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авторомназвоюроком видання
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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Sokolov S$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 5
Представлено документи з 1 до 5
1.ІР6477 On increasing the bent crystal extraction efficiency by using thin internal target [Текст] / A. A. Asseev [та ін.] ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1991. - 5 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 91-182)
2.ІР7284 Sokolov S. N. Gravitating light ball: stationary states and collapse developing [Текст] / S. N. Sokolov. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1991. - 19 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute for high energy physics ; 91-77)
3.ІР7283 Sokolov S. N. Is the energy density of the gravitational field positive? [Текст] / S. N. Sokolov. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1993. - 12 p. - (Prepr. / Institute for high energy physics ; 93-155)
4.ІР8477 Sokolov S. N. Relativistic mechanics with reduced fields [Текст] / S. N. Sokolov ; State research center of Russia, Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1996. - 14 p. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 96-15)
5.ІР8550 Sokolov S. N. Equations of motion for elastic continuum in gravitational field [Текст] / S. N. Sokolov ; Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1994. - 8 p. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 94-9)

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