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Пошуковий запит: (<.>M=UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 49
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.A/54/Supp.38 Official Records. Supp. 38:Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women [Текст] : 20th session (19 January-5 February 1999); 21st session (7-25 June 1999). - 1999. - v, 113 p.
2.A/54/Supp.45A Official Records. Supp. 45A:Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly on the Implementation of the Outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and Further Initiatives [Текст] : Report on the resumed 1st session (21 september 1999). - 1999. - iii, 2 p.
3.A/54/Supp.6.3 Official Records. Supp. 6 (Vol. 3):Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001. Vol. 3: Expenditure sections 16 to 33 and income sections 1 to 3 [Текст]. - 1999. - xxi, 759 p.
4.A/54/637 Organization of the Islamic Conference. Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Combating International Terrrorism [Текст] / UN. General Assembly. Session (54, 1999, New York), UN. Security Council. - New York : UN, 1999. - 24 p.
5.A/54/Supp.12A. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official records: 54th session. Suppl. 12A:Report of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 50th session [Текст] : 4-8 October 1999 / UNHCR. - 1999. - iii, 19 p. - (ISSN 0251-8023)
6.A/54/Supp.36. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official records: 54th session. Suppl. 36:Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [Текст]. - 1999. - iii, 17 p. - (ISSN 1020-3672)
7.A/54/Supp.46. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official records: 54th session. Suppl. 46:United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation: report on the 48th session [Текст] : 12-16 April 1999. - New York : UN, 1999. - 3 p. - (ISSN 0255-1373)
8.A/54/Supp.39 UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Supp. 39:Report of the High-level Committee on the Review of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries [Текст] : 11th session (1-4 June 1999). - 1999. - iv, 23 p.
9.A/54/Supp.6.2. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Supp. 6, Vol. 2:Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001. Vol. 2: Expenditure sections 1 to 15 [Текст]. - 1999. - xix, 540 p. - (ISSN 1020-1947)
10.A/54/Supp.10. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 10:International Law Commission [Текст] : Report on the work of its 51st session (3 May-23 July 1999). - 1999. - xviii, 419 p. - (ISSN 0082-822X)
11.A/54/Supp.11. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 11:Report of the Committee on Contributions [Текст]. - 1999. - iv, 15 p. - (ISSN 0251-8430)
12.A/54/Supp.12. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 12:Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1998 [Текст] / UNHCR. - 1999. - iv, 36 p. - (ISSN 0251-8023)
13.A/54/Supp.13. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 13:Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [Текст] : 1 July 1998 - 30 June 1999. - 1999. - x, 55 p. - (ISSN 0082-8386)
14.A/54/Supp.16. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 16:Committee for Programme and Coordination [Текст] : Report on the work of the 39th session (7 June to 2 July 1999). - 1999. - vi, 96 p. - (ISSN 0255-2213)
15.A/54/Supp.17. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 17:Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its thirty-second session [Текст] : 17 May - 4 June 1999. - 1999. - iii, 60 p. - (ISSN 0251-9127)
16.A/54/Supp.18. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 18:Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [Текст] : 54th session (1-19 March 1999), 55th session (2-27 August 1999). - 1999. - viii, 117 p. - (ISSN 0252-1261)
17.A/54/Supp.1. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 1:Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization [Текст]. - 1999. - iv, 43 p. - (ISSN 0082-8173)
18.A/54/Supp.20. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 20:Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [Текст]. - 1999. - iv, 19 p. - (ISSN 0255-1144)
19.A/54/Supp.21. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 21:Committee on Information: report on the 21st session [Текст] : 3-14 May 1999. - 1999. - iii, 27 p. - (ISSN 0255-190X)
20.A/54/Supp.23. UN. General Assembly. Session (54 ; 1999 ; New York) Official Records. Suppl. 23:Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 1999 [Текст]. - 2000. - vi, 79 p.

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