcis.undp.org/environment/eu/show/3648A4A9-F203-1EE9-B32AA7B7D6E35F95
12.ІВ209221 Environmental health in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] / ed. K. C. Donnelly, L. H. Cizmas. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2006. - XXII, 249 p.: fig.
13.ECE/CEP/140. Environmental indicators and indicator-based assessment reports: Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia [Текст] / Economic Commission for Europe. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2007. - viii, 92 p.: tables
14.ВА842984 "Environmental Knowledge and Policy Innovation between East and West. Lessons Learned and not?", open Science Conference(2019; Minsk).Environmental Knowledge and Policy Innovation between East and West. Lessons Learned and not?. Open Science Conference, May 28-30, 2019, Minsk, Belarus [Текст] : proceedings / [ed. A. N. Varaskin] ; Nat. Acad. of sci. of Belarus [et. al.]. - Minsk : Varaskin A. N., 2019. - 144 p.- URL: west2east.pskgu.ru
15.ECE/CEP/118. Environmental monitoring and reporting: Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia [Текст] / Economic Commission for Europe. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2003. - ix, 67 p.: tables
16.ECE/CEP/119. Environmental policy in transition: ten years of UNECE environmental performance reviews [Текст] / Economic Commission for Europe. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2003. - vi, 91 p.: tables
17.ІС15212 Erfassung und Bewertung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSD) - Erfahrungen, insbesondere aus Deutschland und Russland [Текст] / Hrsg. Karsten Grunewald [et al.]. - Bonn : Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2014. - 370 S. : Abb., Tab. - (BfN-Skripten ; 373)
18.ООН 77 UN. Europe's Environment. The Seventh Pan-European Environmental Assessment [Текст] / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations Environment Programme. - Geneva : United Nations, 2022. - XXXI, 187 p. : fig., tab.
19.ІВ211450 European regional meeting on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance [Текст] : Report of an International workshop hosted by the German federal agency for nature conservation isle of Vilm, Germany, 24 - 29 October 2006 / ed. U. Feit, F. Wolff. - Bonn : Federal agency for natural conservation, 2007. - 151 p.: tab.
20.Глушков В.М./ІС3 Training course on off-site emergency response to nuclear accidents(5; 1995; Mol).Fifth training course on off-site emergency response to nuclear accidents, Mol (Belgium), June 26-30 [Текст] / Europ. radiation protection education and training. - Mol : [s. n.], 1995. - [Pag. var.] : fig., tab.

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