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1.ВА731738 Джонсон А. Дерзкий поцелуй [Текст] / Алисса Джонсон ; пер. с англ.: Анатолий Михайлов. - Х. ; Белгород : Книжный Клуб "Клуб Семейного Досуга", 2010. - 352 с.
2.CDR1296/ВА734168 Susanna Chakhoian [Електронний ресурс]. - [К.] : [Макрос], [200-?]. - 1 електрон. оптич. диск (CD-ROM)
3.CAN.WRITERS/№85 Alia V. Names, numbers, and Northern policy [Текст] : Inuit, project surname, and the politics of identify / V. Alia. - Halifax, Nova Scotia : Fernwood publ., 1994. - 118 p.:ill.
4.ІВ193546 Mayer T. Money, banking, and the economy [Текст] / T. Mayer [a.o]. - New York ; London : Norton, 1993. - 574 p.: fig.
5.ІР6463 Aliev B. N. Exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein's equations allowing for two nonecommuting killing vectors. (Type G2 II of Petrov classification) [Текст] / B. N. Aliev, A. N. Leznov ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1990. - 13 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 90-50)
6.ІВ206170 Aliyev E. A. International legal regulation of traffic and national legislation [Текст] : Textbook for students / E. A. Aliyev ; ed. I. M. Aliyeva, E. A. Hajiyev. - Baku : Huquq Edebiyyati, 2003. - 255 p.: ill.
7.ІС12305 Alibran P. Mesure des rapports d'embranchement des canaux multineutres dans l'annihilation pp à 1.6 GeV/c [Текст] : Thèse / P. Alibran ; l'Universite de Paris-Sud. Centre d'Orsay. - Paris : [б.в.], 1976. - 234 p.: fig.
8.ІВ211284 Mammadova H. Khodjaly: martyrs and witnesses [Текст] : Armenian terrorism as an integral part of the international one / H. Mammadova ; transl. J. A. Aliyev. - Baku : House of Tales, 2005. - 248 p.: phot.
9.ІР7985 In the halls of the state museum of Temurids history. The excursion in the state museum of Temurids history [Текст] : the guidebook / S. Otakozieva [a. o.] ; ed. N. Habibullaev ; The Academy of Science of the republic of Uzbekistan, The state museum of Temurids history. - Tashkent : Publishihg house "San'at", 2002. - 19 p.: ill.
10.ІС13360 Ali A. A. Wireless channel parameters estimation for enhancement of the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems [Текст] : Diss. / A. A. Ali ; Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. - Magdeburg : [б.в.], 2007. - 155 p.: fig.
11.ІР8033 Alireza Shirpoor The effect of vitamin E and a-lipoic acid on cellular and molecular changes induced by pre- and postnatal ethanol administration in the developing hippocampus and cerebellum of rat [Текст] : abstract of diss..of candidate of biol. science: G 00.09 / Alireza Shirpoor ; National Academy Science of republic of Armenia, Istitute of physiology dedicated by academician L.A. Orbeli. - Yerevan : [б.в.], 2010. - 25 p.: fig., tab.
12.ІВ212962 Aliyev N. H. International law issues in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict [Текст] / N. H. Aliyev. - Tbilisi : Universal, 2009. - 100 p.
13.ІВ209795 Xhaferi S. Leksikon i vogël i financave dhe ekonomisë ndërkombëtare [Текст] / S. Xhaferi, H. Aliu. - Shkup : Interlingua, 2006. - 219 f.
14.ІР6907 Xenotransplantation: state of the art report [Текст] : Blood transfusion and histocompatibility / prep. M. Alivertis ; Council of Europe. - Strasbourg : [б.в.], 1997. - 25 p.
15.ІР6445 Aliev B. N. The problem of principal chiral field with the parameters depending on free arguments and its integration [Текст] / B. N. Aliev, A. N. Leznov ; USSR State Committee for utilizasion of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1989. - 21 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 89-205)
16.Непокупний А.П./ІВ14 Religijotyros żodynas [Текст] / V. Ališauskas [ir kt.] ; sudare R. Petraitis ; atsakomasis red. A. Rybelis. - Vilnius : Mintis, 1991. - 411 p.
17.ІВ201617 Aliyev H. Amerika resmi gezisi [Текст] : Türkiye matbuatinda / H. Aliyev. - [s. l.] : [б.в.], [s.a.]. - 231 s.
18.В277103/Kitab 1 XX əsr Azərbaycan poeziyasi antologiyasi. Kitab 1:1920-ci illərin poeziyasi [Текст] / red. Ş. Alişanli. - 2009. - 404 s.
19.ІВ215126 Alexeev N. E. Criminal investigation in the USA. Modern approach. Terminology [Текст] : methodological manual on the course of lectures in Engl. for law students a. post-graduates of Nat. univ. "Odesa academy of law" / N. E. Alexeev ; Nat. univ. "Odesa academy of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 122 p.
20.ІВ215123 Grischenko V. I. Cryorenewal, its role in preservation of health and longevity [Текст] : a "Naukova kniga" project / V. I. Grischenko, E. I. Alekseyevskaya. - Kharkov : Fort Publishing House, 2011. - 320, [32] p. : fig.

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