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авторомназвоюроком видання
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 Знайдено в інших БД:Віртуальна довідка (2)Наукова електронна бібліотека (7)Реферативна база даних (63)Журнали та продовжувані видання (20)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=BYRNES$<.>+<.>A=DAVID$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 51
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІА24461 Davidson J. 60 second solutions motivation [Текст] / Jeff Davidson. - Cincinnati, Ohio : David & Charles, 2011. - 160 p.
2.ІВ231432 Davidson B. R. A Guide to African History [Текст] : A General Survey of the African Past from Earliest Times to the Present / Basil Davidson ; rev. and ed. by Haskel Frankel. - Garden City ; New York : Doubleday & Company, 1965. - 118 p. : il. - (Zenith Books)
3.Österr.Bibl. №7989 David-Freihst R. Am Tatort [Текст] : Krimi-Schauplätze, wie sie wirklich sind / Roman David-Freihst, Christian Fischer. - Wien : K & S, 2007. - 189, [2] S. : Fot., K.
4.В275894/Vol. 8 annotated bibliography of Canada's major authors. Vol. 8 [Текст] / ed. R. Lecker, J. David. - 1994. - 576 p.
5.В277254/3 Antiquites d'Herculanum . T. 3 [Текст] / Gravées par F. A. David ; avec leurs explications par P. Sylvain M. - 1781. - [55] f. : ill.
6.ІС13396 Art in America: 300 years of innovation [Текст] : [Catalog of exhibition] / ed. S. Davidson ; Guddenheim museum. - London ; New York : Merrell, 2007. - 352 p.: ill., phot.
7.ІВ207953 Middlebrook M. AutoCAD 2006 for dummies [Текст] / M. Middlebrook, D. Byrnes. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2005. - XVI, 413 p.: fig.
8.ІВ220993 Byrnes D. AutoCAD® 2012 for dummies® [Текст] / by David Byrnes : forew. by Heidi Hewett, AutoCAD techn. marketing manager. - Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley, 2011. - XXII, 534 p. : fig., tab. - (For Dummies)
9.ІВ195355 Davidson J. P. Cash traps: small business secrets for reducing costs and improving cash flow [Текст] / J. P. Davidson, C. W. Dean. - New York[etc.] : Wiley, 1992. - 208 p.
10.ІВ201428 Chambers's twentieth century dictionary of the English language [Текст] : Pronouncing, explanatory, etymological, with compound phrases, technical terms in use in the arts and sciences, colloquialism, full appendices, and copiously illustrated / ed. T. Davidson. - London ; Edinburgh : Chambers, [s. a.]. - VIII, 1215 p.
11.Österr. Bibl. № 8486 Die Geburt der Moderne aus dem Geist der Religion? [Текст] : Religion, Weltanschauung und Moderne in Wien um 1900 / [K. Baier et al.] ; Rudolf Leeb, Astrid Schweighofer (Hg.). - Göttingen : V&R unipress : Vienna University Press, 2020. - 432 S. : Abb. - (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft : WFTR = Vienna Forum for Theology and the Study of Religions, ISSN 2197-0718 ; Bd. 20)
12.ІР6465 Experimental study of gluon and sea quark polarizations. (The first stage of the POLEX program at UNK) [Текст] / S. A. Akimenko [a.o.] ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1992. - 36 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 92-111)
13.ІВ201439 Davidson E. H. Gene activity in early development [Текст] / E. H. Davidson. - New York[etc.] : Academic press, 1977. - XVI, 452 p.: fig.
14.ІС15537 Human rights situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, April-Jule 2016 [Текст] / [Yurii Aseev et al.]. - Kharkiv : Human rights publ., 2016. - 63 p. : color. phot., tab.
15.ІВ224857 Davidson C. Knowledge management [Текст] : an introd. to creating competitive advantage from intellectual capital / Carl Davidson, Philip Voss. - Birkenhead, Auckland : Tandem press, 2002. - 192 p. : fig.
16.ІВ223289 David F. Kuća sećanja i zaborava [Текст] / Filip David. - Beograd : Laguna, 2015. - 190 s. - (Biblioteka Meridijan ; knj. br. 46)
17.ІВ193578 David C. B. Le prince de Vienne [Текст] / C. B. David. - Paris : Ed. Raphael, 1993. - 204 p.
18.ІВ206645 Byrnes W. J. Management and the arts [Текст] / W. J. Byrnes ; forew. D. J. Martin. - Amsterdam[etc.] : Focal Press, 2003. - XX, 351 p.: fig.
19.ІВ227944 Balinsky B. Memoirs [Текст] / Boris Balinsky ; [introd.: F. van de Pol, H. David]. - [Johannesburg?] : Global Print, [2009?]. - 340 p. : phot.
20.ІВ207593 Nation of nations: a concise narrative of the American republic [Текст] / J. W. Davidson [a. o.]. - New York[etc.] : Overture books McGraw-Hill, 1996. - XXII, 947, A-123 p.: phot., fig.

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