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Представлено документи з 1 до 19
1.ВА561753 Кувейт: государство и границы [Текст] / пер. И. М. Кулаковская-Ершова, Тархова М. Х ; ред. пер. ГоЕ. Д. Гончарова ; под ред. Г. Л. Бондаревский ; Кувейтский фонд содействия развитию науки. - М. : Т-Око, 1994. - 187 с.
2.ВА612260 Катамидзе В. И. Ирако-Кувейтский конфликт. (К десятилетию Войны в Заливе) [Текст] / В. И. Катамидзе. - М. : [б.и.], 2000. - 299 с.
3.Табачник Д. В. ІР48 Petroleum resources program [Текст]. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 12 p.: phot. - (Research and development)
4.ІВ198856 Kuwait und soziale Entwicklung: Führung, Planung, Volksbeteiligung, menschliche Orientierung [Текст]. - [s. l.] : Zentrum für Kuwait-Forschungen und -Studien, 2001. - 223 S.: Tab.
5.Табачник Д. В. ІР44 Techno-economics program [Текст]. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 8 p.: tab. - (Research and development)
6.Табачник Д. В. ІР47 Food resources and urbanization program [Текст]. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 12 p.: tab. - (Research and development)
7.Табачник Д. В. ІР46 Kuwait institute for scientific research [Текст] : capabilities and facilities. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 44 p.: phot.
8.Табачник Д. В. ІР49 Water resources program [Текст]. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 12 p.: tab. - (Research and development)
9.Табачник Д. В. CDR42 з дод. Kuwait Encyclopedia [Електронний ресурс]. - Kuwait : Q8 Vision Group, 2008. - 1 el. opt. dysk (CD-ROM) + [16 s. dod.]
10.Табачник Д. В. ІВ104 Al-Awadhi N. National science, technology and innovation policy for the state of Kuwait [Текст] / N. Al-Awadhi, Y. Al-Sultan. - Safat, Kuwait : Kuwait institute for scientific research, 2007. - 248 p.: tab.
11.Табачник Д. В. CDR43 Kuwait institute for scientific research [Електронний ресурс] : 6th strategic plan 2005-2010. - [Kuwait] : [Kuwait institute for scientific research], [s. a.]. - 1 el. opt. dysk (CD-ROM)
12.ФПУ/№ 3235 Kuwait's age of sail [Текст] : Pearl divers, sea captains and shipbuilders past and present / text C. F. Al-Rashoud ; foreword H. M. Marafie. - Singapore : [б.в.], 1993. - 133 p.: phot.
13.Табачник Д. В. ІР45 Environment and civil development program [Текст]. - [Kuwait] : Kuwait institute for scientific research, [s. a.]. - 16 p. - (Research and development)
14.UN/723.9 The United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict, 1990-1996 [Текст] / introduction B. Boutros-Ghali ; Department of Public Information. - New York : UN, 1996. - 844 p. - (United Nations Blue Books Series ; 9)
15.UN/814 Kuwait [Текст] : Renewed bounty / Embassy of the State of Kuwait, Kuwait Information Center. - Cairo : Culture and Publishing Administration, 1991. - 60 p.: ill.
16.E/ESCWA/ICTD/2003/11/Add.4 Profile of the infromation society in the State of Kuwait [Текст] / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : UN, 2003. - v, 54 p.
17.IAEA/STI/PUB/1164 Radiological conditions in areas of Kuwait with residues of depleted uranium [Текст] : Report by an international group of experts. - Vienna : IAEA, 2003. - 73 p. - (Radiological assessment reports series, ISSN 1020-6566)
18.ВА795871 Исаев В. Кувейт и кувейтцы в современном мире [Текст] / В. Исаев, А. Филоник, В. Шагаль ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т востоковедения. - М. : Восточная литература, 2003. - 339, XVI с. : фот.
19.ФПУ №3779 The State of Kuwait. The Constitution (1962) The Constitution of the State of Kuwait [Текст] : [issued at the Seif Palace on the: 14th of Jumada al-Thani, 1382, corresponding to the: 11th of November, 1962]. - The State of Kuwait : [s. n.], [1962]. - 55 p.

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