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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 26
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.В277025/Vol. 1 11th international congress on deterioration and conservation of stone, 15-20 September, Torun, Poland. Vol. 1 [Текст] / ed. J. W. Lukaszewicz, P. Niemcewicz. - 2008. - XXIII, 783 , XXXI p.: fig., tab.
2.В277025/Vol. 2 11th international congress on deterioration and conservation of stone, 15-20 September, Torun, Poland. Vol. 2 [Текст] / red. J. W. Lukaszewicz, P. Niemcewicz. - 2008. - XXIII, p. 785-1347 : fig., tab.
3.MFI5612/1-3 Bestmann L. A micromachined total nucleie acid analysis system [Текст] : Diss. / L. Bestmann ; Swiss federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2005. - 145 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 15885)
4.ІВ203243 Lukas J. Churchill: Visionary, statesman, historian [Текст] / J. Lukas. - New Haven ; London : Yale UP, 2002. - XIII, 202 p.
5.ІР6803 Arkhirova N. Cluster evolution as a test for LambdaMDM models [Текст] / N. Arkhirova [a.o.]. - Moscow : [б.в.], 2001. - 18 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Lebedev Physical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences ; 7)
6.ІС13268 "Computer technology in welding and manufacturing", international conference (16;2006;Kiev). "Computer technology in welding and manufacturing", 16th international conference & "Mathemathical modelling and information technologies in welding and related processes", 3rd international conference, 6-8 June 2006, Kiev [Текст] : proc. of joint intern. conf. / ed. W. Lukas, V. I. Makhnenko ; E.O.Paton electric welding institute, The Welding institute, International association "Welding", Local charity foundation "Welding community". - Kiev : E.O.Paton electric welding institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 2006. - 328 p.: fig., phot.
7.-711482 Lukash O. Conceptual principles of phytodiversity conservation. Lectures and practical works [Текст] : a manual / O. Lukash. - Chernihiv : Desna Poligraf, 2023. - 96 p.
8.ІВ230232 Construction technologies final cycle [Текст] : [textbook for higher educational institutions] / [A. Kovrov et al. ; ed. by O. Meneiliuk]. - Одеса : Гельветика , 2022. - 506 p. : fig., tab. - (Series Modern Building / under the editorship of Prof. O. Meneiliuk)
9.ІВ226515 Isayev S. Crime without punishment [Текст] / Simon Isayev ; [transl. Oleksandra Lukashchuk]. - Lviv : PE Publ. BONA, 2019. - 305 p.
10.Österr.bibl./№3790 Das Rechnungslegungsgesetz [Текст] : Mit den einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, sowie ausführlichen Erläuterungen und Verweisungen / hrsg. W. . Lukas, P. Zetter. - Wien : Manzsche- Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1991. - XVI, 521 S. - (Manzsche Gesetzesausgaben : sonderausg. ; Nr.75)
11.ІС13149 "Die Blume Europas", Ausstellung (2006;Köln). Die Blume Europas [Текст] : Meisterwerke aus dem Nationalmuseum Breslau (Wroclaw), 22. April bis 23. Juli, 2006: Katalog / Wallraf-Richartz-Museum - Fondation Corboud, Köln ; Red. P. Lukaszewicz ; Text B. Guldan-Klamecka [u.a.]. - Köln : Edition Minerva, 2006. - 228 S.: Ill.
12.ІВ231244 Lukashevych Ya. Eat Good Feel Good [Текст] / Yana Lukashevych ; [пер. з укр. Афанасьєва В.]. - Dnipro : Lira, 2023. - 89, [1] p. : ill.
13.ІВ231246 Lukashevych Ya. Eat Good Feel Good [Текст] / Yana Lukashevych ; [пер. з укр. Годун О. М.]. - Dnipro : Lira, 2023. - 89, [1] S. : ill.
14.ІВ223466 Kristijonas Donelaitis: bibliografijos rodyklė [Текст] / sudarė Daiva Narbutienė ; aprašus kūrė Nijolė Lietuvinkaitė [et al.] ; [į anglų kalbą vertė Ana Venclovienė ; dailininkas Rolas Gelažius]. - Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka, 2015. - 638, p., [16] il. p.
15.ІВ203169 Lehrbuch der Psychologie [Текст] : Für den Gebrauch an höheren Lehranstalten und zum Selbstunterrichte: Mit Benutzung von G.A.Lindner's Lehrbuch der empirischen Psychologie / verf. G. A. Lindner, F. Lukas. - Wien : Gerold, 1900. - VI, 184 S.: Abb.
16.ІВ227514 National brand of Ukraine [Текст] : monogr. / Anatolii Mazaraki [et al.] ; gen. editorship dr of econ. sciences, prof. A. Mazaraki. - Tallinn : Scientific Route, 2018. - XIV, 250 p. : fig., tab.
17.ІВ226920 "Natural resources of border areas under a changing climate", international scientific conference(3; 2019; Chernihiv).Natural resources of border areas under a changing climate [Текст] : the 3rd Intern. scientific conf. : the program, abstr. : Sept. 24-27, 2019 / ed. board: O. Lukash [et al.] ; T. H. Shevchenko nat. univ."Chernihiv colehium", Mezyn nat. nature park, Pomeranian univ. in Słupsk, Chernihiv regional dep. of forestry and hunting, Chernihiv regional organization of the All-Ukr. ecological league. - Chernihiv : Desna polygraph publ. house, 2019. - 99 p.
18.ІС16235 Record-Breaking Racing Cars Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (Laboratory of Racing Cars KhADl) [Текст] : popular science handbook of racing cars / A. M. Turenko [et al.] ; Krarkiv National Automobile and Highway University. - Kharkiv : Brovin O. V., 2023. - 99, [1] p. : ill.
19.ІВ194613 Lukaschenko A. Republik Belarus: Wege in die Zukunft [Текст] / A. Lukaschenko. - Düsseldorf : IGT GmbH, [s. a.]. - 123 S.
20.Österr. Bibl./№7561 Schnitzler-Handbuch [Текст] : Leben - Werk - Wirkung / Christoph Jürgensen, Wolfgang Lukas, Michael Scheffel (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart ; Weimar : J. B. Metzler, 2014. - X, 438 S.

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