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1.Р135894 10 причин посетить Азербайджан [Текст] : [буклет] / [текст: Эмиль Эюбов ; фот.: Ш. Муршудлу, М. Рагимов]. - [Баку] : Golden book, [201-?]. - 35 с. : ил., фот.
2.ІР9055 Aghayeva P. N. Taxonomy and bioecological properties of wild ornamental plants in Cuba and Gusar districts [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. for the degree of Dr of philos. / Parvin Nadir Aghayeva. - Baku, 2021. - 26 p. : fig., tab.
3.-774701 Akhundova V. A. Medieval monuments in the little... [Текст] / Akhundova. - Baku, 2024.
4.ІР9742 Aliyeva R. M. Landscape-ecological diagnostics and zoning of the Ganikh-Ayrichay valley and adjacent mountainous areas [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5408.01 / Ramila Adil Aliyeva ; [Baku State Univ., Fac. of Geography, Dep. of "Phys. Geography"]. - Baku, 2022. - 26 p. : fig., tab.
5.ІР10022 Ansarova A. H. Microbiological regime and modern ecological, sanitary-hydrobiological condition of the main reservoirs of Azerbaijan [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Science : 2414.01 / Aynur Hajikhalil Ansarova ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Microbiology, Lab. of "Water Microbiology"]. - Baku, 2022. - 57 p. : fig., tab.
6.-578311 Avsharova I. N. The artistic, mythological features... [Текст] / Avsharova. - Baku, 2023.
7.ІВ202573 Azerbaycan Respublikasinin regional coğrafi problemleri. Qax rayonu [Текст] / Azerbaycan Elmler akademiyasi akad. H.E.Eliyev adina coğrafiya institutu, Şeki regional elmi merkezi ; baş red. B. Budagov. - [s. l.] : "Ismayil" Neşriyyat Poligrafiya Müessisesi, 2001. - 79 seh, 1 l. kart.
8.ІР9020 Chefs d' œuvres du patrimoine culturel d'Azerbaïdjan dans les listes de l'UNESCO [Текст] : (guide pour les touristes) / [ecrit par: Ulviyya Heydarova ; trad. par.: Nazim Huseynov ; photos: Mammad Rahimov]. - Bakou : Golden book, 2013. - 23 p. : phot.
9.-247081 Gadirova T. S. Geochemical model and prediction-investigation... [Текст] / Gadirova. - Baku, 2023.
10.ІР10021 Gasimzade A. H. Medieval ceramics of Gabala (XI - XIII centuries) [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5505.02 / Afgan Hajibala oglu Gasimzade ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Archaeology, Ethnography a. Anthropology, Dep. of "Medieval Archaeology of Azerbaijan"]. - Nakhchivan, 2022. - 22 p.
11.ІР9021 Gobustán [Текст] / [ed. ci. del proyecto prof. Rasim Efendiyev ; texto Malahat Farajova, Taira Aliyeva ; trad. Laura C. Collada Ali ; il., mapas Andrey Klimov ; fot. Azad Rzayev]. - Baku : [s. n.], 2012. - 35 p. : il., fot., m. - (Descubriendo Azerbaiyan)
12.ІР9358 Gokchen Z. Z. A. The last eneolite culture of Nakhchivan and Eastern Anatolia [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5505.02 / Gokchen Ziya Zakir kizi Acar ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of History, Ethnography a. Archaeology of Nakhchivan Branch, Chair of "Archaeology of ancient period"]. - Nakhchivan, 2021. - 30 p.
13.-395293 Guliyeva S. Y. Modern natural landscape... [Текст] / Guliyeva. - Baku, 2022.
14.ІР9662 Hajiyev H. G. Development of profiles and new technology optimization measures ensuring efficient operation of inclined wells [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Techn. Sciences : 2526.01 / Hajiyev Hajan Gulu ; [Azerbaijan State Univ. of Oil a. Industry, Sci. Res. Inst. "Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas a. Chemistry"]. - Baku, 2021. - 50 p. : fig.
15.ІВ229220 Heydər Əliyev müasir azərbaycan parlamentinin banisidir [Текст] / [mǝsul red. O. Əsǝdov, tǝrtibçi-müǝlliflǝr: S. Mirzǝyev, M. Qayibov]. - Bakı : Azǝrbaycan Respublikası Milli Mǝclisinin Nǝşri, 2008.
16.-495450 Huseynova H. Z. Flora, vegetation of the Caspian... [Текст] / Huseynova. - Baku, 2024.
17.-949426 Ibrahimova L. P. Geographical basics of ensuring... [Текст] / Ibrahimova. - Nakhchivan, 2024.
18.-781652 Imanli H. A. The study of biologically active... [Текст] / Imanli . - Baku, 2024.
19.-046555 Iskandarova U. N. Anthropogenic degradation of soils... [Текст] / Iskandarova. - Nakhchivan, 2024.
20.ІС13492 Islamov A. The Madien Tower in Baku [Текст] : mysteries of the ancient temple / A. Islamov. - Baku : [б.в.], 2007. - 245 p.: phot., fig.

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