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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=GREGOROVICH$<.>+<.>A=ANDREW$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 20
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.В277190/2 Facing an unequal world. Vol. 2:Asia [Текст]. - 2010. - 361 p.
2.В277190/3 Facing an unequal world. Vol. 3:Europe and concluding reflections [Текст]. - 2010. - 295 p. : fig.
3.В277190/1/DVD209 Facing an unequal world. Vol. 1:Introduction, Latin America and Africa [Текст] / Acad. Sinica, Inst. of sociology [etc.] ; ed.: Michael Burawoy [et al.] ; assoc. ed.: Abigail Andrews [et al.]. - 2010. - 315 p. + 1 ел. опт. диск (DVD-ROM)
4.CAN.WRITERS/№175 Andrews J. M. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair [Текст] / J. M. Andrews. - Vancouver : Canada press, 1992. - 143 p.
5.Э372/ B-69 Bodrug J. Independent Orthodox Church [Текст] : Memoirs pertaining to the history of a Ukr. Canadian Church in the years 1903 to 1913 / J. Bodrug ; ed. by J. Gregorovich ; introd. by P. Yuzyk. - Toronto : Ukrainian Canadian research foundation, 1982. - XXXII, 159 p.: ill.
6.УНД N.928 Ukrainian Toronto [Текст] : directory of Ukrainian cultural groups organizations and institutions in Toronto / comp. Gregorovich. Andrew ; Ukrainian Canadian committee, Toronto branch. - Toronto, Ontario : [б.в.], 1976. - 62 p.: ill.
7.ІВ199118 Shame [Текст] : Interpersonal behavior, psychopathology, and culture / ed. P. Gilbert, B. Andrews. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford UP, 1998. - 288 p.: fig.
8.ІВ201548 Andrews P. H. Communication for business and the professions [Текст] / P. H. Andrews, J. E. Baird. - Boston, Massachusetts[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1995. - 493 p.: ill.
9.ІА23589 Andrew (Brother) God's smuggler [Текст] / Andrew (Brother) ; pref. by J. Sherrill, E. Sherrill. - London[etc.] : Hodder and Stoughton, 1972. - 256 p.
10.ІВ210264 Accounting for culture: thinking through cultural citizenship [Текст] / ed. C. Andrew [a.o.]. - Ottawa : The University of Ottawa Press, 2005. - XVIII, 286 p.: fig.
11.ІР6636 Andrew (Metropolitan) The Union of Christian Churches in the light of the doctrine of the holy Orthodox Church [Текст] / Andrew (Metropolitan). - 鸡¡¸»Ñú : The Mission department of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1985. - 16 p.
12.В275914/55 (комп. 5) Michael Hrushevsky [Текст] : The traditional scheme of "Russian" history and the problem of a rational organization of the history of the East Slavs / ed. A. Gregorovich ; Ukrainian Free Academy of sciences. - Winnipeg : Ukrainian Canadian University students' union, 1966. - 24 p. - (Slavistica ; 55)
13.WB/16.339 Andrews E. S. The Financing of Pension Systems in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] : Overview of Major Trends and their Determinants, 1990-1993 / E. S. Andrews, M. Rashid. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1996. - ix, 40 p. - (World Bank Technical Paper , ISSN 0253-7494 ; 339) (Social Challenges of Transition Series)
14.ІВ219790 Shevchenko T. G. Kobzar [Текст] : poetry of Taras Shevchenko in Ukrainian, English and French / Taras H. Shevchenko ; introd. by Andrew Gregorovich . - Торонто : Taras Shevchenko museum, 2014. - 231 p. : ill.
15.ІР8869 Ukrainian Christmas Eve. Sviaty Vechir [Текст] / ed. by Jennie Gregorovich. - Toronto : Library, Ukrainian national federation, 1976. - 11 p.
16.ФПУ №3771 Gregorovich A. Anna Yaroslavna Queen of France & Princess of Ukraine [Текст] : Anne de Kiev / Andrew Gregorovich. - Toronto : Forum, 2011. - 148 p. : ill., phot., m.
17.ІВ229184 Gregorovich A. Cossack Bibliography [Текст] : a Selected Bibliograhy of the Zaporozhian and other Cossacks of Ukraine, the Don Cossacks of Russia and Kuban Cossacks / by Andrew Gregorovich ; [Ukrainian transl. of the Introd. by M. Olynyk] ; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, M. Hrushevskyi Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Study of Sources Lviv Branch, Ukrainian Historical Association, New York, Ucrainica Reswarch Institute, Toronto. - Toronto ; New York ; Lviv : Forum, 2008. - 371 p. : ill.
18.ІВ228894 Andrews C. Cotswold Scene. The Villages and Landscape [Текст] : including Stratford & Bath / [Photographed by] Chris Andrews ; [Text by Fiona Danks]. - London : Oxford Picture Library, 1999. - 160 p. : phot. col.
19.ВА865740 Дэвис Э. Бесконечное путешествие. Преображение в образ Христа [Текст] / Эндрю Дэвис ; [пер. с англ. В. Савянкова]. - Чернигов : In Lumine Media, 2021. - 192 с.
20.-206736 Andrews W. Architecture, ambition, and americans [Текст] / W. Andrews. - New York ; London : [s. n.], 1978.

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