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авторомназвоюроком видання
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повний стислий
 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (7)Реферативна база даних (11)Журнали та продовжувані видання (6)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=LEWIS$<.>+<.>A=KATHRYN$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 69
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ204415 Altenbernd L. A handbook for the study of fiction [Текст] / L. Altenbernd, L. L. Lewis. - New York ; London : The Macmillan Company : Collier-Macmillan Limited, 1966. - 84 p.
2.U/291.107 Alternative Media: Linking Global and Local [Текст] / ed. P. Lewis ; UNESCO. - Paris : UNESCO Publishing, 1993. - 130 p. - (Reports and Papers on Mass Communication ; 107)
3.ІВ224903 Amin A. European Union and disunion: reflections on European identity [Текст] / Ash Amin, Philip Lewis. - London : British acad., 2017. - 94 p.
4.ІР7584 Arnold V. A. Mary Pat [Текст] / V. A. Arnold, K. Lewis ; ill. M. Cocca-Leffler. - New York[etc.] : MacMillan/McGraw-Hill school publishing company, 1995, cop. 1993. - 9 p.: ill. - (Phonics and language. PAL books ; b. 3)
5.ІВ197049 Cruse J. M. Atlas of immunology [Текст] / J. M. Cruse, R. E. Lewis. - Heidelberg : Springer ; Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1999. - 451 p.: fig.
6.ІВ208894 de Toro F. Theatre semiotics. Text and staging in modern theatre [Текст] / F. de Toro ; transl. J. Lewis ; rev., ed. C. Hubbard. - Frankfurt am Main : Iberoamericana ; Madrid : Vervuert, 1995. - XVI, 201 p.: fig., tabl. - (Teoria y practica del teatro ; vol. 3)
7.UN/721.18 Development of Ecological Tourism in Ukraine [Текст] / T. Panchenko [etc.] ; transl. A. Kuchinsky ; ed. Z. Soloviova, J. Lewis ; National Commission on Sustainable Development under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine. - Kyiv : [б.в.], 1999. - 24 p.
8.WHO/601.54 Ethylene oxide [Текст] / prep. R. G. Liteplo, M. E. Meek, M. Lewis ; International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), UNEP, ILO, WHO, Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals. - Geneva : WHO, 2003. - iv, 57 p. - (Concise International Chemical Assessment Document , ISSN 1020-6167 ; 54)
9.ІВ211731 Grinberg J. G. Playing with ideas [Текст] : modern and contemporary philosophies of education / J. G. Grinberg [та ін.]. - Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt publishing company, 2007. - IX, 619 p.
10.В276025/126 Hogg J. Confessions of a Justified Sinner [Текст] / J. Hogg ; introd. R. Lewis. - London : Campbell, 1992. - 211 p. - (Everyman's library ; 126) (The millennium library)
11.-699919 Lewis M. K. Your film acting career [Текст] / M. K. Lewis, R. Lewis. - New York : [s. n.], 1983.
12.ІВ205677 Lewis A. Best resumes for scientists and engineers [Текст] / A. Lewis, D. J. Moore. - New York : Wiley ; Chichester : [б.в.], 1993. - VIII, 215 p.
13.ІВ222425 Lewis A. Microsoft® Lync server 2010 unleashed [Текст] / Alex Lewis, Andrew Abbate, Tom Pacyk. - Indianapolis, Indiana : Sams, 2011. - XII, 798 p. : fig.
14.ІВ201217 Lewis B. Die Juden in der islamischen Welt [Текст] : Vom frühen Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert / B. Lewis ; über. L. Julius. - München : Beck, 1987. - 216 S., 7 Bl.Ill.
15.ІВ219260 Lewis B. What went wrong? : Western impact and Middle Eastern response [Текст] / Bernard Lewis. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford university press, 2002. - 180 p. : ill.
16.ІВ207613 Lewis C. S. Letters of C.S.Lewis [Текст] / C. S. Lewis ; ed., pref. W. H. Lewis. - New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. - 308p.+ 8 p. phot.
17.ІВ203882 Lewis D. R. Private higher education in transition countries [Текст] / D. R. Lewis [a.o.]. - Kyiv : Publishing House "KM Academia", 2003. - 97 p.
18.ІВ201963 Lewis D. R. Private higher education in transition countries [Текст] / D. R. Lewis [a.o.]. - Kyiv : Publishing House "KM Academia", 2003. - 97 p.
19.ІВ197969 Lewis G. N. Thermodynamik und die freie Energie chemischer Substanzen [Текст] / G. N. Lewis, M. Randall ; übers. von O. Redlich. - Wien : Springer, 1927. - 598 S.: Abb.
20.ІВ208299 Lewis I. M. Social and cultural anthropology in perspective [Текст] / I. M. Lewis. - New Brunswick, New Jersey ; London : Transaction publishers, 2003. - XLI, 408 p.

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