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 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (1)Реферативна база даних (12)Журнали та продовжувані видання (7)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 34
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІР7215 Okun L. B. Electromagnetic properties of neutrino and possible semiannual variation cycle of the solar neutrino flux [Текст] / L. B. Okun [a. o]. - Moscow : Atominform, 1986. - 8 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 20-86)
2.ІС11995 Shaheen A. Induced electromagnetic characteristics of neutrino in hot and dense medium [Текст] : Thesis / A. Shaheen ; Dnipropetrovsk state university. - Dnipropetrovsk : [б.в.], 1994. - 82 l.: fig.
3.ІР6690 Choban E. A. Like-sign dileptons in neutrino (antineutrino) nucleon collisions [Текст] / E. A. Choban, A. B. Onipchuk ; Institute for nuclear research of the Academy of sci. of the USSR. - Moscow : [б.в.], 1990. - 34 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute for nuclear research of the Academy of sci. of the USSR ; p- 683)
4.ІР7073 Voloshin M. B. Neutrino magnetic moment and time variation of solar neutrino flux [Текст] / M. B. Voloshin, M. I. Vysotsky. - Moscow : [б.в.], 1986. - 5 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 1-86)
5.ІР7048 Stephanov M. A. Neutrino magnetic moment in a theory with lepton flavor symmetry [Текст] / M. A. Stephanov ; Institute of theoretical and experimental physics. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1987. - 7 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 87-148)
6.ІР7012 Krivoruchenko M. Neutrino masses from the data on second neutrino burst observed from supernova SN 1987 A [Текст] / M. Krivoruchenko. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1987. - 5 p. - (Prepr. / Insitute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 87-155)
7.ІР7397 New experimental limit on the lifetime of neutrino radiative decay VH- VL+ Y obtained with the BOREXINO counting test facility [Текст] / A. V. Derbin [та ін.]. - Gatchina : [б.в.], 2003. - 20 p. - (Prepr. / Russian academy of sciences. Petersburg nuclear physics institute ; 2504)
8.ІР6382 Komachenko Y. Y. On account for contribution from anomalous Zyll-interaction in e+e- - vvy process [Текст] / Y. Y. Komachenko [a.o] ; USSR State Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1986. - 5 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 86-153)
9.ІР7070 Voloshin M. B. On compatibility of small mass with large magnetic moment of neutrino [Текст] / M. B. Voloshin. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1987. - 15 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 87-215)
10.ІР7071 Voloshin M. B. On dynamics of electron neutrino inside supernova and bounds on magnetic moment of Ve [Текст] / M. B. Voloshin. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1988. - 8 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 88-45)
11.ІР8544 On possibility to study neutrino oscillators by detectors located at Gran Sasso (Italy) using beams from 600 GeV UNK-1 machine [Текст] / Yu. S. Fedotov [et al.] ; Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1994. - 9 p. : fig., tab. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 94-34)
12.ІР7214 Okun L. B. On the electric dipole moment of neutrino [Текст] / L. B. Okun. - Moscow : Atominform, 1986. - 4 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 14-86)
13.ІР6489 Davidze G. G. On the properties of neutrino and lightest supersymmetric particles in N=1,2 supersymmetric models [Текст] / G. G. Davidze [та ін.] ; Institute for high energy physics. - Protvino : [б.в.], 1989. - 23 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 89-234)
14.ІР6479 Devidze G. G. On the properties of neutrino in supersymmetric models [Текст] / G. G. Devidze [a.o] ; USSR Committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1989. - 24 p.: fig. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 89-9)
15.ІР7219 Okun L. B. On the VeVe scattering and possibility of resonant flip of neutrino spirality in the magnetic field of supernova [Текст] / L. B. Okun. - Moscow : Atominform, 1988. - 3 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 79-88)
16.ІР7055 Ter-Martirosyan K. A. See-Saw models, neutrino masses and magnetic moments [Текст] / K. A. Ter-Martirosyan ; Institute of theoretical and experimental physics. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1988. - 8 p. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 93-88)
17.ІР7229 Polyakov N. The second Z-boson and electroweak mixing angle [Текст] / N. Polyakov ; Institute of theoretical and experimental physics. - Moscow : Atominform, 1987. - 8 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 19)
18.ІР6522 Kereselidze A. R. The symmetries of N=2 supersymmetric models and the mass of lightest SUSY particle [Текст] / A. R. Kereselidze [a.o] ; USSR State committee for utilization of atomic energy. Institute for high energy physics. - Serpukhov : [б.в.], 1989. - 16 p. - (Preprint / IHEP ; 89-74)
19.ІР8619 Total cross section measurements for VμVμ interactions in 3 -30 GeV energy range with IHEP - JINR neutrino detector [Текст] / V. B. Anikeev [et al.] ; State research center of Russia, Inst. for high energy physics. - Protvino : [s. n.], 1995. - 18 p. : fig. - (Preprint / Institute for high energy physics ; IHEP 95-50)
20.РА370338 Якубовський Д. А. Астрофізичні обмеження на параметри стерильних нейтрино в рамках теорії мінімального розширення стандартної моделі [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. фіз.-мат. наук : 01.04.02 / Якубовський Дмитро Анатолійович ; НАН України, Ін-т теорет. фізики ім. М. М. Боголюбова. - К., 2009. - 16 с.

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