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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 34
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ208523 A dictionary of ecology [Текст] : Wide ranging coverage of ecology and environmental sciences / ed. M. Allaby. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford UP, 2005. - 473 p.: fig.
2.В277257/72 Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Bd. 72:Hennig - Heuler [Текст] / Red.: Anu Allas, Gerhard Bissell, Nicola Buhl [et al.]. - 2012. - LII, 540 S.
3.В277257/73 Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Bd. 73:Heunert - Hoellwarth [Текст] / Red.: Anu Allas, Gerhard Bissell, Nicola Buhl [et al.]. - 2012. - LII, 540 S.
4.ІВ216285 Kuiper K. An introduction to English language [Текст] : sound, word and sentence / Koenraad Kuiper, W. Scott Allan. - Houndmills[etc.] : Macmillan press ltd., 1996. - XVI, 341 p. : fig.
5.ІВ220025 Wüthrich R. Aqueous electrolysis under extreme current densities [Текст] : application to micro- and nano-systems fabrication / Rolf Wüthrich and Anis Allagui. - New York : Nova science publ., 2012. - VI, 83 p. : fig. - (Chemical engineering methods and technology) (Nanotechnology science and technology)
6.ІВ210952 Allahverdiyeva Z. Azərbaycanda nizamişünasliğin təşəkkülü və inkişafi (XX əsrin 40-ci illəri) [Текст] / Z. Allahverdiyeva ; Azərbaycan Milli Elmler Akademiyasi Nizami adina Ədəbiyyat institutu. - Baki : Nurlan, 2007. - 220 s.
7.ІВ219158 Kucherova A. V. Biology and ecology of living organisms [Текст] : practical manual / A. Kucherova, V. Volodymyrets ; Nat. univ. of water management a. nature resources use. - Rivne : NUWMNRU, 2013. - 121 p. : fig., tab.
8.ІР9572 Allahverdiyev V. A. Clinical-prognostic value and correction of immune disorders in gastroduodenal bleeding of ulcerative genesis [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Sciences : 3213.01 / Vidadi Agababa Allahverdiyev ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of Gen. Surgery a. Anesthesiology, Nat. Acad. of Med. Sciences of Ukraine named after V. T. Zaycev, Inst. of Gen. a. Emergency Surgery]. - Baku, 2021. - 48 p. : fig., tab., graph.
9.ІР9117 Allazov M. I. oghlu Directions of the effective use of the financial instruments in the stock exchange [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. for the degree of Dr of philosophy / Mahammad Ismayil oghlu Allazov. - Baku, 2021. - 29 p. : tab., graph.
10.ІР9254 Allahverdiyev K. H. Ethnopolitical aspects of national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 5904.01 / Kanan Husseyn oglu Allahverdiyev ; [Acad. of Public Administration under the President of the Rep. of Azerbaijan, Dep. of Polit. Sciences a. Polit. Management]. - Baku, 2021. - 46 p.
11.ІР9282 Allahverdiyeva A. K. Evaluation of the impact of effective problem loan portfolio management on bank sustainability [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5301.01 / Arzu Khasay gizi Allahverdiyeva ; [Acad. of Public Administration under the President of the Rep. of Azerbaijan]. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. : fig., tab.
12.ІР9807 Allahverdiyeva K. E. In the Ganja-Gazakh economic district regeneration and efficiency research [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3103.02 / Konul Eldar Allahverdiyeva ; [Azerbaijan State Agrarian Univ., Dep. of "Ecology"]. - Baku, 2022. - 26 p. : fig.
13.ІС16057 "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: In Honour of Jalal A. Aliyev", International Conference(2013; Baku).International Conference "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: In Honor of Jalal A. Aliyev" , June 5-9, 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan [Текст] : programme a. abstracts / [eds. Y. M. Feyziyev, I. M. Huseinova a. S. I. Allakhverdiev]. - Baku : Nurlar, 2013. - 156 p.
14.ІР9853 Allahverdiyeva F. M. Invariant models and variativity of simple sentences in modern English [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 5708.01 / Farida Mahammadali Allahverdiyeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Linguistics named after Nasimi, Dep. of Ind.-Europ. Lang.]. - Baku, 2021. - 32 p. : fig., graphic.
15.ІР9780 Allakhverdiyeva L. A. Measuring information services liberalism degree and assesment of its economic consequences [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 5307.01 / Leyli Ali Allakhverdiyeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Economics, Dep. of "Development Problems of Services Area"]. - Baku, 2022. - 55 p. : graph, tab.
16.ІВ224730 Aliyev R. Memories [Текст] / Rasim Aliyev ; [transl. into Engl.: Javanshir Yusifli ; photo: Farid Khayrulin et al.]. - Baku : [s. n.], 2017. - 385 p. : phot.
17.ІР9366 Allahverdiyeva E. I. New media in the international information space and its impact on social-political processes in Azerbaijan [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5720.01 / Elnare Islam Allahverdiyeva ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of Intern. Journalism a. Inform. Policy]. - Baku, 2022. - 26 p.
18.В276687/Hissə 1 Allahverdiyev, Sabir Salman Nəqliyyat müqavilələri. Hissə 1 [Текст] / red. E. Əliyev. - 2005. - 335 s.
19.ІВ205375 Joyce J. Portret artysty z czasów młodości [Текст] / J. Joyce ; przeł. Z. Allan. - Warszawa : Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1957. - 307 s. - (Powieści XX wieku)
20.ІР9801 Allahverdiyeva M. A. Problems of transnational business regulation in the process of economic integration [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 5307.01 / Muslumat Allahverdi Allahverdiyeva ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Economics, Dep. "Theoretical Bases of Econ. Policy a. History of Econ. Thought"]. - Baku, 2022. - 55 p. : fig., tab.

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