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1.ІВ200525 Slovenske rudarske pesmi [Текст] / zibral in ured. T. Lenarčíč. - Trbovlje : Zveza kulturnih organizacij Trbovlje, 1983. - 415 s.
2.Österr.bibl./№3466/Bd. 6/1 Lenau, Nicolaus Werke und Briefe. Bd. 6/1:Briefe 1838-1847. T.1: Text [Текст] / hrsg. N. Oellers [u.a.]. - 1990. - XII, 448 S.
3.Österr.bibl./№3466/Bd. 6/2 Lenau, Nicolaus Werke und Briefe. Bd. 6/2:Briefe 1838-1847. T.2: Kommentar [Текст] / bearb. von N. O. Eke [u.a.]. - 1992. - 596 S.
4.Österr.bibl./№3465 Lenau N. Lenau-Chronik [Текст] : 1802-1851 / N. Lenau ; bearb. von N. O. Eke, K. J. Skrodzki. - Wien : Deuticke : Klett-Cotta, 1992. - XIV, 425 S.: Ill.
5.Österr.bibl./№3466/Bd. 5/2 Lenau, Nicolaus Werke und Briefe. Bd. 5/2:Briefe 1812-1837. T.2: Kommentar [Текст] / bearb. von N. O. Ekke [u.a.]. - 1992. - 584 S.
6.Österr.bibl./№3466/Bd. 1 Lenau, Nicolaus Werke und Briefe. Bd. 1:Gedichte bis 1834 [Текст] / hrsg. H. Zeman, M. Ritter [u.a.]. - 1995. - IX, 619 S.
7.IMF/16.1994.17 Ukraine [Текст] / P. Hole [etc.] ; ed. J. Odling-Smee ; IMF. - Washington : IMF, 1995. - vii, 126 p. - (IMF Economic Reviews , ISSN 1020-0576 ; 1994, 17)
8.Österr.bibl./№3466/Bd. 2 Lenau, Nicolaus Werke und Briefe. Bd. 2:Neuere Gedichte und lyrische Nachlese [Текст] / hrsg. A. Mádl. - 1995. - XII, 916 S.: Ill.
9.WB/82.2.3 Environment and Health in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] : Report for the Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe / C. Hertzman [etc.]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1995. - xii, 119 p.
10.ІВ195642 Dabertowa E. R. Pomnik Poznańskiego Czerwca 1956 [Текст] : Symbol pamięci i sprzeciwu / E. R. Dabertowa, M. Lenartowski ; Archiwum wielkoposkiej "Solidarnośct". - Poznań : [б.в.], 1996. - 131, 62 s.: il.
11.IMF/18 Ukraine - Recent Economic Developments [Текст] / prep. P. Cornellius, J. Dunn, P. Lenain [etc.] ; IMF. - Washington : IMF, 1996. - 118 p. - (IMF Staff Country Report ; 96/21)
12.DPI/1997 Annan K. A. Partnerships for Global Community [Текст] : Annual Report on the Work of the Organization, 1998 / K. A. Annan. - New York : UN, 1998. - vi, 89 p.
13.DPI/2058 Annan K. A. Preventing War and Disaster [Текст] : Growing Global Challenge: 1999 Annual Report on the work of the Organization / K. A. Annan. - New York : UN, 1999. - vi, 127 p.
14.DPI/2080 Annan K. A. The Question of Intervention [Текст] : Statements by the Secretary-General / K. A. Annan. - New York : UN, 1999. - v, 58 p.: ill.
15.DPI/2070 Annan K. Facing the Humanitarian Challenge [Текст] : Towards a Culture of Prevention / K. Annan. - New York : UN, 1999. - [23 ] p.: ill.
16.ІВ196557 z dod.1 Praca przymysowa polaków na Rzech III Rzeszy w latach 1939-1945 [Текст] : Wybór wspomnień / oprac. S. Kasperski, K. Lenart ; Stowarzyszenie polaków poszkodowanych przez III Rzeszę. Oddział w Przemyślu. - Przemyśl : [б.в.], 1999. - 165, 11 s.: il.+ pril.
17.ІВ205504 Annan K. Towards a culture of prevention [Текст] : Statements by the Secretary-General of the United Nations / K. Annan. - New York : Carnegie Commission on preventing deadly conflict : Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1999. - 50 p. - (Perspectives on prevention)
18.ІА23753 Annas J. Ancient philosophy [Текст] : A very short introduction / J. Annas. - Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000. - 127 p.: ill.
19.DPI/2153 Annan K. A. Common Destiny, New Resolve [Текст] : Annual Report on the Work of the Organization, 2000 / K. A. Annan. - New York : UN, 2000. - vi, 127 p.
20.DPI/2110 Annan K. A. "We the Peoples": The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century [Текст] : Report of the Secretary-General for the Millenium Assembly of the United Nations in brief / K. A. Annan ; Department of Public Information. - New York : UN, 2000. - [6 p.]

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