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авторомназвоюроком видання
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 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (1)Реферативна база даних (4)Журнали та продовжувані видання (9)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=FULLER$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 12
Представлено документи з 1 до 12
1.ІР8881 Fuller J. F. C. Russia is not invincible [Текст] / J. F. C. Fuller. - London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951. - 16 p.
2.ІВ220999 Fuller L. U. Access® 2010 for dummies® [Текст] / by Laurie Ulrich Fuller and Ken Cook. - Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley, 2010. - XVI, 438 p. : fig., tab. - (For Dummies)
3.ІВ201894 Fuller L. L. The morality of law [Текст] / L. L. Fuller. - New Haven ; London : Yale UP, 1969. - XI, 262 p.
4.Козуб Л./№497(конв. 1-6.6)in Golem XIV [Текст] / Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; forew. I. T. Creve, T. B. Fuller. - [s. l.] : Mit Press, 2029. - 71 s.(s.101-172 )
5.ІР7451 Library of Congress. Division of bibliography. A selected list of references on the expansion of the U.S. Navy, 1933-1939 [Текст] / Library of Congress. Division of bibliography ; comp. G. H. Fuller, F. S. Hellman. - Washington, District of Colambia : [б.в.], 1939. - 34 p.
6.ІР7448 Library of Congress. Division of bibliography. Foreign relief and rehabilitation [Текст] : selected list of references / comp. G. H. Fuller, F. S. Hellman. - Washington, District of Colambia : [б.в.], 1943. - 28 p.
7.ІВ218909 Pfeifer J. D. Molecular genetic testing in surgical pathology [Текст] / John D. Pfeifer ; with contributions by Daniel A. Arber [et al.]. - Philadelphia[etc.] : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. - 474 p. : fig., tab.
8.ІВ190009 Stetzko J. The Kremlin on a volcano: coexistence or liberation policy? [Текст] / Jaroslaw Stetzko ; forew. by J. F. C. Fuller ; introd. by Nestor D. Procyk. - New York : Amer. friends of Anti-bolshevik bloc of nations, 1959. - 56 p.
9.ІВ212843/CDR1231 The Kennedy family. An American dynasty [Текст] : bibliography with indexes / ed. S. J. Fuller. - New York : Nova Science Publ. Inc., 2007. - 252 p.
10.CDR1231/ІВ212843 The Kennedy Family. An American Dynasty: a bibliography with indexes [Elektronnyi resurs] / ed. S. J. Fuller. - [New York] : Nova Science Publ. Inc., 2007. - 1 elektron. opt. dysk (CD-ROM)
11.ІВ194485 The road to freedom and the end of fear [Текст] : Report of the 3. Congress of the anti-bolshevic bloc of nations in Munich in March, 1954 / forew. J. F. Fuller ; introd. J. Stewart. - Edinburgh : Scottish league for European freedom, 1954. - 54 p. - (Foreign affairs information series ; n. 26)
12.В275949/26 The road to freedom and the end of fear [Текст] : Report of the 3. congress of the Anti-Bolshevic Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.) in Munich in March, 1954 / introd. J. F. Stewart ; foreword J. Fuller. - Edinburgh : Scottish league for European freedom, [s. a.]. - X, 54 p. - (Foreign affairs information ser. ; n. 26)

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