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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=CHRISTENSEN$<.>+<.>A=ANDREW$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 34
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ210264 Accounting for culture: thinking through cultural citizenship [Текст] / ed. C. Andrew [a.o.]. - Ottawa : The University of Ottawa Press, 2005. - XVIII, 286 p.: fig.
2.ІА23589 Andrew (Brother) God's smuggler [Текст] / Andrew (Brother) ; pref. by J. Sherrill, E. Sherrill. - London[etc.] : Hodder and Stoughton, 1972. - 256 p.
3.ІР6636 Andrew (Metropolitan) The Union of Christian Churches in the light of the doctrine of the holy Orthodox Church [Текст] / Andrew (Metropolitan). - 鸡¡¸»Ñú : The Mission department of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1985. - 16 p.
4.-206736 Andrews W. Architecture, ambition, and americans [Текст] / W. Andrews. - New York ; London : [s. n.], 1978.
5.ІВ228894 Andrews C. Cotswold Scene. The Villages and Landscape [Текст] : including Stratford & Bath / [Photographed by] Chris Andrews ; [Text by Fiona Danks]. - London : Oxford Picture Library, 1999. - 160 p. : phot. col.
6.WB/16.339 Andrews E. S. The Financing of Pension Systems in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] : Overview of Major Trends and their Determinants, 1990-1993 / E. S. Andrews, M. Rashid. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1996. - ix, 40 p. - (World Bank Technical Paper , ISSN 0253-7494 ; 339) (Social Challenges of Transition Series)
7.CAN.WRITERS/№175 Andrews J. M. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair [Текст] / J. M. Andrews. - Vancouver : Canada press, 1992. - 143 p.
8.ІВ201548 Andrews P. H. Communication for business and the professions [Текст] / P. H. Andrews, J. E. Baird. - Boston, Massachusetts[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1995. - 493 p.: ill.
9.ІВ207729 Christensen A. Reconcilable differences [Текст] / A. Christensen, N. S. Jacobson. - New York ; London : The Guilford press, 2000. - XV, 333 p.
10.CAN.WRITERS/№223 Christensen A. Le châtiment d'Orphée [Текст] / A. Christensen ; phot. J. Dickson. - Ottawa : Les Éditions du Vermillon, 1990. - 114 p.: ill.
11.CAN.WRITERS/№3/8 Christensen A. Lèvres d'aube suivi de L'Ange au corps [Текст] : Poésie / A. Christensen. - Ottawa : Les Éditions du Vermillon, 1992. - cent vingt-huit p. - (Colection "Rameau de ciel" ; n.8)
12.CAN.WRITERS/№3/13 Christensen A. Noces d'ailleurs [Текст] : Poémes / A. Christensen. - [Ottawa] : Les Éditions du Vermillon, 1993. - 85 p. - (Rameau de ciel ; 13)
13.ІВ224661 Christensen C. M. Wege statt Irrwege [Текст] : wo Menschen u. Firmen die gleichen Fehler machen u. warum Wirtschaftstheorien uns zu einem glücklicheren Leben verhelfen können / Clayton M. Christensen, Karen Dillon, James Allworth. - Kulmbach : Börsenmedien, 2015. - 224 S. - (Books Success ; 4)
14.ІВ214538 Christensen H. S. Political participation beyond the vote [Текст] : how the institutional context shapes patterns of polit. participation in 18 Western European democracies : diss. / Henrik Serup Christensen ; Åbo akad. univ. - Åbo : Åbo akademi university press, 2011. - 278 p. : fig., tab.
15.ІВ205832 Christensen J. A. Accounting theory [Текст] : information content perspective / J. A. Christensen, J. S. Demski. - Boston[etc.] : McGraw-Hill: Irwin, 2003. - xiii, 465 p.: fig.
16.ІВ201564 Christensen K. R. Philosophy and choice [Текст] : Selected readings from around the world / K. R. Christensen. - Mountain View, California[etc.] : Mayfield, 1999. - 621 p.
17.ІВ200185 Christensen L. S. Billettene [Текст] : Roman / L. S. Christensen. - [s. l.] : Cappelens Forlag, 1990. - 292 s. - (Cub Cappelens Utvalgte)
18.Österr.bibl./№3698/20 Christensen R. Lebendige Gegenwart und Urerlebnis [Текст] : Zur Konkretisierung des transzedentalen apriori bei Husserl und Reininger / R. Christensen. - Wien : [б.в.], 1981. - 152 S. - (Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akad. der Wiss. Philos.-hist. Klasse ; Bd. 389) (Veröffentlichungen / Kommission für Philos. und Pädagogik ; H. 20)
19.В277190/1/DVD209 Facing an unequal world. Vol. 1:Introduction, Latin America and Africa [Текст] / Acad. Sinica, Inst. of sociology [etc.] ; ed.: Michael Burawoy [et al.] ; assoc. ed.: Abigail Andrews [et al.]. - 2010. - 315 p. + 1 ел. опт. диск (DVD-ROM)
20.В277190/2 Facing an unequal world. Vol. 2:Asia [Текст]. - 2010. - 361 p.

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