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Представлено документи з 1 до 12
1.ІС13948 Yasmin A. Identification and molecular characterization of the Rdr1 resistance gene from roses [Текст] : diss. / Aneela Yasmin ; Naturwiss. Fak. der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover. - Hannover, 2011. - 124 l. : fig., tab.
2.ІВ227139 Cities of common cultural heritage, project № 2013-AZETOURI-043 on international archaeological tourism route development [Текст] : sci.- research rep. / project responsible authority Aydin Ismiyev ; project coordinator Turkan Rustamova ; researchers dr. Fariz Khalilli, Tarlan Guliyev. - Baku : Tahsil , 2015. - 176 p. : phot.
3.ІР9508 Rustamova T. K. Typology of Azerbaijani fables [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5715.01 / Tarana Khanlar Rustamova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Nat. Museum of Azerb. Lit. named after Nizami Ganjavi]. - Baku, 2021. - 25 p.
4.ІР9844 Rustamova Y. K. Dysfunctional myocardium of ischemic origin: problems and the ways of their solution [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 3208.01 / Yasmin Kamran Rustamova ; [Azerbaijan Med. Univ., Dep. of Internal Medicine-1, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peoples' Friendship Univ. of Russia"]. - Baku, 2021. - 58 p. : fig., tab.
5.ІР9856 Rustamova V. K. Improvement usage of the scientific-technical potential in chemical industry [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5312.01 / Vafa Khanlar Rustamova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Economics, Dep. of "Innovation Management a. Problems of Development of Science"]. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. : tab.
6.ІР9087 Kamran A. N. Level, structures, risk factors and ways of preventung of complications of endoscopuc surgeries in gynecology [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. for the degree of Dr of philos. / Alizadeh Nigar Kamran. - Baku, 2021. - 27 p. : tab.
7.ІР9476 Rustamova K. O. Mathematical modeling of the sealing process with sealing element [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 2002.01 / Kaklik Oruc kizi Rustamova ; [Baku Engineering Univ., Fac. of Engineering, Dep. of "Mech. Engineering"]. - Baku, 2021. - 30 p. : fig.
8.ІР9999 Rustamova S. O. Existence and non-existence of global solutions to the mixed problems with homogeneous and non-homogeneous boundary conditions for a system of semi-linear hyperbolic equations [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 1211.01 / Samira Ogtay Rustamova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Mathematics a. Mechanics, Dep. of "Differential Equations"]. - Baku, 2022. - 24 p.
9.ІР9553 Rustamova S. I. Mahsati Ganjavi and Azerbaijani music culture [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 6213.01 / Sevinj Ilham Rustamova ; [Ganja State Univ., Dep. "Music Disciplines"]. - Baku, 2022. - 25 p.
10.ІР9378 Rustamova F. A. Informed consent right of the patients: national legislation and international practice [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5603.01 ; 2406.03 / Fidan Aris Rustamova ; [Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Inst. on Law a. Human Rights]. - Baku, 2022. - 22 p.
11.ІР10442 Rustamova S. N. Optimization of medical care in the case of disordens of digestive tract in children [Текст] : abstract diss. ... Dr. Philosophy : 3212.01 / Saida Nuraddin Rustamova . - Baku, 2023. - 30 p. : fig., tabl.
12.-511502 Rustamova M. F. A comparative pharmacological study... [Текст] / Rustamova. - Baku, 2024.

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