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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=STANDING$<.>+<.>A=BEAR$<.>+<.>A=LUTHER$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 25
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ213537 Computer science research trends [Текст] / ed. Casey B. Yarnall ; contrib. Keith W. Beard [a. o.]. - New York : Nova science publ., 2008. - X, 298 p. : fig.
2.Österr.bibl./№4023 Austria 1945-95 [Текст] : Fifty years of the second republic / ed. K. R. Luther, P. Pulzer ; Association for the study of German politics. - Aldershot[etc.] : Ashgate, 1998. - 251 S.
3.ІР7547 Si fa presto a dire rana [Текст] : Guida al riconoscimento degli anfibi anuri nel Friuli Venezia Giulia / a cura di L. Lapini ; fot. C. Bearzatto ; Provincia di Pordenone. Comando di Vigilanza Ittico-Venatoria, Comune di Udine. Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale. - Udine : [б.в.], 2005. - 47 p.: fot.
4.ІР7446 Beardsley S. W. Human relations in international affairs [Текст] : guide to significant interpretation and research / S. W. Beardsley, A. G. Edgell ; Washington seminar on international affairs. - Washington, District of Columbia : Public affairs, 1956. - VIII, 40 p.
5.ІВ201210 Beardsley M. C. Practical logic [Текст] / M. C. Beardsley. - New York : Prentice-Hall, 1950. - 580 p.
6.Шлепаков А.М./№199 (in) Standing G. Income transfers and remittances: a module for migration surveys [Текст] : This publication was prepared with the financial support of the Unites Nations fund population activities (project No. GLO/75/PO2) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1981. - III, 84 p.
7.ІВ198251 Beard C. A. Our own age [Текст] / C. A. Beard [a.o]. - Boston[etc.] : Ginn, 1940. - 837 , xIi p.: ill. - (History of civilization)
8.ІВ201229 Beardsley M. C. Thinking straight [Текст] : principles of reasoning for readers and writers / M. C. Beardsley. - Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1956. - XXVI, 332 p.
9.ІА23924 Die Bibel oder die Ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments [Текст] / Übers. M. Luthers. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1978. - Pag. var.
10.ІВ201525 Bearden W. O. Marketing [Текст] : Principles and perspectives / W. O. Bearden [a.o]. - Chicago[etc.] : Irwin, 1995. - 631 p.: ill. - (Irwin series in marketing)
11.ІВ203148 Beardsley A. Letters from Aubrey Beardsley to Leonard Smithers [Текст] / A. Beardsley ; ed. R. Walker. - London : The First edition club, 1937. - 121 p.: ill.
12.ІВ203504 Beardslee W. A. Literary criticism of the New Testament [Текст] / W. A. Beardslee. - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Fortress press, 1970. - 86 p. - (New Testament series)
13.ІВ203522 Neihardt J. G. Black Elk speaks [Текст] : Being the life story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux / J. G. Neihardt ; ill. S. Bear. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska press, 1961. - XV, 281 p. - (A Bison book ; 119)
14.ІВ212042 Seibert U. Dein Weg und die Wahrheit und die Existenz nach dem Tod [Текст] / U. Seibert, H. Luther. - München : [s. n.], 2009. - 75 S.
15.ІВ208504 Political parties in the New Europe [Текст] : Political and analytical challenges / ed. K. Luther, F. Müller-Rommel. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford UP, 2005. - XVII, 391 p.: fig. - (Comparative politics)
16.ІВ205514 Bearden W. O. Marketing [Текст] : Principles and perspectives / W. O. Bearden [та ін.]. - Boston[etc.] : Irwin: McGraw-Hill, 2001. - XXXVII, 596 p.: ill. - (McGraw-Hill : irwin series in marketing)
17.ІВ207297 Wertz J. Smithsonian's great battles & battlefields of the Civil War [Текст] : definitive field guide based on the award-winning television series MasterVision / J. Wertz, E. C. Bearss ; forew. M. McPherson ; National Museum of American history. - New York : Morrow, 1997. - XXIX, 821 p.: ill.
18.Шлепаков А.М./№189 (in) Standing G. Analysing inter- relationships between migration and employment [Текст] : This study was carried out with the financial support of the United Nations Fund for population activities (project GLO/79/P83) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1982. - 51 p.
19.ВС56243 Лютер Ф. Ортодонтические ретейнеры и съёмные аппараты. Принципы конструкции и применения [Текст] : [практ. пособие : пер. с англ.] / Friedy Luther, Zararna Nelson-Moon ; науч. ред. проф. М. С. Дрогомирецкая. - Л. : ГалДент, 2013. - VIII, 173 с. : цв. ил.
20.ILO/408.11 Standing G. Labour Market Dynamics in Ukrainian Industry in 1992-94: Results from the ULFS [Текст] / G. Standing ; ILO, Central and Eastern European Team. - Budapest : ILO-CEET, 1994. - 54 p. - (ILO-CEET Reports ; 11)

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