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 Знайдено в інших БД:Віртуальна довідка (1)Реферативна база даних (29)Журнали та продовжувані видання (6)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=IRNI$<.>+<.>A=SARI$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 22
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ213299 Irni S. Ageing apparatuses at work. Transdisciplinary negotiations of sex, age and materiality [Текст] : Diss. / Sari Irni ; Åbo Akademi University. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University Press, 2010. - 273 p.
2.ІР6469 Gordeziani D. N. Finite-mode Poincaré-covariant systems [Текст] / D. N. Gordeziani [a.o] ; USSR Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1988. - 18 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 88-468)
3.ІС12948 Saris W. P. Deutsche Lufthansa, 1926-1945 [Текст] : Geschichte- Bekleidung- Abzeichen / W. P. Saris. - Norderstedt : Partzwall, 1999. - 321 S.: Ill.
4.ІВ206411 "Breeding of small grains", international symposium (1998;Kragujevac). Breeding of small grains [Текст] : Proceedings / ed. S. Jevtić, M. Sarić. - Belgrade : Agricultural research institute Serbia, 1998. - 480 p.: ill.
5.ІВ207403 Ciągłość i zmiana w polskiej polityce zagranicznej [Текст] / Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego ; red. P. Kosiewski ; oprac. red. I. Sariusz-Skąpska. - Warszawa : [б.в.], 2006. - 82 s.
6.ІВ211623 Sariusz-Skąpska I. Polscy świadkowie GUŁagu [Текст] : Literatura łagrowa 1939-1989 / I. Sariusz-Skąpska. - Kraków : Universitas, 2002. - 396 s.
7.ІВ212049 Partie i zmiany granic polityki [Текст] / Fundacja Batorego ; oprac. red. I. Sariusz-Skąpska. - Warszawa : [б.в.], 2009. - 196 s. - (Debaty Fundacji Batorego)
8.ІВ212350 Sztuka jako rozmowa o przeszłości [Текст] / oprac. red. I. Sariusz-Skąpska ; Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego. - Warszawa : [б.в.], 2009. - 86 s.: il. - (Debaty Fundacji Batorego)
9.ІВ210430 Sarikaya M. S. XIII-XVI. Asirlardaki Anadolu'da fütüvvetnamelere göre dinî inanç motifleri [Текст] / M. S. Sarikaya. - Ankara : Kültür Bakanliği, 2002. - XVII, 248 s. - (Kültür Bakanliği yayinlari ; 2800) (YayimlariDairesi Başkanliği kültür eserleri dizisi ; 346)
10.ІВ211391 Sarianidi W. Gonurdepe: Şalaryn we hudaylaryn şaheri [Текст] / W. Sarianidi. - Aşgabat : Miras, 2008. - 327 s.: suratlary
11.ІВ221429 з дод. Osmanlı belgelerinde Bosna Hersek [Текст] / T. C. başbakanlık, Devlet arşivleri genel müdürlüğü, Osmanlı arşivi daire başkanlığı ; [proje yöneticisi: Yusuf Sarinay ; yayına hazırlayanlar: Yıldırım Ağanoğlu et al.]. - İnstanbul : [s. n.], 2009. - 523 s. : fot.
12.ІС15275 Kretschmer T. Bykownia. Cień Katynia [Текст] : [fotoalbum] / fot. Tymon Kretschmer ; narracja Izabella Sariusz-Skąpska. - Warszawa : Narodowe centrum kultury, 2015. - [174] s. : fot. - (Biblioteka Katyńska)
13.МАКЕДОНІКА/ВА381 Criticism and essays [Текст] / anthology and introd. Shennur Suleyman Bashar ; transl. from Tur. Asuman Koksal Sariisik. - Skopje : St. Clement of Ohrid, National and university library, 2011. - 148 p. - (Translation project Macedonian literature in English ; 130)
14.МАКЕДОНІКА/ВА382 A bunch of plays [Текст] / selection, introd., ed. Fahri Kaya ; transl. from Tur. Asuman Koksal Sariisik. - Skopje : St. Clement of Ohrid, National and university library, 2011. - 253 p. - (Translation project Macedonian literature in English ; 131)
15.ІС15815 Innovative lifecycle technologies of housing, industrial and transportation objects [Текст] : monogr. / [Adil Jabbar Abbas et al. ; ed.: O. Pshynko et al. ; under the gen. editorship: M. Savytskyi] ; SHEE "Prydniprovska state acad. of civil engineering a. architecture" (Ukraine), Slovak univ. of technology in Bratislava (Slovakia). - Dnipro : SHEE "Prydniprovska state acad. of civil engineering a. architecture" ; Bratislava : Slovak univ. of technology in Bratislava, 2018. - 127 p. : fig., tab.
16.ІВ227475 Saridis G. Regulation of the plastidic LIPOAMIDE DEHYDROGENASE 1 and its contribution to host fitness bebefits in the symbiosis between Arabidopsis thaliana and Colletotrichum tofieldiae [Текст] : diss. / Georgios Saridis ; Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fak. der Univ. zu Köln. - Köln, 2020. - 141 p. : fig.
17.ІВ228086 Urology [Текст] : textbook for students of higher med. educational inst. of IVth accreditation level / S. P. Pasiechnikov [a. o.] ; ed. by Prof. S. P. Pasiechnikov ; Min. of health of Ukraine. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2020. - 391, [25] p. : fig., tab.
18.ІР9289 Sariyeva S. G. Emotional relationships in the student community in the context of the new educational concept [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 6114.01 / Sevinj Gurban Sariyeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Philosophy a. Sociology, Dep. of Sociology]. - Baku, 2021. - 25 p. : tab.
19.ІР9305 Sariyeva K. H. Surgery of calculosis cholo[e]cistitis in patients with liver cirr[h]osis modern approaches to treatment [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3213.01 / Konul Hasan Sariyeva ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of 2nd Surgical Diseases]. - Baku, 2021. - 22 p. : fig., tab.
20.ІР9418 Sariyeva E. G. Clinical-pathogenetic and therapeutic aspects of the disease in pregnant women with viral hepatitis B, C [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3215.01 ; 2420.01 / Ellada Goshgar Sariyeva ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of Obstetrics a. Gynecology II]. - Baku, 2022. - 58 p. : graph, tab., scheme.

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