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 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (60)Автореферати дисертацій (13)Реферативна база даних (249)Журнали та продовжувані видання (27)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 412
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ВА796939 Бедрій О. "1". Основа основ усього, передбачення законів природи та математизація фізики [Текст] : [монографія : пер. з англ.] / Орест Бедрій. - Київ : Companion Group, 2014. - 119 с.
2.ІВ216416 "Astronomy and space physics", young scientists conference(15; 2008; Kyiv).15th young scientists conference on astronomy and space physics [Текст] : abstracts: April 14-19, 2008 Kyiv / Kyiv. nat. Taras Shevchenko univ., Dep. of astronomy and space phycics, Science assoc. of students and postgraduates. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2008. - 63 p.
3.ІС14279 "Astronomy and space physics", young scientists' conference(15; 2008; Kyiv).15th young scientists' conference on astronomy and space physics, April 14-19, 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine [Текст] : proc. of contributed papers / Kyiv. nat. Taras Shevchenko univ., Astronomy & space physics dep., Science assoc. of students and postgraduates ; ed.: V. Ya. Choliy, G. Ivashchenko. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2008. - 76 p. : fig., tab.
4.ІС14417 Di Palma I. A first search for coincident gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos [Текст] : diss. / Irene Di Palma ; Fak. für Mathematik und Physik der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Univ. Hannover. - Hannover : Max-Planck-Inst. für Gravitationsphysik, 2012. - 186, LI p. : fig.
5.ІР8467 Loskutov Yu. M. About positive definiteness of source energy losses through emission of gravitons with nonzero rest mass and massive gravitational field theory [Текст] / Yu. M. Loskutov ; State research center of Russia, Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1996. - 15 p. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 96-18)
6.MFI6259/1-5 Bieri L. Anextension of the stability theorem of the Minkowski space in general relativity [Текст] : Diss. / L. Bieri ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2007. - 303 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 17178)
7.ІР8469 Logunov A. A. Classical gravitational field theory and Mach princeple [Текст] / A. A. Logunov ; State research center of Russia, Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1995. - 29 p. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 95-53)
8.ІР8309 Kutschera M. Compact nonbaryonic objects and the first generation of stars [Текст] / M. Kutschera and S. Stachniewicz. - Kraków : [Inst. fizyki jądrowej im. H. Niewodniczańskiego], 1995. - 9, [7] p. : fig. - (Report / Henryk Niewodniczański inst. of nuclear physics ; no. 1709/PH)
9.ІВ229933 Chaisson E. Cosmic dawn [Текст] : the origins of matter and life / Eric Chaisson ; illustrated by Lola Judith Chaisson. - Boston ; Toronto : Little, Brown and Company, 1981. - XV, 302 p. : ill. - (An Athlantic Monthly Press Book)
10.В277392/3 Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe. Vol. 3:Dark matter: observational manifestation and experimental searches [Текст] / I. B. Vavilova [et al.]. - 2015. - 374 p. : fig., tab. - (Project "Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language")
11.ІС15737 Habermehl M. Dark Matter at the International Linear Collider [Текст] : diss. / Moritz Habermehl ; Fak. für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachbereich Physik der Univ. Hamburg. - Hamburg, 2018. - 249 p. : fig. - (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron / Ein Forschungszentrum der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, ISSN 1435-8085 ; DESY-Thesis-2018-039, December 2018)
12.ІВ206673 Pössel M. Das Einstein-Fenster: eine Reise in die Raumzeit [Текст] / M. Pössel. - Hamburg : Hoffmann und Campe, 2005. - 331 S.: Abb.
13.ІС14907 Põld J. H. Design, implementation and characterization of the Advanced LIGO 200 W laser system [Текст] : diss. / Jan Hendrik Põld ; Fak. für Mathematik der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Univ. Hannover. - Hannover, 2014. - 122 p. : fig.
14.MFI6372/1-2 Otyugova P. Development of a large electron multiplier (LEM) [Текст] : Diss. / P. Otyugova ; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2008. - 117 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 17704)
15.ІВ212978 Ainstain A. E Themeliose tes genikes theorias tes schetikotetas [Текст] / A. Ainstain ; [epimeleia] A. Astrinake. - [Athena] : To Bema, 2010. - 129 s. - (Biblia pou allaxan ton kosmo ; 3)
16.ІВ206853 Hawking S. W. Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit: die Suche nach der Urkraft des Universums [Текст] / S. W. Hawking ; Einleit. C. Sagan. - Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1999. - 238 S.: Abb.
17.Österr.bibl./№5828 Faustmann C. Einstein entformelt: wie ihm ein Teenager auf die Schliche kam [Текст] : ein Spiel über die Kraft des menschlichen Geistes in 4 Akten / C. Faustmann, W. Thirring ; Ill. J. Koo. - Wien : Seifert Verlag, 2007. - 100 S.: Abb. - (Fachbuch)
18.ІВ207581 Galison P. Einstein's clocks, Poincaré's maps: empires of time [Текст] / P. Galison. - New York ; London : W.W.Norton, 2003. - 389 p.: fig., phot.
19.ІВ207346 Bartusiak M. Einstein's unfinished symphony [Текст] : Listening to the sounds of space-time / M. Bartusiak. - Washington : Joseph Henry Press, 2000. - XII, 249 p.: fig.
20.ІВ229918 Calder N. Einstein's Universe [Текст] / Nigel Calder. - New York : The Viking Press, 1979. - 154 p. : ill., fig.

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