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повний стислий
 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (4)Реферативна база даних (9)Журнали та продовжувані видання (11)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=RICHARDSON$<.>+<.>A=NICHOLAS$<.>+<.>A=JAMES$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 53
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.В277210/1 Jameson, [Anna] Sacred and legendary art. Vol. 1 [Текст]. - XIX, 394 p. : ill.
2.ІВ195375 Studies financial institutions: commercial banks [Текст] / ed. C. M. James, C. W. Smith. - New York[etc.] : McGraw- Hill, 1994. - 652 p. - (McGraw- Hill series in advanced topics in france and accounting)
3.ІВ196613 Richardson B. Japanese democracy [Текст] : Power, coordination, and performance / B. Richardson. - New Haven : [б.в.] ; London : Yale University Press, 1997. - IX, 324 p.: tabl.
4.Д3232 Richardson G. A series of original designs for country seats or villas [Текст] : containing plans and elevations, sections of the principal apartments, ceilings, chimney-pieces, capitals of columns, ornaments for friezes and other interior decorations in the antique style / G. Richardson. - London : [б.в.], 1795. - 8 p., 57 pl. ill.
5.MFI6011/1-3 Richardson N. J. Cenozoic erosion and sedimentation in the Sichuan Basin [Текст] : Diss. / N. J. Richardson ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2006. - 208 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 16911)
6.В276025/82 James H. The Bostonians [Текст] / H. James ; introd. C. Butler. - London : Campbell, 1992. - 394 p. - (Everyman's library ; 82) (The millennium library)
7.В276025/152 James H. The awkward age [Текст] / H. James ; introd. C. Ozick. - London : Campbell, 1993. - 398 p. - (Everyman's library ; 152) (Thw millennium library)
8.В276025/244/Vol. 1 James, Henry Collected stories. Vol. 1:1866-91 [Текст]. - 1999. - XXII, 1243 p.
9.В276025/244/Vol. 2 James, Henry Collected stories. Vol. 2:1892-1910 [Текст]. - 1999. - XXX, 1089 p.
10.DVD136 E Chryse Koypa [Elektronnyi resurs] : [Videozapys] / produced by I. Merchant ; play K. Beckinsale [a. o.] ; from the novel by H. James. - [s. l.] : Golden Bowl Productions, 2000. - 1 elektron. opt. dysk (DVD)
11.ІВ199081 The Classic fM Guide to classical music [Текст] : The essential companion to composers and their music / text copyright J. Nicholas. - London : Pavilion, 1997. - 375 p.: ill.
12.Непокупний А.П./ІB351 Sabaliauskas A. We, the Balts [Текст] / A. Sabaliauskas ; transl. M. Baksyte-Richardson ; ed. W. R. Richardson ; introd. W. R. Schmalstieg. - Vilnius : Science and encyclopedia publishers, 1993. - 151 p.
13.В276025/50 James H. The princess Casamassima [Текст] / H. James ; introd. B. Richards. - London : Campbell, 1991. - 575 p. - (Everyman's library ; 50) (The millennium library)
14.ІВ196840 Richardson B. Japanese democracy [Текст] / B. Richardson. - [s. l.] : Yale UP, 1997. - XI, 325 p.
15.В276025/[S.N.] James H. The portrait of a lady [Текст] / H. James. - London : Campbell, 1991. - 627 p. - (Everyman's library ; s.N.) (The millennium library)
16.ІВ205656 Richardson P. Internet marketing [Текст] : readings and online resources / P. Richardson. - Boston[etc.] : McGraw-Hill: Irwin, 2001. - 350 p.: fig.
17.ІВ207482 Richardson J. Sacred monsters, sacred masters: Beaton, Capote, Dali, Picasso, Freud, Warhol, and more [Текст] / J. Richardson. - New York : Random House, 2001. - 363 S.: Ill.
18.ІВ208285 The reconstructed past [Текст] : Reconstructions in the public interpretation of archaeology and history / ed. J. H. Jameson. - Walnut Creek : AltaMira press : A division of Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2004. - X, 307 p.: phot., fig.
19.ІВ212378 The Deutsche Bank 1870-1995 [Текст] / L. Gall [a. o.]. - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1995. - XX, 946, [52 ] p.: phot., ill.
20.В276903/Vol. 1 Globalization and economy. Vol. 1:Globalizing markets and capitalism [Текст] / ed. P. James, B. K. Gills. - 2007. - 416 p.: fig., tab.

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