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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=IBRAHIMOVA$<.>+<.>A=DIYANA$<.>+<.>A=RASHID$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 25
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ203677 Rashidi H. H. Grundriss der Bioinformatik [Текст] : Anwendungen in den Biowissenschaften und der Medizin / H. H. Rashidi, L. K. Bühler ; aus dem Engl. übers. O. Werner. - Heidelberg ; Berlin : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2001. - 172 S.: Abb.
2.WB/16.339 Andrews E. S. The Financing of Pension Systems in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] : Overview of Major Trends and their Determinants, 1990-1993 / E. S. Andrews, M. Rashid. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1996. - ix, 40 p. - (World Bank Technical Paper , ISSN 0253-7494 ; 339) (Social Challenges of Transition Series)
3.ІВ221939 QәzәnfәrXalıkov: 1898-1981 [Текст] : rǝngkarlıq grafika / [layihǝnin rǝhbǝri Çingiz Fǝrzǝliyev ; mǝtnin müǝllifi Xǝdicǝ Ibrahimova, Gülnaz Quliyeva ; fotolar Əlǝkbǝr Ağasiyev]. - Bakı : Sǝrvǝt, 2013. - 104 sǝh. : fot.
4.ІВ227130 Əziz Əliyev. Bibliografiya [Текст] / [tǝrt. ed.: M. Vǝliyeva, M. Ibrahimova, G. Misirova ; ixtisas red. vǝ burax. mǝsul: K. Tahirov ; red.: G. Sǝfǝrǝliyeva] ; Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası. - Bakı : Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası, 2017. - 221 s. - (Azǝrbaycan görkǝmli şǝxsiyyǝtlǝri)
5.ІВ227145 Səməd Mənsur (Səməd Hacı Əhmed oğlu Kazimov). Bibliografiya [Текст] / [tǝrt. ed. M. Ibrahimova ; elmi red. K. Tahirov ; red. G. Sǝfǝrǝliyeva] ; Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası. - Bakı : Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası, 2019. - 158 s. - (Azǝrbaycanın görkemli şǝxsiyyǝtlǝri)
6.ІВ227129 Qara Qarayev. Bibliografiya [Текст] / [tǝrt ed.: M. Vǝliyeva, M. Ibrahimova, G. Misirova ; elmi red.: K. Tahirov ; red.: G. Sǝfǝrǝliyeva] ; Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası. - Bakı : Azǝrb. Milli Kitabxanası, 2018. - 695 s. - (Azǝrbaycanın görkǝmli şǝxsiyyǝtlǝri)
7.ВА847600 Сучасне державотворення: правова трансформація в умовах світових змін [Текст] : [колект.] монографія / [Ю. Л. Бошицький та ін.] ; за заг. ред. проф., засл. юриста України Ю. Л. Бошицького ; НАН України, Київ. ун-т права. - Київ : Талком, 2020. - 661, [2] с. : іл.
8.ВА848694 Рашиді К. Внутрішня історія. Anus несподівані відкриття [Текст] / Каве Рашаді, Юнас Кінґе Берґлан ; [пер. з норвез. В. Савчук]. - Харків : КСД, 2021. - 285, [1] с. : іл.
9.ІР9172 Ibrahimova G. H. Synthesis and transformations of polyfunctional carbonyl compounds [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2306.01 / Guzel Huseyn Ibrahimova. - Baku, 2021. - 36 p. : fig.
10.ІР9392 Ibrahimova N. F. Semantics of words with the content of time and space in ancient Turkish written (runic) monuments (compared to the Azerbaijani language) [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5706.01 / Nabat Fuad Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijan State Ped. Univ., Dep. of the Azerb. Linguistics]. - Sumgait, 2022. - 26 p.
11.ІР9402 Ibrahimova A. A. The study of liver dysfunction after abdominal surgery in patients with obesity [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3213.01 / Aygun Adalat Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of Surgical Diseases I]. - Baku, 2022. - 32 p. : fig., tab.
12.ІР9417 Ibrahimova A. Q. Study and effective use of flora of Qakh district [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2417.01 / Aida Qudrat Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Botany, Dep. of Phytosociology of ecosystems]. - Baku, 2022. - 34 p. : fig., tab.
13.ІР9533 Ibrahimova S. A. Spectrophotometric study and application in cobaltine (II) o-hydroxytiophenol derivatives and hydrophobome amine complexes [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2301.01 / Shakhla Adalat Ibrahimova ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of "Analytical Chemistry" a. Dep. of "Analytical a. Organic Chemistry", Azerbaijan State Ped. Univ.]. - Baku, 2022. - 30 p. : fig., tab.
14.ІР9541 Ibrahimova E. N. Microcracks diagnostics in-pipe of silicon coating [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3337.01 / Ellada Nazim Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijan State Oil a. Industry Univ., Dep. "Electronics a. Automation"]. - Sumgait, 2022. - 41 p. : fig., tab.
15.ІР9660 Ibrahimova S. R. Phonosemantics of lexical categories in the Azerbaijani language [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5706.01 / Sahila Rafig Ibrahimova ; [Sumga[y]it State Univ., Chair of Lit. of Azerbaijan a. Foreign Countries]. - Sumgayit, 2021. - 29 p. : tab.
16.ІР9854 Ibrahimova K. A. The genre of biography in the twentieth-century English literature [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5718.01 / Khayala Aghamirza Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijn Univ. of Lang., Dep. of Lit. of Foreign Countries]. - Baku, 2021. - 25 p. : fig., tab.
17.ІР9734 Ibrahimova S. I. Structural properties and electrophysical properties of CuGaIn2Se5, Ga0.5In1.5Se3, Cu3SeTe and CuInZnSe3 semiconductors [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2220.01 / Sevinj Ismayil Ibrahimova ; [Inst. of Physics, Lab. "Crystallography"]. - Baku, 2022. - 33 p. : fig.
18.ІР9786 Ibrahimova D. R. Fashion as a socio-psychological factor that forms lifestyle and expresses social changes [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 6114.01 / Diyana Rashid Ibrahimova ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of "Social a. Ped. Psychology"]. - Baku, 2022. - 25 p. : tab.
19.ІР10028 Ibrahimova K. H. The issue of Azerbaijan in the National policy of the USSR (1941 - 1945) [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5503.02 / Khalida Habil gizi Ibrahimova ; [Azerbaijan State Ped. Univ., Dep. of Azerb. History]. - Baku, 2022. - 30 p.
20.ІР10367 Ibrahimova R. S. Main helminthiasis causatives in domesticated Candidae and Felidae in Azerbaijan, gis mapping of parasitic foci and preparation of fight measures [Текст] : abstract of the dis. ... Dr. of Sciences in Biology : 2429.01 / Reyhan Shohlet Ibrahimova. - Baku, 2023. - 56 p. : graph, tab.

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