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Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ213743 Graphics & visualization [Текст] : principles & algorithms / T. Theoharis [et al.] ; with contrib. by P. Dutré [et al.] . - Wellesley, Massachusetts : A K Peters, 2008. - XV, 752 p. : fig.
2.ІВ213814 Practicing counceling and psychotherapy [Текст] : insights from trainees, supervisors, and clients / Nicholas Ladany, Jessica A. Walker, Lia M. Pate-Carolan, Laurie Gray Evans. - New York ; London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis group, 2008. - XVIII, 306 p. : fig.
3.ВА733814 Паттерсон Д. Бікіні [Текст] : [роман] / Джеймс Паттерсон, Максин Паетро ; [пер. з англ. В. Горбатько]. - Х. : Книжковий Клуб "Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля", 2010. - 256 с.
4.ІС13893 Laser technologies in welding and materials processing. LTWMP [Текст] : proc. of the fourth intern. conf., 26 May - 29 May, 2009, Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine / E. O. Paton electric welding inst. of the Nat. Acad. of sciences of Ukraine [etc.] ; ed. by Prof. B. E. Paton, Prof. V. S. Kovalenko. - Kyiv : E. O. Paton electric welding institute, NASU, 2009. - 90 p. : fig., tab.
5.ІВ214317 National academy of sciences of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 1918-2008 [Текст] : 90-th anniversary of its foundation / contrib.: O. S. Onyshchenko [et al.] ; forew.: B. E. Paton ; Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv). - Kyiv : KMM Publishers, 2008. - 575 p. : ill.
6.ІВ193421 Théon A. Progymnasmata [Текст] / A. Théon ; texte établi et trad. M. Patillon ; avec l'assistance G. Bolognesi. - Paris : Les belles lettres, 1997. - CLVI, 230 p. - (Collection des univ. de France, ISSN 0184-7155)
7.MFI5585/1-3 Patie P. On some first passage time problems motivated by financial applications [Текст] : Diss. / P. Patie ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2004. - 155 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 15834)
8.ІВ197987 Patijn G. Gene therapy for liver disease. Efficient and persistent gene transfer to hepatocytes in vivo [Текст] : Proefschrift / G. Patijn ; Universiteit Leiden. Fak. der Sociale Wetenschappen. - Leiden : [б.в.], 1999. - 145 p.: fig.
9.ІВ196471 Service experience, structural integrity, severe accidents, and erosion in nuclear and fossil plants [Текст] : Presented at the 1995 Joint ASME/JSME pressure vessels and piping conf., Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-27 / American society of mechanical engineers ; ed. S. Paterson. - New York, New York : United engineering center, 1995. - 418 p.: fig. - (PVP-Vol. 303)
10.ІА23759 Pataky D. Monet [Текст] / D. Pataky. - Budapest : Corvina Kiadó, 1974. - 52 old.: kép. - (A muvészet kiskönyvtára ; 2)
11.Österr.bibl./№5852 Dialektale Morphologie, dialektale Syntax [Текст] : Beiträge zum 2. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Wien, 20.-23. Sept. 2006 / Hrsg. F. Patocka, G. Seiler. - Wien : Praesens Verlag, 2008. - 247 S.: Abb.
12.MFI5672/1-3 Pateraki M. N. Adaptive multi-image matching for DSM generation [Текст] : Diss. / M. N. Pateraki ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2005. - 171 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 15915)
13.MFI4164/1 Patocchi A. Map-based cloning of resistance gene homologues in the Vf-region of the apple (Malus sp.) [Текст] : Diss. / A. Patocchi ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2000. - 90 p.: fig. - (Diss ETH ; 13793)
14.ІВ204229 Laser technologies in welding and materials processing [Текст] : Proceedings of International conference, May 19-23, 2003, Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine / National Academy of scientice of Ukraine. E.O.Paton electric welding institute, Lawser technology research institute of the National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev polytechnic institute", International association "Welding" ; ed. B. E. Paton, V. S. Kovalenko. - Kiev : E.O.Paton electric welding institute, NASU, 2003. - 228 p.: phot.
15.CDR584/ІВ206994 Patterson D. A. Computer organization and design [Elektronic resource] [Текст] : Companion CD / D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy. - Amsterdam[etc.] : Morgan Kaufmann. An imprint of Elsevier, 2005. - 1 elektron. opt. dysk CD-ROM.
16.ІР7836 Patsahan O. Statistical field theory for a multicomponent fluid: the collective variables approach [Текст] / O. Patsahan [a.o.] ; The National academy of sciences of Ukraine, The Institute for condensed matter physics. - Lviv : ICMP, 2007. - 17 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / National academy of sciences of Ukraine, The Institute for condensed matter physics ; ICMP-07-04E)
17.ІС13708 Laser technologies in welding and materials processing. LTWMP [Текст] : proceedings of the fourth international conference, 26 May - 29 May, 2009, Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine / ed. B. E. Paton, V. S. Kovalenko ; E.O.Paton electric welding institute of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Laser technology research institute of the National technical university of Ukraine "Kyiv polytechnic institute", International association "Welding". Local charity foundation "Welding community". - Kyiv : E.O.Paton electric welding institute, NASU, 2009. - 90 p.: fig., tab., phot.
18.ІА23510 Patterson A. M. Patterson's German-English dictionary for chemists [Текст] / A. M. Patterson ; ed. G. E. Condoyannis ; rev. J. C. Cox. - New York[etc.] : Wiley, 1992. - 890 p.
19.Шлепаков А.М./№163(in) Employing the negro in American industry [Текст] : study of management practices / P. H. Norgren [та ін.]. - New York : Industrial relations counselors, 1959. - XIV, 173 p. - (Industrial relations monograph ; no.17)
20.ІВ196810 Behrman S. Progress in infertility [Текст] / S. Behrman [a.o]. - Boston[etc.] : Little, Brown, 1994. - 414 p.: ill.

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