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 Знайдено в інших БД:Віртуальна довідка (18)Реферативна база даних (670)Журнали та продовжувані видання (54)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=KARINTSEV$<.>+<.>A=IVAN$<.>+<.>A=BORYSOVYCH$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 150
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Р99005 Ивановская И. Н. Кабинет-музей В. И.Вернадского [Текст] : путеводитель / И. Н. Ивановская, В. С. Неаполитанская ; Ин-т геохимии и аналит. химии им. В. И.Вернадского РАН, Неправительств. эколог. фонд им. В. И.Вернадского. - М. : Ноосфера, 2000. - 47, [6] с. : фото
2.ВА730668 Тащук В. К. Understanding ECG [Текст] : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. мед. навч. закл. IV рівня акредитації, які опановують навч. дисципліну англ. мовою / В. К. Тащук, М. Ю. Коломоєць, П. Р. Іванчук. - Чернівці : Книги-ХХІ, 2008. - 184 с. : рис.
3.ІВ214040 Ivanenko V. I. Decision systems and nonstochastic randomness [Текст] / V. I. Ivanenko. - New York[etc.] : Springer Science + Business Media, 2010. - XII, 272 p. : fig.
4.ІС13856 Croatian cultural heritage [Текст] : cultural intersections and creative syntheses / conception and text Radovan Ivanvčević ; phot. Zoran Alajbeg [et al.] . - Zagreb : Croatian national tourist board, 2004. - 35 p. : ill.
5.ІС13857 Croatia [Текст] : small country for a great holiday / text Silvana Jakuš ; phot. Marko Čolić [et al.]. - Zagreb : Croatian national tourism office, [2010]. - 65 p. : ill. - (The thousand islands of the Croatian Adriatic)
6.ІВ214357 Ivanov V. A. Mathematical modeling of dynamical processes in the sea-land area [Текст] / V. A. Ivanov, V. V. Fomin ; National Acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Marine hydrophysical inst. - Kyiv : Akademperiodyka, 2010. - 286 p. : fig., tab. - (Project "Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language")
7.Österr.bibl./№6492 Ivancsics К. Anna hat zwei Tage. Vom Mutterglück und anderen Umständen [Текст] : Erzählungen / Кarin Ivancsics. - Weitra : Bibliothek der Provinz, [200-]. - 94 S.
8.Козуб Л./№527in Ivanji I. Kaiser Diokletian [Текст] : Historischer Roman / I. Ivanji. - Berlin : Volk und Welt, 1977. - 350 S.
9.ІВ194870 Ivanova O. Ukraine - my gain, Ukraine - my pain [Текст] : poetry / O. Ivanova. - Lutsk : Ed.-publ. department Volin State university named after L.Ukrainka, 1998. - 55 p.
10.ІА23835 Zinovjeva-Annibal L. Dreiunddreissig Ungeheuer [Текст] / L. Zinovjeva-Annibal ; aus dem Russ. übers. u. mit einem Vorw. U. Keller ; mit einem Nachw. V. Ivanov. - Berlin : Ed. Lit. Europe, 1995. - 95 S.: Ill.
11.ІВ197975 We are Crimeans [Текст] : National colours of the Peninsula / artist A. Ivanchenko ; avt.-composer L. Znakovskaya. - Simferopol : Tavrida publ. house "Tavrida Club", 1999. - 55 p.: ill. - (Collection "Crymusha" magazine)
12.ІР6928 The 136Xe double beta decay track experiment [Текст] / V. A. Artemiev [a.o.]. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1989. - 34 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 89-186)
13.ІР7190 Ivanov E. A. Supersymmetric gauge quantum mechanics superfield description [Текст] / E. A. Ivanov, A. V. Smilga. - Moscow : Atominform, 1990. - 9 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 95-90)
14.ІВ205240 Kostenko N. V. Experience of content analysis [Текст] : Models and practices / N. V. Kostenko, V. F. Ivanov ; Academy of Ukrainian press, Institute of sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - Kyiv : Centre for free press, 2005. - 233 p.: fig.
15.ІВ203999 Ivanov V. A. Monitoring of the shelf zone ecosystem on the example of the Black Sea (Strategy and tactics of realization of the program of the Black Sea ecosystem investigation) [Текст] / V. A. Ivanov ; Marine Hydrophysical Inst., Ukraininan Nat. Acad. of Sciences. - Sevastopol : NPC "EKOSI-Gidrofizika", 2004. - 140 p.: fig., tabl.
16.ІВ209328 News VS. News. The election campaign in the TV news programs [Текст] / National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Institute of sociology, Institute of journalism of Kyiv University ; transl. K. Makeyev, P. Demeshko ; ed. N. Kostenko, V. Ivanov. - Kyiv : Centre for free press, 2005. - 204 p.: fig.
17.ІС13318 "Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology", the young scientist's and student's international scientific conference (2007;Odesa). Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology, Odesa, 28-31, May 2007 [Текст] : book of abstracts / Mechnikov Odesa National University, Zabolotny Institute of microbiology and virology, Vynogradsky society of microbiologists of Ukraine, Young scientists council of ONU ; ed.-in-chief V. O. Ivanytsya. - Odessa : Astroprint, 2007. - 203 p.: tab.
18.ІВ210095 Ivanov S. V. Chemistry [Текст] : Textbook for students of all specialities / S. V. Ivanov [та ін.]. - Kyiv : Book publishers National Aviation University, 2006. - 346 p.: fig., tab. - (Education in English)
19.ІР7812 Effective critical behaviour of diluted Heisenberg-like magnets [Текст] / M. Dudka [та ін.]. - Lviv : ICMP, 2002. - 15 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute for condensed matter physics of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine ; ICMP-02-07E)
20.ІА24091 Douchis R. Pocket catalogue of Lithuanian coins, 1386-1938 [Текст] / R. Douchis, E. Ivanauskas ; phot. F. Brukstas [a.o.]. - Kaunas : UAB "Judex", 2004. - 108 p.: ill.

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