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Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ213598 Environment protection in agro-ecosystems [Текст] : meeting of the Union of European agr. acad. Yalta, 16-17 May, 2007 / ed. by Myhaylo Zubets, Anatolii Golovko. - Kiyv : Agrarna nauka, 2007. - 178 p. : fig., tab.
2.ІР8216 Kiho T. Study of optimality of iterated Lavrentiev method and its generalizations [Текст] : abstract of the investigations presented to obtain the acad. degree of Dr of mathematics / Toomas Kiho. - Tartu, 1994. - 24 p. - (Dissertationes mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis ; 9)
3.ІВ194097 Cyzevs'kyj D. A history of Ukrainian literature [Текст]. - New York ; Englewood, Colorado : The Ukrainian acad. of arts and sci. : Ukrainian acad. press, 1997. - XVI, 815 p. - (The annals of the Ukr. acad. of arts and sci. in the U.S. ; vol.17-19)
4.ДС87451 Kolezhuk O. K. Elementary excitations and quantum phase transitions in low-dimensional spin systems [Текст] : thesis submitted to acquire the acad. grade of Doctor of Sciences in physical and mathem. sci.: 01.04.11 / O. K. Kolezhuk ; National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Institute of magnetism. - Kyiv : [б.в.], 2004. - 365 p.
5.ІВ195791 Science and culture for the joint future of South Eastern Europe [Текст] : Papers from a symp. held in Skopje on 31st October 1997 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of foundation of the Macedonian acad. of sci. and arts / Macedonian academy of sciences and arts ; ed. A. Andreevski [a.o.]. - Skopje : [б.в.], 1998. - 148 p.
6.Онищенко О. С. ІС12 Academies of sciences and the transition to knowledge societies [Текст] : challenges a. perspectives for the acad. of Eastern a. Sourth-Eastern Europe : report based on the outcomes of the intern. conf. "Global science and national policies: the role of academies", 4-5 May, 2007, Chisinau / UNESCO, ICSU. - Venice : UNESCO BRESCE, 2008. - 57 p. - (Science policy ; 6)
7.ВС52210 Balan P. G. Biologie [Текст] : nivelul acad. : man. pentru cl. a 10-a şcolilor cu predarea în limba română / P. G. Balan, Iu. G. Verves, V. P. Polişciuk. - Л. : Світ, 2010. - 288 с. : табл., іл.
8.ВА747261 Ladâcenko T. V. Istoria universală [Текст] : man. pentru cl. a 11-a a şcolilor medii generale cu predarea în limba rom. : nivel standard, nivel acad. / T. V. Ladâcenko ; пер. Ш. М. Броаска. - Л. : Світ, 2011. - 223 p. : il.
9.ВС52242 Fizică. 11 [Текст] : nivel acad., nivel de profil : man. pentru cl. a 11-a a şcolilor cu predarea în limba rom. : [пер. з укр.] / V. G. Bariahtar [et al.] ; пер. Г. Ш. Лазарович, М. І. Грінчешин. - Л. : Світ, 2011. - 320 p. : fig.
10.ІВ215494 Nyzhnikova L. V. Business correspondence and office work in English [Текст] : methodolog. manual on the course of lectures in English for law students and post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / L. V. Nyzhnikova ; Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 77 p.
11.ІВ215492 Goncharenko V. A. Family law (England and Wales) [Текст] : methodolog. manual on the course of lectures in English for law students and post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / V. A. Goncharenko ; Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 105 p.
12.ІВ215502 Voitovich P. P. International law [Текст] : methodolog. manual on the course of lectures in English for law students and post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / P. P. Voitovich ; Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 132 p.
13.ІВ215499 Krestovska N. M. Legal philosophy [Текст] : methodolog. manual on the course of lectures in English for law students and post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / N. Krestovska, A. Falkovskyi ; National university "Odesa academy of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 117 p.
14.ІВ215500 Voitovich P. P. Theory and history of international relations [Текст] : methodolog. manual on the course of lectures in English for law students and post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / P. P. Voitovich ; Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 94 p.
15.ІВ215643 Piotrowska P. Combustion properties of biomass residues rich in phosphorus [Текст] : acad. diss. / Patrycja Piotrowska ; Lab. of inorganic chemistry, Process chemistry centre, Dep. of chem. engineering, Åbo akad. univ. - Åbo : [s. n.], 2012. - [pag. var.] : fig., tab. - (Report / Åbo akademi. Department of chemical engineering. Process chemistry centre, ISSN 159-8205 ; 12-02)
16.ІВ215760 "Genetica şi fiziologia rezistenţei plantelor", conferinţa ştiinţifică(2011; Chişinău).Conferinţa ştiinţifică "Genetica şi fiziologia rezistenţei plantelor" [Текст] : in memoriam acad. Anatolie Jacotă, 21 iun. 2011, Chişinău: teze / Acad. de ştiinţe a Moldovei, Sec. de ştiinţe ale naturii şi vieţii, Inst. de genetică şi fiziologie a plantelor, Soc. şti. a geneticienilor şi amelioratorilor din Moldova ; com. şti. Furdui Teodor [et al.]. - Chişinău : [s. n.], 2011. - 176 p. : fig., tab.
17.ІВ216307 Josep Puiggarí i Llobet (1821-1903), primer estudiós del patrimoni artístic [Текст] : discurs d'ingrés de l'acad. electe Il-lm. Sr. Dr. Bonaventura Bassegoda i Hugas, llegit a la sala d'actes de l'Acad. el 17 d'octubre de 2012 : discurs de resposta de l'acad. numerari Il-lm. Sr. Dr. Francesc Fontbona i de Vallescar / Reial acad. Catalana de belles arts de Sant Jordi ; [text: Bonaventura Bassegoda i Hugas, Francesc Fontbona i de Vallescar] ; fot.: Mauricio Skrycky. - Barcelona : Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat autónoma de Barcelona, 2012. - 56 p. : il.
18.ІВ216306 L'art de l'escena. Heterodoxos i poetes Brossa, Palau i Fabre, Maragall [Текст] : discurs d'ingrés de l'acad. electe Il-lm. Sr. Hermann Bonnín i Llinàs, llegit al Saló Daurat de Llotja el dia 23 de maig de 2012 : discurs de resposta de l'acad. numerari Excm. Sr. Daniel Giralt-Miracle / Reial académia Catalana de belles arts de Sant Jordi ; del text: Hermann Bonnín i Llinàs ; del discurs de resposta: Daniel Giralt-Miracle. - Barcelona : [Institut del Teatre], 2012. - 108 p. : il.
19.ІВ217899 Kuranin V. A. State law of foreign countries. Part special [Текст] : methodological manual on the course of lectures in Engl. for law students a. post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / V. A. Kuranin ; Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law". - Odesa : Feniks, 2011. - 176 p.
20.ІВ217849 Yulinetskaya Yu. V. Linguistics and law [Текст] : methodological manual on the course of lectures in Engl. for law students a. post-graduates of the Nat. univ. "Odesa acad. of law" / Yu. V. Yulinetskaya ; National university "Odesa academy of law" . - Odesa : Feniks, 2012. - 142 p.

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