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Пошуковий запит: (<.>K=SANITATION$<.>)
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1.ІВ212675 Creditor reporting system [Текст] : aid activities in support of water supply and sanitation 2001-2006 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development, The world water council. - Paris : OECD publishing ; London : IWA Publishing, 2008. - 204 p.: fig., tab.
2.ІС11811 Ecological sanitation [Текст] / S. Esrey [a.o.]. - [s. l.] : Swedish international development cooperation agency, 1998. - 92 p.: fig.
3.ІР8411 Ecological status od water courses of the Upper Tisa Basin (Ukrainian-Romanian section) [Текст] / S. Afanasyev [et al.] ; ed. by S. Afanasyev ; Romania-Ukraine neighborhood program. - Uzhhorod : Informational-publishing company "IBA", 2010. - 35 p. : fig., tab., phot. - (Project "Flood protection improvement and environmental sanitation on the Ukrainian-Romanian Tysa river border")
4.UN/932/Vol. 1 Emergency Relief Items. Vol. 1:Telecommunications, Shelter and Housing, Water Supply, Food, Sanitation and Hygiene, Materials Handling, Power Supply [Текст]. - 2000. - xii, 262 p.
5.E/CN.17/1997/15 Forward Looking Assessment (FLA) on the Implementation of the Action Programme on Drinking Water and Sanitation: Fresh Water Resources, a Matter of Global Concern [Текст] : Synthesis Report / UN. Commission on Sustainable Development. Session (5, 1997, New York). - New York : UN, 1997. - 45 p.
6.WB/93.2 Fong M. S. Toolkit on Gender in Water and Sanitation [Текст] / M. S. Fong [etc] ; Gender Analysis and Policy Poverty and Social Policy Department. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1996. - ix, 107 p. - (Gender Toolkit Series ; 2)
7.WHO/648 Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report [Текст] / WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP). - Geneva : WHO ; New York : UNICEF, 2000. - vii, 80 p.: ill.
8.CDun 54(2003) Water, sanitation and health electronic library [electronic resource] [Текст] : compendium of WHO information on water, sanitation and health. - Geneva : WHO, 2003. - 1 CD-ROM
9.CDun 54(2001) Water, sanitation and health electronic library [electronic resource] [Текст] : compendium of WHO information on water, sanitation and health. - Geneva : WHO, 2001. - 1 CD-ROM
10.CDun 54(2004) Water, sanitation and health electronic library: A practical library contributing towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals focusing on water, sanitation and hygiene [electronic resource] [Текст] : compendium of WHO information on water, sanitation and health. - Geneva : WHO, 2004. - 1 CD-ROM
11.WHO/910 Water, sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low-cost settings [Текст] / ed. J. Adams [etc.]. - Geneva : WHO, 2009. - ix, 55 p.
12.E/ESCWA/SDPD/2009/1 Sustainable water supply and sanitation for all: Regional assessment report on the status and achievements of ESCWA member countries towards improved water supply and sanitation [Текст] / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : UN, 2009. - xi, 51 p.
13.WHO/936 How to integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into HIV programmes [Текст]. - Geneva : WHO, 2010. - xvii, 113 p.
14.WHO/143(3) Guide to hygiene and sanitation in aviation [Текст] / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, 2009. - xii, 59 p.
15.WHO/969 Handbook for inspection of ships and issuance of ship sanitation certificates [Текст]. - Geneva : WHO, 2011. - 144 p. - (International health regulations (2005))
16.WHO/191 (3)(add) Quantification addendum: International medical guide for ships [Текст] / WHO. - Geneva : WHO, 2010. - iii, 51 p.
17.WHO/965 (3) Guide to ship sanitation [Текст] / WHO. - Geneva : WHO, 2011. - xiii, 155 p. : tables
18.WHO/923(2010) Progress on sanitation and drinking-water [Текст] : 2010 update / WHO, UNICEF. - Geneva : WHO ; New York : UNICEF, 2010. - 55 p. : il., fig., tab.
19.ІС14857 Progress on drinking water and sanitation: 2014 update [Текст] / World Health Organization, UNICEF. - Geneva : WHO, 2014. - VII, 68 p. : fig., phot., tab.
20.ВА814402 Бондарчук М. К. Фінансова санація і антикризове управління підприємством [Текст] : навч. посіб. / М. К. Бондарчук, І. В. Алєксєєв ; Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка". - Львів : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2017. - 267 с. : рис., табл.

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